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Here is where I am getting my info, i havent played these games, this was just my impressions. Im talking about gameplay, not screenshots.

“The 360 has some harder edges to some characters during cutscenes, and a little more screen tearing than the PS3 at times.” - IGN
“Transitions to gameplay from starting menus are relatively close, frequently within half a second or so of each other, but when you're loading up a cutscene or having another pause in the action, the 360's times are easily three times that of the PS3.” – IGN

“While GTA IV is pushing the PS3 and 360 to the limit, it also runs amazingly well. Sure, there are framerate hitches here and there and (particularly on 360) there is some texture pop-in.” – IGN
“For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in.”