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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Time willing to invest before a game gets good? (poll)


I'm willing to invest...

10 minutes 2 10.00%
30 minutes 3 15.00%
One hour 2 10.00%
Two hours 6 30.00%
Three hours 1 5.00%
Four hours 0 0%
Five hours 3 15.00%
Ten hours 1 5.00%
As long as it takes. 2 10.00%

"It gets good, I swear, If you just give it one hundred hours it's worth it, the last 3 minutes are the best in gaming, bruh"

I've only ever allowed this for Bloodborne, at 10 hours before it caught me. I probably give a game one to two hours now and if it's not catching, I release.  Maybe expections for JRPG's and RPG's, three or four hours max. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 02 August 2024

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If spending my own hard earned cash on a full prize game I got because of reviews or worth of mouth, I would try to push on.

But with a free game, subscription game, demo or sub Eur20 game. I would say 1/2 hour or so. If it did not click by then, I'll move on.

Problem is with that line of thinking is there are actual games that truly gets better after a good while or during their second half.

That became true when I played Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the first 20-30 hours of game are on the average spectrum (or good in some moments and almost bad in others), but the moment the 2nd half of the game gets going, it basically felt like the biggest ride I had with a game since ever.
Best is the later parts of the game(and it's DLC) magnifies the enjoyment of playing through again the beginning portion.
So yeah, they are games that will ask you to take your patience in hand because sometimes, ambitious takes can take a while before "getting good".

So sure knowing that, it's only natural with the limited free time we had to not linger on stuff that doesn't give us the best impressions but you also might just be around the corner of missing a life changing experience because you didn't want to put an extra hour in it.

Anyway, for all I said, I dropped out of Luigi's Mansion 3 halfway through it lol

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I usually give a game 2 hours. Primarily because that’s the refund limit on Steam lol. That’s typically a good amount of time to figure if I’m going to like a game or not.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Depends. Different genres and types of games. Persona games take 5-6 hours to get going. A shmup maybe I should know after stage 1 or 2. Open-world games take longer. I gave Dragon's DOgma 2 10 hours before deciding it's a letdown of a sequel. I feel it should be around the point the game lets you know what it is that I can make a call. Xenoblade X tho you don't get the mech until 20 hours in. Every game is different.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Mar1217 said:

Problem is with that line of thinking is there are actual games that truly gets better after a good while or during their second half.

That became true when I played Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the first 20-30 hours of game are on the average spectrum (or good in some moments and almost bad in others), but the moment the 2nd half of the game gets going, it basically felt like the biggest ride I had with a game since ever.
Best is the later parts of the game(and it's DLC) magnifies the enjoyment of playing through again the beginning portion.
So yeah, they are games that will ask you to take your patience in hand because sometimes, ambitious takes can take a while before "getting good".

So sure knowing that, it's only natural with the limited free time we had to not linger on stuff that doesn't give us the best impressions but you also might just be around the corner of missing a life changing experience because you didn't want to put an extra hour in it.

Anyway, for all I said, I dropped out of Luigi's Mansion 3 halfway through it lol

I thought the same thing, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was the one that immediately came to mind. Storywise at least.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I voted for about two hours on average. If it was a cheap or free to me game without solid recommendations from my social circle, I might quit it in half an hour, an hour at most.
If it's a game that was $50 USD and up, I usually give it about four or more hours unless it's that difficult or boring.
I made it to the last normal mission in Luigi's Mansion 2 on 3DS before the last two bosses and quit in frustration, even after several attempts and even another attempt years later.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

What if the game never gets good? I can say from my own personal experience, I've wasted too much money in my life on buying a game on blind faith.

So, to all the game developers out there, I know you can hear me, and guess what, you will never rip me off again. I don't give a shit any more about your problems - more lay offs and loss of revenue is your problem because your game SUCKS !!!!

Give me a demo, and let me try your game without any money involved, if I like it, I will gladly fork over my hard earned money to play it again, otherwise, I have no sympathy for your line of work.

BFR said:

What if the game never gets good? I can say from my own personal experience, I've wasted too much money in my life on buying a game on blind faith.

So, to all the game developers out there, I know you can hear me, and guess what, you will never rip me off again. I don't give a shit any more about your problems - more lay offs and loss of revenue is your problem because your game SUCKS !!!!

Give me a demo, and let me try your game without any money involved, if I like it, I will gladly fork over my hard earned money to play it again, otherwise, I have no sympathy for your line of work.

There is so much content out there now to help research that this shouldn't really be happening to you or at least not often. You should easily be able to tell down to what price of a sale you want to wait for based on Internet reception if you research well enough..

I have very little time for gaming. Maybe 2-3 hours a week. I want to enjoy that time. So a game needs to be good right from the start. Even 10 minutes of boredom would be too much for me.

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