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We finally beat the Act 3 boss in PoE2 yesterday :) Farming for spirit gems didn't work so we took the boss on as we were at lvl 51. It took a bunch of tries to get 'lucky' and not die in phase 1. It turns out phase 2 is much easier, less damaging, stay close / under it. Just one AoE attack to look out for and run. Second time we got to phase 2 the boss was toast. Actually my wife beat the boss, I ran out of health potions just before he died. My wife finished him off. It was close, she had 1 potion left out of 13. Finding the right health flasks and stats to boost capacity worked. (I have 9 which wasn't enough)

The game dumps you straight into ng+ cruel mode, which is a lot of fun. Blast through the zones with all the new abilities. By the time we got to the cemetary again the game started to catch up to our level, the bosses are tough again. Probably also due resistances that keep dropping. Apparently as a 'reward' for finishing Acts all your elemental resistances are lowered. My wife now sits at -26% fire resistance, my cold resistance is -15% ugh. Got to work on that again.

But at least spirit gems are finally dropping. I had a minor heart attack when I accidentally sold the first one that dropped, still thinking they were ultra rare. They look exactly the same as skill gems and both were level XI. I sold it with a bunch of skill gems we had no more room for... The buyback option immediately resets when you switch between selling with different characters so it was gone almost immediately ugh. Some design choices in this game are really infuriating.

Anyway luckily more started dropping later, now safely hidden away in the stash after giving us both better spirit abilities. Combat Frenzy is working well and by the end of yesterday I managed to reroute the skill tree to get to resonance, so today that charged staff should finally start working. (Had to save the hooded one first to be able to fix the skill tree)

Next I guess we should work on our defenses / resistances. The boring stuff. Better gear is slowly starting to drop which we'll need by the time we get to Act 1 boss again. Hopefully he's less of a road block this time!