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Forums - PC Discussion - Windows 7 faster than Vista, leaps XP in single bound

January 3, 2009 |

Windows 7 faster than Vista, leaps XP in single bound

By Jonathan Schlaffer

Windows 7 beta 1, Vista and Windows XP have been compared in real world speed tests.  Windows XP is faster than Vista but it turns out that Windows 7 is faster than both and is also capable of running on lower end hardware than Vista.

ZDnet ran some comparison tests among the operating systems, which included local file transfers, network transfers, file compression, installing Office and burning discs.

The tests were run on two systems one with an AMD Phenom 9700 processor with an ATI 3850 graphics card and 4GB of memory and the other was a lower end desktop with a Pentium E2200 with a Geforce 8400GS and 1GB of memory.

Windows 7 installed faster and performed faster on both systems than either XP or Vista.  The final code of Windows 7 should be even more robust and faster than the beta version.  Should be does not necessarily mean it will be.

The author carefully notes that “Windows 7 is not XP and never will be.”  Windows Vista or Windows 7 is not geared for the user who is put off by activation systems and DRM.

Comparison with Linux operating systems will no doubt show up at some point.  Windows 7 is already geared to deliver a platform that is easy to use and is backwards compatible with all things Vista and brings more reliability to the table.

Questions over the new UAC system exist and it’s not clear if Microsoft has remedied all those issues or not.  At least there won’t be any complaints over low-end computers not being able to run the fancy user interface because of changes to how it’s rendered or driver support this time around.

Unlike with the early versions of Vista there seem to be little to no complaints about Windows 7.  But it is in the hands of a few advanced users right now so anything can still happen when it hits the masses.

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Good news. Looks like ill be able to skip windows vista all together. Xp still rocks my world and Windows 7 will take over once Xp is done...

Sounds promising, but it could be too little, too late. Apple has completely demolished Microsoft's public image.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Sounds good. Vista has been annoying to use on my moms slower system. But on proper higher end hardware i havnt had too many issues. But Windows 7 sounds so good.

Oh and Kitchen Sink even though apple has the highest install base ever it still only controls approximatly 8% of the market. So microsoft controls 90%+ of the market. I dont call that a demolished microsoft.

Just saying :)

Long Live SHIO!

thekitchensink said:
Sounds promising, but it could be too little, too late. Apple has completely demolished Microsoft's public image.


 I dont think I agree. Anyone with half a brain will laugh at those mac commercials but at the same time will understand its just Apples propaganda in hoping you will buy their product instead.

In any case, most of the money MS makes is for business clients. It will be a long long time until you see a non windows product in offices and server rooms ...unless you are talking graphic designers or similar offices.

Around the Network

Excellent. Generally speaking, I love stable systems.

disolitude said:
Good news. Looks like ill be able to skip windows vista all together. Xp still rocks my world and Windows 7 will take over once Xp is done...

I was thinking the same thing. I recently built a new PC and I'm running Win XP MCE. It goes very well with my 360 too.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


thekitchensink said:
Sounds promising, but it could be too little, too late. Apple has completely demolished Microsoft's public image.

In what world??? Apple put a million "Get a Mac" Ads, and they're still below 10% while Windows is on 88% of the computers (Vista 21%, XP 65%, other versions 2%), the majority of people didn't switch to Macs, they stayed with XP, and if Windows 7 is all that and a bag of chips then the Macs won't go up...

It's still impressive what Apple has done, increasing Mac OS's market share from 7 to almost 10 in one year... But we're still hypnotized by Microsoft (i'm thinking of registering that phrase) and they'll do everything to keep us that way, and this time it could be what i thought impossible: Releasing a reliable and efficient product!!! YAY!!!...

good for them? they can beat an os originally out in what 01?

they need a complete reboot with a fresh kernel, bundle an emulator in the new os for a few years then kill off the old windows kernel it will be better for them, better for all users and it will fix the problem with constantly trying to patch an os with major legacy issues

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I'm glad apple is gaining in the home computer market, it will only push the two companies to make better and better software, this is why competition is good!