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Problem is with that line of thinking is there are actual games that truly gets better after a good while or during their second half.

That became true when I played Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the first 20-30 hours of game are on the average spectrum (or good in some moments and almost bad in others), but the moment the 2nd half of the game gets going, it basically felt like the biggest ride I had with a game since ever.
Best is the later parts of the game(and it's DLC) magnifies the enjoyment of playing through again the beginning portion.
So yeah, they are games that will ask you to take your patience in hand because sometimes, ambitious takes can take a while before "getting good".

So sure knowing that, it's only natural with the limited free time we had to not linger on stuff that doesn't give us the best impressions but you also might just be around the corner of missing a life changing experience because you didn't want to put an extra hour in it.

Anyway, for all I said, I dropped out of Luigi's Mansion 3 halfway through it lol

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