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I been playing Archibald's Adventures (PPSSPP) and Deus Ex (AetherSX2) on my Retroid Pocket 5, both are one of my fav games ever.

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

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I tried Snow Scout on PSVR2 thinking it would have some fun downhill skiing. I really should read some reviews first... (beyond the tagline "Snow Scout is a glorified downhill and cross country skiing simulator") While skiing is 'functional' it's more like a very bad copy of Firewatch with annoying tasks to clean up and unlock boring ski slopes. You constantly have someone on the radio telling you what to do next. Pick up trash, shovel snow, chop wood, make a fire, eat, go to bed, repeat.

The mechanics are all clunky, pick up the wrong thing, keep dropping stuff, can't get the backpack and you always hold items in a painful way. This is not how you hold a shovel or axe ugh, bending your wrist in painful ways to use them. It looks like a remastered PS2 game, every time you 'zone' you're turned around and end up 2 meters next to your skiis, need to reset view again. Walking speed is very slow and it's instant game over when you veer off any path. I just wanted to play some SSX in VR. (Which had tons more detail and looked a lot better on PS2)

1 star.

Sadly PSVR2 has the same issue as PSVR1, so much shovel ware. It would be nice if reviews stop giving VR games a pass for being VR games.

Hmm it seems I have fucked up my character in PoE2 by using the spirit gem for the wrong thing. Seems the only way to get a new one is to start the game over or farm zones forever, wtf. Huge red flag there. I guess I'll plod along without power charges :/

We tried the bosses that drop them, but it's a one time drop apparently. Random drops are so rare it's faster to create new characters according to reddit posters :/ (Who will then be useless in the later game if you pass the gems along ugh)

I hope they fix that for release as all I've seen today looking it up is a lot of angry posts and mods stepping in to douse flame wars....

Currently on Dragon Quest 3 remake. The visuals are amazing and apart from random encounters being annoying at times, its a really good JRPG

Star Wars Outlaws. Just hit the 40hr mark and honestly …. Even for a Ubisoft game this is astonishingly bad. You have a developer who knows how to do third person shooters and so many devs who know how to make stealth games (pretty bad ones but I digress) and somehow you make a game where those two elements are near non existent or straight up terrible. Level design is so confusing, combined with no GPS, some of these missions I’ve been stuck on far longer than I think even the developers intended, I honestly wish this game would treat me like I’m stupid at this point lol. By far my biggest issue tho, and one I’ve considered putting the game down multiple times over is the cast of characters. I can’t remember the last time I played a game where everyone outside the main character is so dislikable, combine that with some of the worst writing Ubisoft’s put out spoken by voice actors who clearly don’t want to be there .. it makes for a off putting experience. Some aspects I do enjoy like the ost is fantastic and worlds look and feel like Star Wars should.

I didn’t go in expecting to hate it (it’s not Ubisoft Montreal after all), I got it half price and think Ubisoft is the worse developer in the industry sure (and nobody is ever gonna change my mind on that) but for time wasters, games you can get cheap that have a lot of content you can turn your brain off too Ubisoft is unbeatable. I’ll say I went in with low expectations but this somehow exceeded even the worst of them.

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 05 January 2025

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Witcher 3 is another I'm playing a lot of. Specifically, Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone on Death March mode.

Do I recommend one of my absolute favourite games of all time? Absolutely.

Also, I'm playing it on Switch. I do plan on playing one of the high-end versions later, but I'm holding out to see if Switch 2 gets a proper upgrade for it. But otherwise, I'll just play it later. Not sure which version this guy's playing, but the Switch version looks about the same, so I'm assuming the original.

I just did this fight, not the most difficult of the last three boss battles - the one before being the Ofieri Mage, which I managed in one go - but his henchmen led to me taking a bunch of damage, and the Frog Prince, who killed me about 20 times (the loading is where the Switch version hurts the most for me, especially in the early battles against the Prince where I wasn't as active and died in about 2-4 seconds. I'm guessing on PS5 there isn't any loading, at least not ~45 seconds worth after a death. As a note, I'm level 92 and wearing Mastercrafted Legendary Forgotten Wolven Gear - and that frog bastard was still able to kill me in one hit with a direct hit with that tongue - the key is always to stay moving, to the side, and take your hits when you see them and don't get greedy - if you've leveled stuff up enough, you should be able to survive all of the other Frog Prince's attacks, including a non-direct hit from the tongue.

But anyway, Olgierd - I love this fight and I love the spectacle of the whole thing. As a note, see the idiot cheering by the house beside the fire. In my game, Olgierd actually smashed into him, knocking him into the fire, and the guy went up like a torch, screaming. Wish I could find a video where that happens.

I'll also say I did significantly better than this player, and in a flashier style, than this guy did against Olgierd. One battle, no damage. Of course, I'd gotten in a ton of practice with my current build against Ilmerith, Caranthir, Eredin, the Toad Prince, and the Ofieri Mage over the last little bit.

