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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo buys a (porting) studio from Embracer

Chrkeller said:
JRPGfan said:

Please be PC ports.....

I know. I would be so happy.  

I wouldn't expect current games or upcomeing ones... but like oldies but goodies.

Imagine Nintendo put Mario 64, Mario Galaxy I & II, ect on steam.
That should also help them stave off emulation worries ect.

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JRPGfan said:
Chrkeller said:

I know. I would be so happy.  

I wouldn't expect current games or upcomeing ones... but like oldies but goodies.

Imagine Nintendo put Mario 64, Mario Galaxy I & II, ect on steam.
That should also help them stave off emulation worries ect.

I think Nintendo would be the one company that could have a commercially successful launcher next to Steam.

JRPGfan said:
Chrkeller said:

I know. I would be so happy.  

I wouldn't expect current games or upcomeing ones... but like oldies but goodies.

Imagine Nintendo put Mario 64, Mario Galaxy I & II, ect on steam.
That should also help them stave off emulation worries ect.



Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Nintendo on PC seems very unlikely. Sony needed it because their games got too expensive they have to rely on FOMO and convienence to sell consoles to keep the money flowing. Microsoft has been on fire for ages. Nintendo's basically at the top of the world profit wise right now, They don't have to support PC.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

KrspaceT said:

Nintendo on PC seems very unlikely. Sony needed it because their games got too expensive they have to rely on FOMO and convienence to sell consoles to keep the money flowing. Microsoft has been on fire for ages. Nintendo's basically at the top of the world profit wise right now, They don't have to support PC.

Very unlikely.  I could see this purchase to help the eshop with more games via Nintendo online.  Gamecube, Wii, etc. 


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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It is probably going to be meant to port others games there. Kind of like engines like Unreal and Frostbite have dedicated engineers to explain to developers how to use it.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

KrspaceT said:

It is probably going to be meant to port others games there. Kind of like engines like Unreal and Frostbite have dedicated engineers to explain to developers how to use it.

Could be that as well.  Hard to say.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

KrspaceT said:

Nintendo on PC seems very unlikely. Sony needed it because their games got too expensive they have to rely on FOMO and convienence to sell consoles to keep the money flowing. Microsoft has been on fire for ages. Nintendo's basically at the top of the world profit wise right now, They don't have to support PC.

I think Nintendo has no problems with PC at all, they're just not ever going to support PC unless people stop buying their hardware. 

PC is not going to money hat content off Nintendo consoles the way Sony/MS have done, PC is not going to push Nintendo into a pissing match to lose $100, $200/per unit of hardware like Microsoft tried. PC is a much nicer neighbor for Nintendo than Playstation and XBox. 

Frankly the more PC neuters Sony and MS and forces them to basically devalue their content to a degree by just making it all multiplatform is better for Nintendo. 

They stand out even more then. 

The more Sony fixates on PC and supports PC more, the weaker the Playstation becomes and also the message is crystal clear to 3rd parties too -- if Sony doesn't even have exclusives, we'd be crazy to give the PS5/PS6 exclusives. Which is a win-win for Nintendo. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 21 May 2024

Also, I would never expect to see another than Monolith Soft to be able to port/remake their own games simply due to their internal knowledge of the engine they use and polish minutiae they have with it.

Btb, a game like Xenoblade X like was said previously could not simply be ported to the platform. They'd have the re-write the whole code and that's without talking enhancements like in XC1 DE which the game would benefit enormously since it'd be on more powerful hardware.

Anywoo, a 3rd party porting dev exclusive to the platform will do wonder to get some important games running on the next platform.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

This could be useful if a third party is hesitant to invest the resources needed for a particularly challenging port; Nintendo could have Shiver do it.

I bet they managed to get a good deal on Shiver with the Embracer debacle, they're desperate for cash with the mountain of debt they're in.