KratosLives said:
Sekiro is a far better game. Come on man. Sekiro has magic atmosphere, which this game doesn't have. Black myth wukong is a far better game. I finished it prior to stellar blade, which is why gigas's difficulty don't come close. I was able to learn him quick. I think you missed the part of my review where i spoke of the motion blur. That cannot be fixed , thus the game is doomed. |
Have you tried Balanced mode? It is the best of the three. I find Black Myth WAAAAY worse on ps5, not because of motion blur but because of artificating which is bonkers bad. If motion blur is that big of an issue for you so be it, you're missing out on one the best games in genre. not that I noticed it at all, your TV settings maybe cause the game is super crisp and responsive and fluid in motion
You never answered my question. Detail what happens and where you go in the 10 hours after Gigas on normal. Something tells me you didn't beat Gigas. Upload a video to YouTube and flash the title screen three times and show the menu with him in the bosses gauntlet for NORMAL mode.
I'm an untrusting soul. Don't do it and then I call BS on the thread.