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@profcrab, while i do understand the history of the sales and introduction. the scales of economics in the market has changed. it makes no senesce to kill a profitable console, especial when you are just starting to recoup money made on it. thats one of the big differences, Nin has always made consoles under selling cost so they could cut an run as needed, sega tried, but kept cutting theirs too soon... which lead to their exit.

If microsoft lets a new system out before 2012, it will hurt them, sales on that console will not be as good as the 360. no matter how good that system is. it will also loose developer support. right now i feel the 360 is right where ms wants it to be, maybe just a little uncofrotable in europe. but they are making lots of money off third parties, and hardware costs are under control.

third parties make more money and games get churnd out quicker as the generation progresses because of creation of base assets, and ending this gen early, before 2012 will, sour their realtionship

im heading my bet here, because i fell 2014-2016 would be better but pushing it, though if digital distribution becomes common less of a factor. at that time there would be the risk of being undercut on the next gen by sony or nintendo.

honestly the biggest indicator will be the next two holliday seasons i expect the 360 sales to peak in 2010 and ps3 sales to peak in 2012 if they do not let on the release of a ps4 in 2012 which would be detrimental to ps3 sales. ninteno is free to do what they want

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog