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dib8rman said:
I have to ask myself is there really an anti-Sony mentality on this site?

Someone suggested as much in another thread.. actually claimed...


PS3 is enough for me as is, it's basic functions replace what I would use my PC for, any typing I do is done on type-writer. But that's just me. So I figure with internet, movies, music and so much more like streaming and folding at home, it's worth about 300 big ones... of course thats now that I have it... if I didn't own one already... I'm not sure.

There is plenty to objectively criticize Sony on this generation so its hard to simply say there is any unwarranted Anti-Sony mentality embraced as a community here, though its always an issue to be questioned. If Nintendo or Microsoft made copious amounts of retarded P.R. statements we'd all be picking those apart too, Sony just seems to be setting themselves up for this unfortunately.

Interestingly enough questions of this site or its community's bias against Sony only comes into question when things are going bad for Sony. But who knows, maybe we need more Sony friendly mods to "balance" things out some more, lol.