VersusEvil said: Star Wars Outlaws. Just hit the 40hr mark and honestly …. Even for a Ubisoft game this is astonishingly bad. You have a developer who knows how to do third person shooters and so many devs who know how to make stealth games (pretty bad ones but I digress) and somehow you make a game where those two elements are near non existent or straight up terrible. Level design is so confusing, combined with no GPS, some of these missions I’ve been stuck on far longer than I think even the developers intended, I honestly wish this game would treat me like I’m stupid at this point lol. By far my biggest issue tho, and one I’ve considered putting the game down multiple times over is the cast of characters. I can’t remember the last time I played a game where everyone outside the main character is so dislikable, combine that with some of the worst writing Ubisoft’s put out spoken by voice actors who clearly don’t want to be there .. it makes for a off putting experience. Some aspects I do enjoy like the ost is fantastic and worlds look and feel like Star Wars should. |
Why bother with it? If you're not having fun why not just uninstall? No point touring yourself for no reward.