Height: 6'2
Build: Other
Favourite Games:
Kingdom Hearts...period. Final Fantasy X, NBA Live 2003 (beast mode on that), Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Onimusha 3, and a little bit of Tekken every now and then.
Favourite Music:
I've opened up just about everything EXCEPT's just not my thing.
Joe Satriani
Eric Clapton
Favourite Films:
Last Samurai, The Dark Knight, The Hangover
Favourite Food:
Pizza, burgers, fried know, the things that make us Americans obese....even though I'm only 165 lbs.
Electric guitar, basketball, VIDEO GAMES, anything technology based
About Me:
Changing my sig, but this is something I felt I needed to save from my old one:
My take on the "3rd party games don't sell on the Wii" situation:
If you take a purely objective stance on the topic, then yes, the Wii DOES sell 3rd party games. There's no getting around that. But when it comes to games targeted at, just no. So everytime ANOTHER developer say that their games don't sell and 3rd parties are struggling with the Wii, and you guys pull out your "million seller" links for Wii games, just know that you're trumpeting the success of such smash hits as: "Deca Sports", "We Ski", and "Just Dance"....not exactly the types of game that you should really be cheering for. But hey! The Wii sells 3rd party games, right?! So when Capcom sees that those games are selling alot, don't ask why SFIV was on every platform except the Wii. They'd rather make "Capcom Mini Game Party", and it'd sell 2-3M. And then you guys would add that to your list of 3rd party games that sold a million....and only further my perspective