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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

Dodece said:

I demand proof about Grand Theft Auto 4. Otherwise I am calling you out for being totally full of shit. The speculation last year was that in was the Sony version of the game lagging far behind the 360 version of said game. So how can the PS3 be the lead platform. After all the lead platform leads does it not. I mean you can say lead as in it lead to the game being delayed half a year.

@topic of game quality

I think it has been proven with a high degree of certainty. That both consoles are for most part visually equal. Lesser developers cannot make use adequate use of the Cell leading to poorer quality visuals. While more adept developers might be able to get more out of the Cell. However it is not much more if any at all.

Regardless hardly a decent argument for spending much more money. That could easily be spent on more games. Which the 360 has in abundance. The reality is when the games are for multiple platforms they are going to be visually equal, because the developer is going to design the game so as to play on both platforms.

I didnt say lead, I said made on specific platform meaning that GTA4 was made on both the PS3 and 360. There was no lead platform.


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My apologies then I obviously misunderstood what you were getting at. There have been a great many posters recently trying to rewrite history to serve their own ends. One of their major bullshit claims has been that the lead platform for Grand Theft Auto was the PS3. Which is just mind blowing in its utter stupidity, because every demo of the game was conducted on 360s.

Then why would people buy a PS3 now at the current high price, when a cheaper one on its full potential will be coming in the future?


Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

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Onimusha12 said:
theprof00 said:
gebx said:
theprof00 said:
mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.


Or nothing here was worth reading...


OR, it has been stated a bunch of times that this was misquoted.


 Trying to force a new spin on the semantics or framing the context differently doesn't change the fact its saying basically the same thing which people are responding too. Perhaps people are taking it a bit too far in their responses, but it doesn't detract from the original gravity of Sony's P.R.

Really it seems more like you're just frustrated that people aren't being playing along with the Sony favoreable 360 vs PS3 contest. But that's just me.

We've seen this all before.

1. Someone posts Sony's latest P.R. stunt.

2. Everyone either criticizes Sony's logic or hangs their head in shame.

3. Sony supporters rush to Sony's aid by defending the statement or trying to enact any kind of damage control they can.

4. Conflict ensues.

5. Thread eventually dies.

so true... so true...

Who wants to start the next thread??


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


kira hibiki said:
I agree that its paying for potential but I need to see the results of its potential first before buying one.


What he said...

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And the true merit of the 360 and PS3 folks is ultimately measured by the hair's breath difference between DMC4 and GTA4 on the two platforms.

Look carefully at these games when deciding what console to buy, because this is exactly what Sony was talking about in saying, "You're paying for Potential".

Well, i dont want potential. I want games, games that i can play and enjoy. Sorry sony, ur strategie is not good. You dont offer what im looking for. When GoWIII comes out, give me a call!

Nothing wrong with buying a system for future games. I bought the Wii when the only good game out was Twilight Princess, under the knowledge that I'd get Metroid, Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc etc etc.

Of course I'd be pissed if I spent $600 for potential, only for the price to drop before the potential is realized...

Gamasutra provides more insight into what he said:

Sony's touted its ten-year plan for the PlayStation 3 often enough that it's clear the company's determined to bestow its current console with the same long lifecycle enjoyed by its predecessor -- but as the PlayStation 2 is an exception in console history, it's a daunting objective.

Sony Computer Entertainment of America product marketing VP Scott Steinberg is charged with making sure all three of Sony's current gaming platforms fulfill the 10-year lifecycle plan, orders that come straight down from the top.

"Our motivations and ambitions, of course, are to continue on all three platforms," Steinberg says as part of an in-depth Gamasutra interview. "The ten-year strategy is ingrained in all of us. [SCEA president and CEO] Jack [Tretton] has brought that to all levels of the organization."

A veteran of Sega during its Genesis era, Steinberg has had an expansive role with Sony since he joined last September to head up both hardware and software marketing.

PlayStation 2 may be already most of the way through its planned decade, but the lifecycle of the PS3 must be considered newly begun if it's to reach its goal -- and the hardware marketplace is unarguably much more competitive now.

In Steinberg's eyes, the PS3's "future-proofing," as well as the balance of its media and gaming capabilities, are what will give the system its legs, as the company plans a "roadmap" of firmware updates and added functionality for the machine.

Steinberg's assertion that part of the PS3's value lies in its potential to expand and evolve echoes CEO Howard Stringer's past statements on his company's newest console: "The price of the PS3 is high, but you're paying for potential," a statement that rankled some gamers who were more interested in immediate returns on their dollars.

Sony would rather update a platform than introduce a new hardware iteration, Steinberg says. "We do not have a planned obsolescence strategy," he says, pointing pointing to the PSP as another example.

"Whether it's Skype or some other peripherals, it's not just a dumb terminal that lies secluded and isn't enhanced with all the recent technologies and opportunities."

Unsurprisingly, he also sees the Blu-ray Disc format as a significant competitive advantage. "Blu-ray is bigger, and Blu-ray games are going to be the biggest games in the industry," he says.

"I think that feeds into [gamers'] choices as well. ...I think there are a lot of great 'a-ha's that consumers are going to find with music, and the movie store. ...You buy it for a gaming machine, but it delivers on a value proposition."

Sony also hopes the past will help usher in the future -- Steinberg sees Sony's ubiquitous PlayStation 2 as something of a Trojan horse.

"Every million units of PS2s we sell in 2008 is just a great opportunity for us to upgrade as they get closer to HD households," he argues. "The HD curve is spectacular, and the conversion is happening, so we see that as a natural marketing campaign."

Basically, he's saying that they are planning to continue adding a lot of functionality to the machine, and aren't planning to abandon it anytime soon, thus there will be games made for it for years to come.

I, personally, like hearing this from the man.  It gives me confidence in the platform.

Also, is that last bit I bolded hinting at an upcoming music store similar to the video store?

@Onimusha12, i thought i was paying for the current fun and the potential to have fun. and dead rising and crackdown, are not on the ps3, so lost potential fun. i will admit warhawk looks really cool.... and there was some jrpg with tanks valkerie something that i also wanted, but alas is ps3 only. on the bright side i have halo, and all of its stubby future children, I get to keep going with forza... (Ive played both gt, and forza, neither is a JLSCR which was the first game on the ps1 with licensed cars and damage, also better driving than gt). MGS4 does not interest me, ive never really enjoyed the series.

so in summery when the ps3 is cheap enough maybe 199, or if it exclusively gets ptoV, or what ever the next warship gunner game is called, i might pick one up... but to buy it now on the idea that its graphics are better than the 360s, and that it may have games that are bette in the future is silly

come play minecraft @

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