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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Switch 2 the start of the 10th Generation? (Poll)


Switch 2...

9th Gen 15 13.76%
10th Gen 53 48.62%
Generation don't matter anymore 37 33.94%
I have no opinion 4 3.67%
Leynos said:

Generations are a stupid discussion. That said Switch is in it's own market and so will Switch 2. Stop trying to force consoles in definitions like this. It's dumb.

It's natural to group things together and can be really fun if you have a certain type of personality, no one is forcing you to do it. Why bother commenting. 

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VGC/G*mers successfully changed the definition of what generations are to be based on power a few years back so it’s an 8th gen system.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Interesting results so far. I suppose, if PS5 releases in '27, Xbox the same or earlier in '26 and the Switch 2 is later this year then they will become sort of aligned once again.
Thinking on it now, the Switch 2 is way over due, it'll be 8 years in March.

OlfinBedwere said:

I thought the original Switch was considered part of "Gen 8.5" with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X? That being the case, wouldn't the Switch 2 be in a "Gen 9.5" with the PS5 Pro and any upgraded Series X that Microsoft might come up with?

I suggested before on this forum that it would make more sense if the cohorts for video game hardware was about 2-4 years instead 5-8 years.

Shoot, even the first 3rd gen to first 4th gen hardware is only about 4 years. 

But using the generation metric, I would say Switch 2 is 10th generation.

Game Boy: 4th Gen

Game Boy Color: 5th Gen

Game Boy Advance 6th Gen

DS/DSi: 7th Gen

3DS/2DS/New 3DS/New 2DS: 8th Gen

Switch: 9th Gen

Switch 2: 10th Gen

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

I would view it as 10th generation and Switch 1 as 9th generation. It really depends on when the next Xbox and PS6 launch though. If rumors are true that the next Xbox launches in 2026, then we could get the PS5 in 2027 (or even 2028). With Switch 2 launching in 2025, that should be close enough to link all 3 together. Switch was released over 3 years before the PS5 & XSX, so you'd think it wasn't linked with those two, but it has actually spent more time "competing" with them than PS4 & Xbox One (the Wii U spent more time competing with PS4 & One than Switch did).

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Well... it's a new generation for Nintendo.

"Direct competition" is dead, I don't think anyone cares when the other will launch their next console, graphical jumps are relatively small, crossgen games dominate, and exclusives aren't many.

I bet there will be people out there who claim that Switch 2 will still be gen 8 because of the power similar to PS4 *lol*

I don’t think generations particularly matter anymore.
It will compete against PS5 when it releases, and then PS6 when that one releases.

But as far as Nintendo hybrids are concerned, this is generation 2. But, as a hybrid, it also acts as Nintendo’s 8th or 9th home console (depending on if you count NES as first or second) and 6th handheld console.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 28 January 2025

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Kyuu said:

Well... it's a new generation for Nintendo.

"Direct competition" is dead, I don't think anyone cares when the other will launch their next console, graphical jumps are relatively small, crossgen games dominate, and exclusives aren't many.

Pretty much this. Generation based on hardware and visuals is an extinct concept

Last edited by 160rmf - on 29 January 2025



We reap what we sow

Ah yes. I remember posting a thread about this like a year ago. Well no worries. I wasn’t even really thinking of revisiting that thread so it’s nice that this discussion can be given some new life. Especially now that the Nintendo Switch 2 has been officially announced.

As for my two cents, I would say it is a 10th generation mostly based on when the PS6 and Next Box will be released. We can kinda get an idea for when the the Nintendo Switch 2 will be released (possibly May or June 2025) just some time after the April direct. So if the Switch 2’s release is relatively close to the PS6 and Next Box, then yeah I could see it as 10th Gen.