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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

I didnt think I was sounding pro Sony, if anything I was pro MS cause I said that once MS releases its next Xbox it will most likely blow away the PS3. Then what can sony do? Either release a new console, and "forget" about their 10 year plan, or keep their plan and be further and further behind.

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actually i don't really care, anything said on this website in no way affects the mainstream consumer. It's pretty much a bunch of trolling that will make no difference in the end whatsoever.
I'm just trying to help everyone with what i think is a "realists perspective". and from a realists perspective, "potential", was never meant in that context, so.... we can move on from that and criticize his speech writers or whatever.......

Soriku said:
libellule said:
PS3 is more expensive
PS3 has a BR player while Xbox360 has not.

that is pretty easy.


What does that matter if you're buying them both solely for games? Right now, the 360 seems to have a better line up (especially if you're an RPG fan). Not to mention these 360 games will be out soon. It's not like 360 to PS3 multi games where PS3 owners have to wait a year to finally get the game.

Anyway, looks like the same old Sony PR. I wonder when they'll learn or at least change a bit.

I'll just say it again then *sigh*

The quote is old, and the context in which CVG posted it was misunderstood. If you read the original article, you will see this.

How come people ignore when they are beeing told this sort of thing...

cuz nobody reads the damn posts after the op
oh wait geb x said
theprof00 said:
mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.

Or nothing here was worth reading..."

they think you aren't worth reading.

I'd rather spend $400 on a 40 gig thats future proof, and won't break than...$350 on a 360 that will likely break and isn't future proof???

yeah, sounds good.

I am Ted Nugent

Cat Scratch Fever

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How the hell is this bs thread not closed yet? Come on mods, I don't remember which one of you has the sig with the definition of cherry picking in it, but this is a prime example. Besides the fact that the original link doesn't take you to the "article" anymore, the Gamasutra article brings up the old quote about potential and puts the word potential into Steinberg's mouth.

/close please

Potential in addition to the actual.

MS will probably bring a new box earlier than Sony will bring PS4.  But when 360 launched, it didn't exactly kill off sales of PS2.

No console has identical life cycle to any other console, even though we speak roughly of console "generations."  Make your decisions, purchase, enjoy.  PS3 does have more long term potential and will receive more support than 360.

I actually think MS/Sony should have one platform between them next gen.  Sony should build the hardware, MS can design the online.  Probably won't happen.  ;)

cwbys21 said:
How the hell is this bs thread not closed yet? Come on mods, I don't remember which one of you has the sig with the definition of cherry picking in it, but this is a prime example. Besides the fact that the original link doesn't take you to the "article" anymore, the Gamasutra article brings up the old quote about potential and puts the word potential into Steinberg's mouth.

/close please


Perhaps I'm missing something but from the OP it appears there is an article being discussed, or was there something else?  Cause I'm not seeing the terribleness of it even if the article is crap.  PM me if I missed something.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Good because I knew I wasn't paying for something fun and entertaining haha.

Nah I'm jk but that's just hilarious PR.

thats funny , i could have sworn i paid for a ps3!!