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the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I don't even know why we are talking about Elon Musk this is derailing the thread. it was an example. Choose any one you want that you aren't this obsessed with, anyone with a disability for my point who is inwealthy or famous or both.

Because you brought him up.

Yes, I've explained that there are different ways to make fun of something without punching down.

LegitHyperbole said:

I could give a fuck less about Musk personal life or public fuck ups. It's the work he does that is what matters and people would throw that work out with the bath water over PoLooTICs. Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum.

You say that, and yet you clearly have a strong emotional attachment to Elon Musk. 

Having autism doesn't make you unemotional or perfect.

LegitHyperbole said:

You asked how I know he's autistic cause I can see his exact behaviour mimick my own even down to his speech intricacies and the way he moves his eyes to the ceiling when thinking, his often non responses or very short responses with no elaboration, to how he interacts with people among many other little traits I know all to well. Takes one to know one I guess. 

By that same token, I can call myself autistic. Which I very likely am, but there's lots of different things. 

Sure. We'll if I brought him up, I'm putting him to bed nor did I say the things you are acting like I said. You keep doing it, the same thing Runa done, putting words where there is no and expecting things that aren't there. I bet you don't even know you're doing it but it makes discussion very difficult but if you're doing it on purposeN shame. I did not say the things you seem to think I say.