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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

dib8rman said:
I have to ask myself is there really an anti-Sony mentality on this site?

Someone suggested as much in another thread.. actually claimed...


PS3 is enough for me as is, it's basic functions replace what I would use my PC for, any typing I do is done on type-writer. But that's just me. So I figure with internet, movies, music and so much more like streaming and folding at home, it's worth about 300 big ones... of course thats now that I have it... if I didn't own one already... I'm not sure.

There is plenty to objectively criticize Sony on this generation so its hard to simply say there is any unwarranted Anti-Sony mentality embraced as a community here, though its always an issue to be questioned. If Nintendo or Microsoft made copious amounts of retarded P.R. statements we'd all be picking those apart too, Sony just seems to be setting themselves up for this unfortunately.

Interestingly enough questions of this site or its community's bias against Sony only comes into question when things are going bad for Sony. But who knows, maybe we need more Sony friendly mods to "balance" things out some more, lol.


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i would say
ps3 20m
360 23.5m
wii 42m

theprof00 said:
mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.


Or nothing here was worth reading...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


DMeisterJ said:
Onimusha12 said:
Is it wrong to enjoy watching HD fanboys split hairs over which version of HD games are better on which console?

Is it wrong for your schtick to get any older?

Seriously, your HD hate is so yesterday.


I guess dated mannerisms come with the territory when you're an oldschool gamer like myself. Just be glad I'm not wacking people with my cane.

Potential naah , Perspective I'd pay for some of that though.


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gebx said:
theprof00 said:
mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.


Or nothing here was worth reading...


OR, it has been stated a bunch of times that this was misquoted.

A year ago you were paying for potential, but I think now, with games that (according to reviews) look better on the ps3 than 360 (like DMC4, Burnout, GTA4, madden 09, soul calibur 4, etc) your getting some of that potential.

Of course how much its worth to have slightly better graphics now is arguable.

We will have to see if the spread of graphic quality increases between the 360 and PS3. Of course by that time I bet MS will release a new system that is far superior to the ps3 (late '09/early '10)?

the ps3 is good now, so any further potential on top of something that is already good is fine by me

theprof00 said:
gebx said:
theprof00 said:
mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.


Or nothing here was worth reading...


OR, it has been stated a bunch of times that this was misquoted.


 Trying to force a new spin on the semantics or framing the context differently doesn't change the fact its saying basically the same thing which people are responding too. Perhaps people are taking it a bit too far in their responses, but it doesn't detract from the original gravity of Sony's P.R.

Really it seems more like you're just frustrated that people aren't being playing along with the Sony favoreable 360 vs PS3 contest. But that's just me.

We've seen this all before.

1. Someone posts Sony's latest P.R. stunt.

2. Everyone either criticizes Sony's logic or hangs their head in shame.

3. Sony supporters rush to Sony's aid by defending the statement or trying to enact any kind of damage control they can.

4. Conflict ensues.

5. Thread eventually dies.

Here is where I am getting my info, i havent played these games, this was just my impressions. Im talking about gameplay, not screenshots.

“The 360 has some harder edges to some characters during cutscenes, and a little more screen tearing than the PS3 at times.” - IGN
“Transitions to gameplay from starting menus are relatively close, frequently within half a second or so of each other, but when you're loading up a cutscene or having another pause in the action, the 360's times are easily three times that of the PS3.” – IGN

“While GTA IV is pushing the PS3 and 360 to the limit, it also runs amazingly well. Sure, there are framerate hitches here and there and (particularly on 360) there is some texture pop-in.” – IGN
“For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in.”