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KratosLives said:
Leynos said:

Wrong. It's fucking amazing and a good-looking game. It's a great playing game. With a fantastic OST. My absolute GOTY of 2024. You can blame me for getting Legit on playing it. I followed the game since the first trailer and man all my hype and waiting paid off. Fucking amazing game. It's an ARPG not a stylish action game like DMC or Bayo. You can't compare them. Why not compare Mario Kart to Forza. Ys to Divine Divinity. It's a stupid comparison.

The game definitely isn't nier. How is it not like bayonetta or devil may cry. It has the boss fights, stylised moves,  same kinda music when fighting enemies or bosses. I think it's a fair comparison. They just added some mediocre side quests.

Because they play nothing alike. Are you sure you've actually played the game. That's the kind of comparison people make when they haven't played Stellar Blade and just make assumptions about it. I've played games in the DMC series. I've beaten all three mainline Bayonetta games. I've platinumed Stellar Blade. Those two franchisess playnothing like Stellar Blade. DMC and Bayonetta have some commonality. Which makes since due to Kamiya's involvement in both. Having "Boss Fights" and "Stylized Moves" applies to a multitude of games that play nothing a like.