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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor/Leak for specific RAM and storage capacity of the Switch sucessor (Centro Leak)

Nintendo have a long history of getting great results from their hardware even when it isn't cutting edge, and the kind of games they make simply don't require PS5/Xbox Series X levels of power.

Mario Galaxy is considered one of the best games of the 7th generation in spite of the Wii being a generation behind PS3/360, ditto for BOTW being one of the best games of recent years despite being built for the Wii U, a console a gen behind its competition. And the gap between Switch 2 and PS5/XS is looking like it will be significantly less than in those cases.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 15 May 2024

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Chrkeller said:
h2ohno said:

This Ram information is as good as we could have possibly expected. It's not simply going from 4 gigs to 12 gigs, the jump from LPDDR4 to LPDDR5X is huge in and of itself. It really shows that the Switch 2 is a true generational leap over the current Switch, and is much better than the RAM specs Digitial Foundry used for its testing of 'approximate hardware' a while back.

With the og Switch, how much would it have even benefited from having 8 gigs of RAM as opposed to 4? 8 seems like a waste given the bottlenecks of the RAM speed and the limitations of the chipset.

I could be wrong but won't clock speeds determine the memory bandwidth?  122 gb/s is the max and if the chipset is underclocked it could be a good amount less.  The switch was underclocked by a good amount.  

I guess basically I'm waiting for confirmation via Nintendo before making too many assumptions.  

From what I'm understanding, it seems like the Switch 2 will be getting some heavy cooling in docked mode, and they will clock it. Once in portable mode they will throttle down the clock and features. I think bandwidth and clock speed ultimately combine to get throughput, but are not necessarily where one determines the other. But I'd assume that when a manufacturer designs an architecture, they will consider both one factored against the other. Take it with a grain of salt I'm not that good in hardware.

Given the Switch 2's hybrid nature, and with the speculated fans, I would say it will have high bandwidth and high clock speed when docked, and high bandwidth and lower clock speed when portable in a more significant way than with the Switch 1. It gives hope that the docked mode will be satisfying when displayed on a large screen at high resolution.

padib said:
Chrkeller said:

I could be wrong but won't clock speeds determine the memory bandwidth?  122 gb/s is the max and if the chipset is underclocked it could be a good amount less.  The switch was underclocked by a good amount.  

I guess basically I'm waiting for confirmation via Nintendo before making too many assumptions.  

From what I'm understanding, it seems like the Switch 2 will be getting some heavy cooling in docked mode, and they will clock it. Once in portable mode they will throttle down the clock and features. I think bandwidth and clock speed ultimately combine to get throughput, but are not necessarily where one determines the other. But I'd assume that when a manufacturer designs an architecture, they will consider both one factored against the other. Take it with a grain of salt I'm not that good in hardware.

Given the Switch 2's hybrid nature, and with the speculated fans, I would say it will have high bandwidth and high clock speed when docked, and high bandwidth and lower clock speed when portable in a more significant way than with the Switch 1. It gives hope that the docked mode will be satisfying when displayed on a large screen at high resolution.

A fan in the dock would indicate they might be letting the system go full tilt or close in docked mode. Otherwise the internal fan the system already has should be good enough, even the OG 20nm Switch system is in no danger of overheating even when overclocked to its full max. 

padib said:
Chrkeller said:

I could be wrong but won't clock speeds determine the memory bandwidth?  122 gb/s is the max and if the chipset is underclocked it could be a good amount less.  The switch was underclocked by a good amount.  

I guess basically I'm waiting for confirmation via Nintendo before making too many assumptions.  

From what I'm understanding, it seems like the Switch 2 will be getting some heavy cooling in docked mode, and they will clock it. Once in portable mode they will throttle down the clock and features. I think bandwidth and clock speed ultimately combine to get throughput, but are not necessarily where one determines the other. But I'd assume that when a manufacturer designs an architecture, they will consider both one factored against the other. Take it with a grain of salt I'm not that good in hardware.

Given the Switch 2's hybrid nature, and with the speculated fans, I would say it will have high bandwidth and high clock speed when docked, and high bandwidth and lower clock speed when portable in a more significant way than with the Switch 1. It gives hope that the docked mode will be satisfying when displayed on a large screen at high resolution.

Maybe Perma can weigh in with his expertise.  I would assume if frequency is reduced by default bandwidth is as well.  I don't think one can be reduced and not the other.  I mean the frequency is basically instructions....  fidelity can't be faster than the instructions.

Maybe I'm thinking of it wrong.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
padib said:

From what I'm understanding, it seems like the Switch 2 will be getting some heavy cooling in docked mode, and they will clock it. Once in portable mode they will throttle down the clock and features. I think bandwidth and clock speed ultimately combine to get throughput, but are not necessarily where one determines the other. But I'd assume that when a manufacturer designs an architecture, they will consider both one factored against the other. Take it with a grain of salt I'm not that good in hardware.

Given the Switch 2's hybrid nature, and with the speculated fans, I would say it will have high bandwidth and high clock speed when docked, and high bandwidth and lower clock speed when portable in a more significant way than with the Switch 1. It gives hope that the docked mode will be satisfying when displayed on a large screen at high resolution.

Maybe Perma can weigh in with his expertise.  I would assume if frequency is reduced by default bandwidth is as well.  I don't think one can be reduced and not the other.  I mean the frequency is basically instructions....  fidelity can't be faster than the instructions.

Maybe I'm thinking of it wrong.  

So the bandwidth, as far as I understand it, is directly related to the circuitry of the motherboard. The busses and the actual wires on the chips themselves define the bandwidth. This can't be changed after the parts are manufactured.

The clock speed is defined by the electrical pulses and can be regulated at the electrical level, clocked higher or lower depending on what power is pumped into the processor. This one can change.

Architecturally they are decided to fit together and combine, but as far as I understand it, they stand apart as properties of the hardware and are not tied together.

 Think of the bandwidth as the number of lanes on a highway, and the clock speed like the speed of the cars.

@Soundwave. That's what i meant.

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I don't frequent this site that often anymore so I forgot how annoying gamers can be

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Eagle367 said:

I don't frequent this site that often anymore so I forgot how annoying gamers can be

Doesn't seem like we lost much.

12GB of ram is more than I expected. But probably necessary if they hope for PS5/Series ports.

Got myself the Lenovo Legion Go last week. If the Switch 2 has comparable power, that would be more than enough in my book. Hell, I would even prefer a little less horse power if that means we get longer battery life and a smaller form factor.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

OdinHades said:

Got myself the Lenovo Legion Go last week. If the Switch 2 has comparable power, that would be more than enough in my book. Hell, I would even prefer a little less horse power if that means we get longer battery life and a smaller form factor.

The only thing that makes me question these leaks is the size of the S2...  I'm not sure I buy Nintendo is moving away from form factor and go rather large.  That doesn't seem like Nintendo to me.

Congratulations on the purchase.  I kind of want to get a portable PC device, but might wait to see what happens with a Deck 2.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED