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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stellar blade is average, avoid

LegitHyperbole said:

Also, it's okay to be wrong. Don't double down. Play thr game further and give it a fair shake. Yes, Eidos 7 is pretty damn bland and they shouldn't have used that as the opening or made it as good as the rest of the game but play further and a gem will open up for you. All your points apart from the story become nonsense cause everything becomes so, so good. The level design from early mid game (after Gigas) onward and fights near the end of the game are best in genre. Hell, some are even better than some of Sekiros bosses although Sword Saint can't be beaten. 

Sekiro is a far better game. Come on man. Sekiro has magic atmosphere, which this game doesn't have.  

Black myth wukong is a far better game. I finished it prior to stellar blade, which is why gigas's difficulty don't come close. I was able to learn him quick.

I think you missed the part of my review where i spoke of the motion blur. That cannot be fixed , thus  the game is doomed.

Last edited by KratosLives - on 06 February 2025

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Difficulty is subjective... sometimes.

KratosLives said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Also, it's okay to be wrong. Don't double down. Play thr game further and give it a fair shake. Yes, Eidos 7 is pretty damn bland and they shouldn't have used that as the opening or made it as good as the rest of the game but play further and a gem will open up for you. All your points apart from the story become nonsense cause everything becomes so, so good. The level design from early mid game (after Gigas) onward and fights near the end of the game are best in genre. Hell, some are even better than some of Sekiros bosses although Sword Saint can't be beaten. 

Sekiro is a far better game. Come on man. Sekiro has magic atmosphere, which this game doesn't have.  

Black myth wukong is a far better game. I finished it prior to stellar blade, which is why gigas's difficulty don't come close. I was able to learn him quick.

I think you missed the part of my review where i spoke of the motion blur. That cannot be fixed , thus  the game is doomed.

Have you tried Balanced mode? It is the best of the three. I find Black Myth WAAAAY worse on ps5, not because of motion blur but because of artificating which is bonkers bad. If motion blur is that big of an issue for you so be it, you're missing out on one the best games in genre. not that I noticed it at all, your TV settings maybe cause the game is super crisp and responsive and fluid in motion

You never answered my question. Detail what happens and where you go in the 10 hours after Gigas on normal. Something tells me you didn't beat Gigas. Upload a video to YouTube and flash the title screen three times and show the menu with him in the bosses gauntlet for NORMAL mode.  

I'm an untrusting soul. Don't do it and then I call BS on the thread.  

I call BS until there is a video that shows what bosses you've completed on NORMAL mode from the boss Gauntlet menu on the title screen. Flash the title screen or menu on and off three times to know it's you. PS5 makes video sharing so simple and easy there should be no reason you can't do it. Other wise, nonsense thread.

VersusEvil said:

Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake.

The appeal is boobs and ass, that’s about it.

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VersusEvil said:

Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake.

Remember the demo and starting area of the game is the absolute weakest part of it and it gets significantly better. This would be a perfect game for you, the platinum is so much fun. It's time consuming and above your usual 50 hours max by about 10 I'd say but it is the best Platinum since Death Stranding.  You can maybe shave off a chunk is you save to cloud for one of the three endings but you have to do at least 2 and the second is no big deal. The collectibles (the main ones in the form of cans) are the most cleavers hidden and brilliantly placed ever in a game, it takes parkour and even with a guide to know where to go, some of them are just so fun to collect. You don't need to 100% everything either and while you need to collect most collectibles for a certain ending and do a good chunk of side quests, they've added a meter to know how much you need to do and it's a lot less than I thought so perhaps you'd be able to get this in sub 50 hours or not much above it. Honestly, don't use the demo as your thermometer for this game, this game is insane ammounts of fun and especially for completionists or me, who's a completionist now and then when I get obsessed with a game. 

LudicrousSpeed said:
VersusEvil said:

Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake.

The appeal is boobs and ass, that’s about it.

God of war is only good for man's nipples and that's about it. Nothing else is worth playing for.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

KratosLives said:
Darc Requiem said:

Because they play nothing alike. Are you sure you've actually played the game. That's the kind of comparison people make when they haven't played Stellar Blade and just make assumptions about it. I've played games in the DMC series. I've beaten all three mainline Bayonetta games. I've platinumed Stellar Blade. Those two franchisess playnothing like Stellar Blade. DMC and Bayonetta have some commonality. Which makes since due to Kamiya's involvement in both. Having "Boss Fights" and "Stylized Moves" applies to a multitude of games that play nothing a like.  

Are you serious? If there were no devil may cry or bayonetta, this game never would have existed. They all follow a similar path. You have your gun and sword, combos and flashy moves,  enemy creatures that spawn you have to clear through, same dark rock music hits when fighting enemies and boss fights etc. With slight modifications to design.   

This game was made by amateurs. It must have been the koreans studios first game and it shows. The level design is outdated, the platforming, swim through here,  jump to here, unlock this  etc, they took from other games but without improving.even the unlocking of doors, imagine unlocking a code , which your bot friend knows, and it shows u the code, yet not advanced enough to unlock it for you, that you have to waste a few seconds to type it yourself.  Small things like this  annoyed me.  The game has u jumping from place to place but none of it feels connected . 

I'm going to be blunt. You have a false equivalency problem.  

  • "If there were no devil may cry or bayonetta, this game never would have existed." - Has literally zero to do with whether those games play like Stellar Blade and they don't. We don't say everything plays like Pong because games wouldn't exist without it.

  • "They all follow a similar path. You have your gun and sword, combos and flashy moves,  enemy creatures that spawn you have to clear through, same dark rock music hits when fighting enemies and boss fights etc." - This is basic game design that again has nothing to do my point. The games don't play alike. I could post this descriptor next to Sarah Valestein from the Legend of Heroes franchise and it wouldn't be inaccurate. That game is in a completely different genre. Street Fighter 2 wouldn't exist without Karate Champ, that doen't mean the games play alike. Side note: Your description to the soundtrack as "hard rock" again makes me question whether you played the game or not. Is there rock on the sound track? Yes, but it's just one of many genres. The Raven fight boss music is not Hard Rock for example.

  • "This game was made by amateurs. It must have been the koreans studios first game and it shows." - This is just a lie. It's factually inaccurate. You don't like the game. You are entitled to that opinion. However, the developers aren't amateurs and this wasn't the studios first game. This is just factually untrue.

I agree with op here. The game is dull and combat is okay af best. It's just made for horny people to drool over her while you play around with costume.. style over substance

LegitHyperbole said:
KratosLives said:

Sekiro is a far better game. Come on man. Sekiro has magic atmosphere, which this game doesn't have.  

Black myth wukong is a far better game. I finished it prior to stellar blade, which is why gigas's difficulty don't come close. I was able to learn him quick.

I think you missed the part of my review where i spoke of the motion blur. That cannot be fixed , thus  the game is doomed.

Have you tried Balanced mode? It is the best of the three. I find Black Myth WAAAAY worse on ps5, not because of motion blur but because of artificating which is bonkers bad. If motion blur is that big of an issue for you so be it, you're missing out on one the best games in genre. not that I noticed it at all, your TV settings maybe cause the game is super crisp and responsive and fluid in motion

You never answered my question. Detail what happens and where you go in the 10 hours after Gigas on normal. Something tells me you didn't beat Gigas. Upload a video to YouTube and flash the title screen three times and show the menu with him in the bosses gauntlet for NORMAL mode.  

I'm an untrusting soul. Don't do it and then I call BS on the thread.  

I don't prove myself to those who think of me as a liar. I gave my review and spoke of all the points.  I don't ask for others to prove stuff like this because of the net and youtube. I could tell you what happens right after , or the next chapter, and you can say i prob went to youtube. I've experienced this before. I'll give u a random moment after gigas. Probably a chapter or 2 after.  Jumping of platform drones above massive skyscrapper, platforming up with a nice view of the land below, and some nice closeups of eve. Oh , i forgot to add in my review, the side bot , i forget it exists, as he barely ever speaks. Unless your sitting at a camp or something. They screwed up here. 

I play  on an lgc2 oled.  I doubt my tv settings are the cause. I started off with balance mode, then i switched to performance, as it was the smoothest, resolution mode felt to jarring, as though the screen is tearing.