If I may critique this guy's battle, I see several major problems:

  • He's not nimble enough on his feet, charging right in and attempting to exchange heavy blows with Olgierd is asking to get smashed. His style also looks clunky. First, he needs to keep dodging, not attacking when he's face to face with Olgierd, leaving himself open repeatedly. He should be constantly hopping to the side and avoiding all hits.
  • He used a roll to escape Olgierd. Don't. Aside from the stamina expenditure, it is also a clunkier way to evade. Instead, just hop to the side. Rolls should be used offensively to get to the side or back of Olgierd for a quick attack or two, or a whirlwind.
  • Speaking of quick attacks, he's not using them. Speaking of whirlwind, he clearly has the skill equipped, but he only uses it like 2-3 times. I was using it far more frequently, sometimes landing 4-5 hits on Olgierd.
  • Since he's actually taking damage, Ehkidna and Ekimmara Decoctions work wonders (and have some skills that function that increase toxicity tolerance).
  • When his Quen is down, he needs to back off and re-cast. Also, equip the explosion skill; when Olgierd connects, it will stun him and deal some damage.

.....Or do what this guy does and parry Olgierd's power hits... which is well above my skill level. And no doubt above the above player's.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 05 January 2025

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I am currently playing Red Dead Redemption on Nintendo Switch. Great Game, lookin forward to play Its sequel.
I Strongly recommend Dark Souls Remastered, Shin Megami Tensei V and Hollow Knight!

We finally beat the Act 3 boss in PoE2 yesterday :) Farming for spirit gems didn't work so we took the boss on as we were at lvl 51. It took a bunch of tries to get 'lucky' and not die in phase 1. It turns out phase 2 is much easier, less damaging, stay close / under it. Just one AoE attack to look out for and run. Second time we got to phase 2 the boss was toast. Actually my wife beat the boss, I ran out of health potions just before he died. My wife finished him off. It was close, she had 1 potion left out of 13. Finding the right health flasks and stats to boost capacity worked. (I have 9 which wasn't enough)

The game dumps you straight into ng+ cruel mode, which is a lot of fun. Blast through the zones with all the new abilities. By the time we got to the cemetary again the game started to catch up to our level, the bosses are tough again. Probably also due resistances that keep dropping. Apparently as a 'reward' for finishing Acts all your elemental resistances are lowered. My wife now sits at -26% fire resistance, my cold resistance is -15% ugh. Got to work on that again.

But at least spirit gems are finally dropping. I had a minor heart attack when I accidentally sold the first one that dropped, still thinking they were ultra rare. They look exactly the same as skill gems and both were level XI. I sold it with a bunch of skill gems we had no more room for... The buyback option immediately resets when you switch between selling with different characters so it was gone almost immediately ugh. Some design choices in this game are really infuriating.

Anyway luckily more started dropping later, now safely hidden away in the stash after giving us both better spirit abilities. Combat Frenzy is working well and by the end of yesterday I managed to reroute the skill tree to get to resonance, so today that charged staff should finally start working. (Had to save the hooded one first to be able to fix the skill tree)

Next I guess we should work on our defenses / resistances. The boring stuff. Better gear is slowly starting to drop which we'll need by the time we get to Act 1 boss again. Hopefully he's less of a road block this time!

VersusEvil said:

Star Wars Outlaws. Just hit the 40hr mark and honestly …. Even for a Ubisoft game this is astonishingly bad. You have a developer who knows how to do third person shooters and so many devs who know how to make stealth games (pretty bad ones but I digress) and somehow you make a game where those two elements are near non existent or straight up terrible. Level design is so confusing, combined with no GPS, some of these missions I’ve been stuck on far longer than I think even the developers intended, I honestly wish this game would treat me like I’m stupid at this point lol. By far my biggest issue tho, and one I’ve considered putting the game down multiple times over is the cast of characters. I can’t remember the last time I played a game where everyone outside the main character is so dislikable, combine that with some of the worst writing Ubisoft’s put out spoken by voice actors who clearly don’t want to be there .. it makes for a off putting experience. Some aspects I do enjoy like the ost is fantastic and worlds look and feel like Star Wars should.

I didn’t go in expecting to hate it (it’s not Ubisoft Montreal after all), I got it half price and think Ubisoft is the worse developer in the industry sure (and nobody is ever gonna change my mind on that) but for time wasters, games you can get cheap that have a lot of content you can turn your brain off too Ubisoft is unbeatable. I’ll say I went in with low expectations but this somehow exceeded even the worst of them.

Why bother with it? If you're not having fun why not just uninstall? No point touring yourself for no reward. 

DavidValbu said:

I am currently playing Red Dead Redemption on Nintendo Switch. Great Game, lookin forward to play Its sequel.
I Strongly recommend Dark Souls Remastered, Shin Megami Tensei V and Hollow Knight!

You're in for a test with RDR2, the game has small issues but it overcomes them easily and is one of the best stories it gaming. Just pace yourself, don't try to force your way through. Take time to stop and smell the roses and play in a laid back sort of way and you'll have a golden game on your hands.