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Legally? No. I think freedom of speech should legally protect whatever outrageously crude jokes they want to make. The government shouldn't be in the business of censoring speech unless it's something particularly harmful, and we do already have laws banning false advertising, fraud, perjury, "fighting words," threats, incitement, and CP. Obviously free speech is never 100% absolute for obvious reasons. But governments shouldn't be prosecuting people for saying something that's merely offensive.

But the door swings both ways. Others have a right to free speech as well. They also have freedom of association. For example, if you use your free speech to make shitty "jokes" that are just punching down towards marginalized groups but with a poor attempt at making it funny, then other people have the right to use their free speech to call you out and label you an asshole, and they have the right to refuse to have anything to do with you. If they own a private platform (club, arena, website, etc.), they have the right to tell you to fuck off and never come back.

Just because the government shouldn't arrest, fine, imprison, or censor you for being a shitty "comedian," it doesn't mean everyone else has to put up with your bullshit. If you want to use "it was a joke" as an excuse to be a bigoted dickhead, don't act surprised when people call you out on it or they ban you from their private property. And I don't want to hear a peep about "cancel culture." Honestly, the people who constantly whine about "cancel culture" are the most easily and perpetually offended people I've ever seen, and have no qualms about engaging in it themselves. Just ask Colin Kaepernick or the Dixie Chicks.


In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").