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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Modern Warfare 2 is not on the Wii!

BTW I still think there is a possibility of a MW2 for Wii/PS2 but it will release later than the PS360 version.

Infinity Ward just likes to get done whats needs to get done first then they will focus on other things.

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ash3336 said:
NO! Controls!!!!! FUN!!!!!! Thats only on the Wii.

Yeah, people would only have fun playing MW2 on the Wii.

MW2 on other systems = no fun, mirite?

Scoobes said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Munkeh111 said:

No, you don't listen. When I am running somewhere, the bullets flying everywhere, stuff is falling apart, and I feel on edge, making the game feel more exciting. You don't just sit back and watch the nice pretty particle effects, you are in the middle of it, and it just makes the game so much more exciting and fun to play.

Call of Duty World at War did that already on Wii, so what's your point?  You said it would take away from the gameplay but I can tell you right now that I had surround sound going with W@W on Wii and it sounded amazing and got you really into it and I'm certain IW could do a much better job.

I am not saying that, I am saying that they won't just pick up what Treyarch did, because they will have improved their engine to incorporate new features, and they would have to make major adustments to their engine to get it to work on Wii, and now they are busy polishing the game

That's false, they've already made the engine on Wii all they'd have to do is improve their base engine just like they did on PS3 and 360, they made the CoD4 engine on Wii and Treyarch used it, Treyarch just developed W@W not the engine...


1. I'm gonna agree with munkeh on this and say that the power restictions on the Wii do limit the immersion. When you have all the effects, the numbers of enemies comming at you, the physics etc. then the level of immersion I find is greater than on the Wii version. You can't just point to a few factors and say it's fine if this version lacks that (or vice versa), it's the total package you need to look at.

2. I don't think it's the engine that Infinity Ward care about and I was pretty sure that it was treyarch who handled the port of the engine to Wii. The art assets between 360/PS3//PC can be more or less shared. On Wii they'd need to redo a lot fo the artwork (textures etc.) due to the power restrictions, and have to move resources onto the Wii version that could be spent on making more artwork for the other 3 versions.


I played both CoD4 and W@W to death, I like them both about the same and I feel the same amount of immersion when I play either, CoD4 on 360/PC or World at War Wii. 

Why in the world would they hire more people for Wii development if they weren't going to make something on the Wii?  You're not losing resources if you have a hired team working on the Wii version so it doesn't detract from the PS360/PC versions. 

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If this is true then someone owes me an apology ;)

I offered a bet that MW2 won't come to Wii and apparently he was a reporter or something who had inside details that it was going to wii. IF This is True.

ash3336 said:
Actually, we got The Conduit. That is more than enough to keep us happy.



Good for you ;)


Common, you would seriously want a buttchered MW2 for the Wii just to have it? I doubt that they would build it up for the Wii from the ground up, and a port would just be mediocre at best :|

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Stop complaining as you said at least you have the conduit. Why would you need a different shooter when you have the conduit?

Munkeh111 said:
routsounmanman said:
I think we'll see MW2 for Wii announced at E3 and revealed as the main platform.

Are you serious?

*kicks him*

Get away from my hook!

Eh im not bitching about it since they said it themselves they refuse to make a cod game for the wii, simple as that. Guess we'll have to wait till next year for Treyarchs turn. Its their loss for losing a cool 50 millon.

infinity ward , should try and make a wii version and prove other dev's what a quality fps (besides conduit)can look like on the wii. but i think they are just lazy and they just dont give a rats a$$ about the wii audience and its fans.





CAL4M1TY said:
ash3336 said:
Actually, we got The Conduit. That is more than enough to keep us happy.


Also, if you're that desperate, as others have recommended, buy a 360/PS3. Simple as that. Or do an online petition.

Yeah we are gonna waste a lot of money for one game>_>

We have games we dub "system sellers" for a reason