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Forums - Sales Discussion - Does the Wii compare to the PS2?

Maybe, for both sales and games, we just have to wait....give it some time.

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One of the funniest things I've noticed is that few gamers on the internet want to admit that popularity and sales are directly correlated. Pseudo-elitist discriminating labels are invented like "hardcore" to justify saying that popularity lies outside of actual numbers. Reality is conveniently ignored: if it were unpopular, it would not sell millions upon millions of copies; if it were popular, it wouldn't sell a mere fraction of its competition.

And so concepts like "quality" are introduced to "excuse" the poor performance of that which certain groups appreciate but most people do not. Ultimately, this doesn't accomplish anything, of course. Products that sell well are well-known and popular, while products that sell poorly occasionally get very rabid fanbases but never gain the same level of widespread recognition that the top-selling products do. I suppose it all boils down to the fact that it's much easier to believe you're right than admit that not only are you wrong, but it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong anyway.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Eight hundred and twenty-nine quadrillion, seventy-five trillion, nine hundred and one billion, seven hundred and eighty-five million, nine hundred and one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-five games is a lot.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
PS2's games are far greater then the Wii's imo and many others opinions.

In sales? Perhaps. in Gaming Quality and games? no, never.

And in the hearts of people? Not in a million years.

The Wii can sell 300 million copies by the end of this gen. But the PS2 will remain the greatest console.

And why are people making all of these upward curving graphs for the Wii? What makes them think that the Wii will continue to rise in sales for all eternity? I can tell you this: when the Wii HD launches in 2011, the Wii will start to fail.

I really hope the Wii does not cross 130 million before then. When the companies are developing their next console, they will look at the most successful console of all time. Do we want them to look at the PS2 or the Wii?

EDIT: Don't forget, the PS2 didn't really pick up until around 2003.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The Ps2 had its peak year in 2002, with 21.6M -®%5B%5D=Total&start=37262&end=37626

Wii looks like it is going to sell ~ 25M for 2008 (currently at 17.4M), and that's conservative.

And as 2009 only looks to be even better for Wii, it is going to be at least tracking 12M above Ps2 (6M 09, 4M 08 2M 07, ignoring 06, 9M ish if including 06), meaning that it by end of 09 will be tracking 1/3 or 1/4 above the Ps2.

As for Kantor, yes. The Ps2 took off in 02, not 03 (21.6M vs 19.5M)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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SJGohan3972 said:
celine said:
Nah, the Wii is comparable to the NES.


 really? Because the NES is imo better all around than the PS2 and only surpassed by the SNES

Yup, but I'm not talking about personal tastes.

Read Erik Aston's post to undestrand my laconic answer.


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

What was the PS2 library like after 2 years?

I seem to recall that it took some time to become the library it is today. If you don't count the BC with the PS, it had a fairly poor library too, and is very comparable to the wii. If you believe otherwise, list some of those diverse but great games in the PS2 library back then.

Kantor said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
PS2's games are far greater then the Wii's imo and many others opinions.

In sales? Perhaps. in Gaming Quality and games? no, never.

And in the hearts of people? Not in a million years.

The Wii can sell 300 million copies by the end of this gen. But the PS2 will remain the greatest console.

And why are people making all of these upward curving graphs for the Wii? What makes them think that the Wii will continue to rise in sales for all eternity? I can tell you this: when the Wii HD launches in 2011, the Wii will start to fail.

I really hope the Wii does not cross 130 million before then. When the companies are developing their next console, they will look at the most successful console of all time. Do we want them to look at the PS2 or the Wii?

EDIT: Don't forget, the PS2 didn't really pick up until around 2003.


Good thing you have evidence to back up such a claim like that.


Oh wait you don't. 


Lastly your post is full of paranoia and desperation.  Your taking video games to seriously.  Time to settle down.


In Sales, I think the Wii will beat it. I didn't own many games for the PS2, and I have had more fun on my Wii than I ever did on my PS2.

jlauro said:
What was the PS2 library like after 2 years?

I seem to recall that it took some time to become the library it is today. If you don't count the BC with the PS, it had a fairly poor library too, and is very comparable to the wii. If you believe otherwise, list some of those diverse but great games in the PS2 library back then.


By the end of 2002 PS2 had 29 games with score 90+ at metacritic. Wii has currently 7(+2WiiWare)...