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Forums - Movies & TV - Should comedians have boundaries?


Should comedians have boundaries?

Yes 14 21.21%
No 52 78.79%
the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You keep doing it, the same thing Runa done, putting words where there is no and expecting things that aren't there.

I did not say the things you seem to think I say. 

What words do you feel I have put into your mouth? 

Do I feel. I know. You framed it as me saying Austic people are perfect as just one example. I'm not engaging with that kind of thing. Read your posts and indemnify where you strawmanned and I'd even say slightly gas lit. 

Also, as you said "many little things" what does that mean exactly. If you are autistic and are functioning then you don't need a diagnosis, just do what your doing but if emotional stress and outbursts, tantrums, mild psychosis when stressed etc. Etc. Are effecting your day to day living then you should get a diagnosis and perhaps medication to ease those symptoms, I did and I'm better for it. Many people are on the spectrum, many function fine, some function fine for years and then have a break down all of a sudden or as a reaction to envirnmonmental the worlds richest man who shall not be named. We'll just call him, the bad man. 

"Many little things" what do you mean.

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LegitHyperbole said:

Do I feel. I know. You framed it as me saying Austic people are perfect as just one example. I'm not engaging with that kind of thing. Read your posts and indemnify where you strawmanned and I'd even say slightly gas lit. 

You keep talking about autism as if it is some kind of objectivity superpower:

LegitHyperbole said:

Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum. I see this with Musk now, he's analysising things on too much of a factual basis and risk assessing the worse states of two outcomes,

LegitHyperbole said:

Also, as you said "many little things" what does that mean exactly. If you are autistic and are functioning then you don't need a diagnosis, just do what your doing but if emotional stress and outbursts, tantrums, mild psychosis when stressed etc. Etc. Are effecting your day to day living then you should get a diagnosis and perhaps medication to ease those symptoms, I did and I'm better for it. Many people are on the spectrum, many function fine, some function fine for years and then have a break down all of a sudden or as a reaction to envirnmonmental the worlds richest man who shall not be named. We'll just call him, the bad man. 

"Many little things" what do you mean.

As far as I can tell, I didn't say "many little things"?

I assume you're talking about?

the-pi-guy said:

By that same token, I can call myself autistic. Which I very likely am, but there's lots of different things. 

I was just meaning it's not enough to have certain traits. There's always variabilities in how neurotypical people function, you have to meet a certain bar of them. 
There are also other diagnoses. 

We are getting off topic, I wanted to respond to what you were saying. 

the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Do I feel. I know. You framed it as me saying Austic people are perfect as just one example. I'm not engaging with that kind of thing. Read your posts and indemnify where you strawmanned and I'd even say slightly gas lit. 

You keep talking about autism as if it is some kind of objectivity superpower:

LegitHyperbole said:

Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum. I see this with Musk now, he's analysising things on too much of a factual basis and risk assessing the worse states of two outcomes,

LegitHyperbole said:

Also, as you said "many little things" what does that mean exactly. If you are autistic and are functioning then you don't need a diagnosis, just do what your doing but if emotional stress and outbursts, tantrums, mild psychosis when stressed etc. Etc. Are effecting your day to day living then you should get a diagnosis and perhaps medication to ease those symptoms, I did and I'm better for it. Many people are on the spectrum, many function fine, some function fine for years and then have a break down all of a sudden or as a reaction to envirnmonmental the worlds richest man who shall not be named. We'll just call him, the bad man. 

"Many little things" what do you mean.

As far as I can tell, I didn't say "many little things"?

I assume you're talking about?

the-pi-guy said:

By that same token, I can call myself autistic. Which I very likely am, but there's lots of different things. 

I was just meaning it's not enough to have certain traits. There's always variabilities in how neurotypical people function, you have to meet a certain bar of them. 
There are also other diagnoses. 

We are getting off topic, I wanted to respond to what you were saying. 

No I don't and didn't say that anywhere, it's an awful thing to have. This is coming out if your noggin. 

We were off topic a long good while ago. Lol.

Everything has large limits, anyone who thinks you can get on a stage and just say whatever you want with zero consequences is living in fantasy land.

If you piss off enough people you'll probably get punched in the face (or something else) eventually. 

LegitHyperbole said:

No I don't and didn't say that anywhere, it's an awful thing to have.

I literally underlined where you implied it was.

"because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions"

"he's analysising things on too much of a factual basis and risk assessing the worse states of two outcomes"

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the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

No I don't and didn't say that anywhere, it's an awful thing to have.

I literally underlined where you implied it was.

"because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions"

"he's analysising things on too much of a factual basis and risk assessing the worse states of two outcomes"

Yeah, these are things that you do when your autistic, trust me, I would know. How to phrase it better, maybe imagine tunnel vision but with emotions and being receptive to others emotions around an issue. Like you get hyper focused on what true or one aspect of a thing and you can't see anything else... argh, It's hard to describe, I can't think of the words but it cause severe communication issues and misunderstandings. Often people think you're a dickhead and often get called a cruel hatred dick or something the likes of it. 

Guys! Can we please stop saying "Punching down"
It sounds like a phrase to offend the very short.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

Guys! Can we please stop saying "Punching down"
It sounds like a phrase to offend the very short.

😆 That's meta, short jokes are actually punching down. 

Legally? No. I think freedom of speech should legally protect whatever outrageously crude jokes they want to make. The government shouldn't be in the business of censoring speech unless it's something particularly harmful, and we do already have laws banning false advertising, fraud, perjury, "fighting words," threats, incitement, and CP. Obviously free speech is never 100% absolute for obvious reasons. But governments shouldn't be prosecuting people for saying something that's merely offensive.

But the door swings both ways. Others have a right to free speech as well. They also have freedom of association. For example, if you use your free speech to make shitty "jokes" that are just punching down towards marginalized groups but with a poor attempt at making it funny, then other people have the right to use their free speech to call you out and label you an asshole, and they have the right to refuse to have anything to do with you. If they own a private platform (club, arena, website, etc.), they have the right to tell you to fuck off and never come back.

Just because the government shouldn't arrest, fine, imprison, or censor you for being a shitty "comedian," it doesn't mean everyone else has to put up with your bullshit. If you want to use "it was a joke" as an excuse to be a bigoted dickhead, don't act surprised when people call you out on it or they ban you from their private property. And I don't want to hear a peep about "cancel culture." Honestly, the people who constantly whine about "cancel culture" are the most easily and perpetually offended people I've ever seen, and have no qualms about engaging in it themselves. Just ask Colin Kaepernick or the Dixie Chicks.


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