Koragg said: Modern audience games |
What does this mean? Like Dragon Age VG? Cause Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are definetly "modern audience" games and it they get a pass but DA VG or the Last of Us 2 doesn't because it does it the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I hate DA VG ham fisted writing and Neil Druckmanns fetishism making it's way into his work is weird AF but you can't say modern audience games generally as long as they don't fuck it up or make it the focus of the game or in some cases if they do that but just happen to be really good like FF14 which is basically a playground for furries to get off. Do you include BG3 and Cyberpunk as modern audience games or is it just the games that are modern audience but are shit at the same time?