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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Would you have a bought an Xbox One if Microsoft didn't reverse its policies?


Would you have a bought an Xbox One if Microsoft didn't reverse its policies?

Yes 3 13.64%
No 19 86.36%
Maybe 0 0%

Xbox 180: Microsoft Fully Reverses Xbox One's DRM Policies | WIRED

Xbox One dumps Kinect requirement, no sensor required to play (

Xbox One's online check-ins, used game restrictions, and forced Kinect functionality were a public relations nightmare. Microsoft eliminated these requirements months before launch, but all Xbox One consoles on setup need an initial online update to function to remove the policies.

Would you have still bought the console even with these restrictions in place, why or why not?

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Lol definitely not. I still purchased my Xbox games physically at that time and I had no use for the Kinect since its inception, so the fact that my physical games had no perceived value (primarily for resell) and that the Kinect had to always be online to even have basic functionality was creepy as hell. To this day I don't have any sort of smart device in my house and I disable microphone access on every app I have installed on my phone (if that even does anything)

I held off till the following year to get the white Xbox One that came with Sunset Overdrive as the Kinect was no longer bundled with the system at that point. Although I had to double dip to get the physical copy of the game lol worth it! Game was fantastic.

I didn't buy one anyway as it never got enough exclusives that interested me, but let's say hypothetically if had, then yes the infamous 2013 policies that cost them in 8th gen (and arguably condemned the Xbox brand to a slow death) would have been a deal breaker to me.

To this day it boggles my mind that they thought any of that nonsense was a good idea, it was stupidity and arrogance on par with 2006 Sony.

I skipped it anyway. That whole idea turned me off for the entire generation even tho I knew they deserved it. I didn't trust them. I still don't. Don't forget the same week MS was talking about always online and such and Kinect can see what you're doing. Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the US Government. Shit idea from MS turned worse from the worst timing ever.

Last edited by Leynos - on 04 September 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Don Mattrick destroyed the Xbox brand

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I'd have considered Xbox more but Sony would have to pivot away from first party single player entirely, had these GaaS games worked out and that's what Sony ended up doing your damn sure I'd move to Xbox. I'd still consider a cheap XsS for the Elder Scrolls, Doom and Avowed among a few others but it's be after the price fell to the price of two games or so. I have very little interest in the Brand but back in the day I got a 360 to play Alan Wake alone so Exclusives are a big selling point in my eyes.

TheLegendaryBigBoss said:

Don Mattrick destroyed the Xbox brand

He shot it but it was salvageable. Spencer and Booty tore open the torso and Jeffery Dahmered it. Spencer hid the parts of the corpse for years as they further defiled it and his calm charming demeanor fooled people for a while but finally, the smell was too strong and could hide no longer what they had done and continue to do.

Last edited by Leynos - on 04 September 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Nope. Their exclusives are meh. Infinite was ok... and I can't think of any other exclusives. Their issue is lack of software. It just isn't compelling.


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Chrkeller said:

Nope. Their exclusives are meh. Infinite was ok... and I can't think of any other exclusives. Their issue is lack of software. It just isn't compelling.

I'd argue the lack of software isn't a problem (recently anyway), it's the quality of them. Xbox has still not produced a console seller since Halo 3 imo. Compare that to what PS and Nintendo that release bangers and move consoles.

Yes it was their lack of follow through on terrible ideas that made me not buy one. Gotta stay committed.

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