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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

makingmusic476 said:

Gamasutra provides more insight into what he said:

Sony's touted its ten-year plan for the PlayStation 3 often enough that it's clear the company's determined to bestow its current console with the same long lifecycle enjoyed by its predecessor -- but as the PlayStation 2 is an exception in console history, it's a daunting objective.

Sony Computer Entertainment of America product marketing VP Scott Steinberg is charged with making sure all three of Sony's current gaming platforms fulfill the 10-year lifecycle plan, orders that come straight down from the top.

"Our motivations and ambitions, of course, are to continue on all three platforms," Steinberg says as part of an in-depth Gamasutra interview. "The ten-year strategy is ingrained in all of us. [SCEA president and CEO] Jack [Tretton] has brought that to all levels of the organization."

A veteran of Sega during its Genesis era, Steinberg has had an expansive role with Sony since he joined last September to head up both hardware and software marketing.

PlayStation 2 may be already most of the way through its planned decade, but the lifecycle of the PS3 must be considered newly begun if it's to reach its goal -- and the hardware marketplace is unarguably much more competitive now.

In Steinberg's eyes, the PS3's "future-proofing," as well as the balance of its media and gaming capabilities, are what will give the system its legs, as the company plans a "roadmap" of firmware updates and added functionality for the machine.

Steinberg's assertion that part of the PS3's value lies in its potential to expand and evolve echoes CEO Howard Stringer's past statements on his company's newest console: "The price of the PS3 is high, but you're paying for potential," a statement that rankled some gamers who were more interested in immediate returns on their dollars.

Sony would rather update a platform than introduce a new hardware iteration, Steinberg says. "We do not have a planned obsolescence strategy," he says, pointing pointing to the PSP as another example.

"Whether it's Skype or some other peripherals, it's not just a dumb terminal that lies secluded and isn't enhanced with all the recent technologies and opportunities."

Unsurprisingly, he also sees the Blu-ray Disc format as a significant competitive advantage. "Blu-ray is bigger, and Blu-ray games are going to be the biggest games in the industry," he says.

"I think that feeds into [gamers'] choices as well. ...I think there are a lot of great 'a-ha's that consumers are going to find with music, and the movie store. ...You buy it for a gaming machine, but it delivers on a value proposition."

Sony also hopes the past will help usher in the future -- Steinberg sees Sony's ubiquitous PlayStation 2 as something of a Trojan horse.

"Every million units of PS2s we sell in 2008 is just a great opportunity for us to upgrade as they get closer to HD households," he argues. "The HD curve is spectacular, and the conversion is happening, so we see that as a natural marketing campaign."

Basically, he's saying that they are planning to continue adding a lot of functionality to the machine, and aren't planning to abandon it anytime soon, thus there will be games made for it for years to come.

I, personally, like hearing this from the man.  It gives me confidence in the platform.

Also, is that last bit I bolded hinting at an upcoming music store similar to the video store?


 Can I be so rude as to say that he just sounds like a jack ass?

The PS3 has been out for what would be fair to call "a damn good while".

It sounds like he's talking about a different console....ahhh I can't be bothered? Does his banter REALLY give you confidence?

It sounds more like hope to me...

He's talking out his arse and its about time people call him in on it! Skype on the PSP....Doesn't it only work on the Slim version due to lack of RAM in the original? Yeah thats really planning for the future! What else has happened from version 1.0 -> 4.01 of the PSP firmware...

Jack shit, basically, look at all the homebrew released for it? Now thats what you call a "roadmap of upgrades".


On the topic of the PS3....


Its just delay after delay after delay.

I'm not disrespecting the PS3, I'm disrespecting the stupid, arrogant $^£& that are Sony PR. You should all be disgusted with this crap!


Instead, you defend it!?...Its not good enough.

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@making music476, with additions to the platform, how is that different from what the 360 or wii is doing, all platforms are adding new features every year to compete, that is the wonder of the online age, and that they are basically personal computers, with a more proprietary OS, honestly apple i think would be envious of this level of control.

@all any idea that the next xbox or wii will be out before 2012 is silly unless the consoles start killing people, or exploding, at most expect to see hardware revisons and size shrinks

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
@making music476, with additions to the platform, how is that different from what the 360 or wii is doing, all platforms are adding new features every year to compete, that is the wonder of the online age, and that they are basically personal computers, with a more proprietary OS, honestly apple i think would be envious of this level of control.

@all any idea that the next xbox or wii will be out before 2012 is silly unless the consoles start killing people, or exploding, at most expect to see hardware revisons and size shrinks


No, you got it right. It isn't.

I would agree currently the 360 libaray is the best in my opinion.  Graphics which sony was pumping as it had the most powerful machine ever, to date the best looking games have been 360.  Online live is better again 360.  Not saying OSny has not closed the gap, Libaray gets better every day, graphics wise they should catch up and maybe even pass xbox but it will be minimal if it ever happens and home is a great start to chipping away at live.  So yes your paying for potential.  I have a 360 and I am happy with my choice.  I personally love competion and  EVERY console.  You know why MS is dropping the price in Setpemeber cause PS3 is coming back this is good for all!

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

goddog said:

@all any idea that the next xbox or wii will be out before 2012 is silly unless the consoles start killing people, or exploding, at most expect to see hardware revisons and size shrinks

2012 would be 7 years after the launch of the 360.  If you take Take a look at the history of console launches going back 20 years you'll find that most new consoles come out 5 to 6 years after their predecessor.  I don't expect that cycle will be broken next generation.

I give that post a 9.5.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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Potential means nothing if its never utilized. I don't want to pay for potential, I want to pay for unlocked potential.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Awesome. Wondiferous! So, if I pay $400 for a stripped-out console that lacks B/C right now, I could save money a few years if Sony decides (keyword: DECIDES) to put back B/C and the system is sold for a lesser amount than it is now. NICE! I'm glad that I thought of it!

Pfft, moronic PR spins. Gotta love 'em.

Ok I'll meet them half way.

I'll give them a dollar for a Ps3 and pay the balance when I fell the thing has reached its potential !

Could be a long wait

@profcrab, while i do understand the history of the sales and introduction. the scales of economics in the market has changed. it makes no senesce to kill a profitable console, especial when you are just starting to recoup money made on it. thats one of the big differences, Nin has always made consoles under selling cost so they could cut an run as needed, sega tried, but kept cutting theirs too soon... which lead to their exit.

If microsoft lets a new system out before 2012, it will hurt them, sales on that console will not be as good as the 360. no matter how good that system is. it will also loose developer support. right now i feel the 360 is right where ms wants it to be, maybe just a little uncofrotable in europe. but they are making lots of money off third parties, and hardware costs are under control.

third parties make more money and games get churnd out quicker as the generation progresses because of creation of base assets, and ending this gen early, before 2012 will, sour their realtionship

im heading my bet here, because i fell 2014-2016 would be better but pushing it, though if digital distribution becomes common less of a factor. at that time there would be the risk of being undercut on the next gen by sony or nintendo.

honestly the biggest indicator will be the next two holliday seasons i expect the 360 sales to peak in 2010 and ps3 sales to peak in 2012 if they do not let on the release of a ps4 in 2012 which would be detrimental to ps3 sales. ninteno is free to do what they want

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Millennium said:
"Paying for potential" is why the PS3 fails. We're talking about video game consoles here, not stocks and bonds. The value of a console comes from what is out, not what is coming.


So are you saying that the 360 won't have a higher "value" thanks to the "coming" of Final Fantasy XIII? PS3 won't have a higher "value" with the full release of "Home". I do not really 100 percently agree with this statement. If you like please enlighten me.