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I would agree currently the 360 libaray is the best in my opinion.  Graphics which sony was pumping as it had the most powerful machine ever, to date the best looking games have been 360.  Online live is better again 360.  Not saying OSny has not closed the gap, Libaray gets better every day, graphics wise they should catch up and maybe even pass xbox but it will be minimal if it ever happens and home is a great start to chipping away at live.  So yes your paying for potential.  I have a 360 and I am happy with my choice.  I personally love competion and  EVERY console.  You know why MS is dropping the price in Setpemeber cause PS3 is coming back this is good for all!

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks