VersusEvil said: Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake. |
Remember the demo and starting area of the game is the absolute weakest part of it and it gets significantly better. This would be a perfect game for you, the platinum is so much fun. It's time consuming and above your usual 50 hours max by about 10 I'd say but it is the best Platinum since Death Stranding. You can maybe shave off a chunk is you save to cloud for one of the three endings but you have to do at least 2 and the second is no big deal. The collectibles (the main ones in the form of cans) are the most cleavers hidden and brilliantly placed ever in a game, it takes parkour and even with a guide to know where to go, some of them are just so fun to collect. You don't need to 100% everything either and while you need to collect most collectibles for a certain ending and do a good chunk of side quests, they've added a meter to know how much you need to do and it's a lot less than I thought so perhaps you'd be able to get this in sub 50 hours or not much above it. Honestly, don't use the demo as your thermometer for this game, this game is insane ammounts of fun and especially for completionists or me, who's a completionist now and then when I get obsessed with a game.