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@Onimusha12, i thought i was paying for the current fun and the potential to have fun. and dead rising and crackdown, are not on the ps3, so lost potential fun. i will admit warhawk looks really cool.... and there was some jrpg with tanks valkerie something that i also wanted, but alas is ps3 only. on the bright side i have halo, and all of its stubby future children, I get to keep going with forza... (Ive played both gt, and forza, neither is a JLSCR which was the first game on the ps1 with licensed cars and damage, also better driving than gt). MGS4 does not interest me, ive never really enjoyed the series.

so in summery when the ps3 is cheap enough maybe 199, or if it exclusively gets ptoV, or what ever the next warship gunner game is called, i might pick one up... but to buy it now on the idea that its graphics are better than the 360s, and that it may have games that are bette in the future is silly

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog