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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Princess Peach: Showtime launches on Switch 22nd of March 2024

First teased back in June, last week's Direct gave us our first proper look at Peach's new game:

Who's interested in this one, or has thoughts on what we've seen so far?

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I’m actually really excited for this and the Mario vs Donkey Kong remake.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Looks all right, but it feels like a randon action game that has Peach as the main character just for the sake of it.

Still early, thought, maybe my opinion will change.

Last edited by Alex_The_Hedgehog - on 18 September 2023

Swordfighter Peach looks like the most fun. The other three just looks like mini games.

Could be the biggest surprise of 2023 all things considered. Though I wonder how the different variety in gameplay will mesh by the end

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I like the concept of different costumes giving different forms of gameplay, there's a lot of potential there. Hopefully each one is fleshed out and fun rather than gimmicky.

Also interested in who is behind this one, apparently it's not confirmed as yet. Is it EPD themselves, or have they allocated it to someone else?

Looks interesting.

Not a day 1 purchase but I'll get it sometime down the line.

curl-6 said:

I like the concept of different costumes giving different forms of gameplay, there's a lot of potential there. Hopefully each one is fleshed out and fun rather than gimmicky.

Also interested in who is behind this one, apparently it's not confirmed as yet. Is it EPD themselves, or have they allocated it to someone else?

I could see it being Next Level Games, Intelligent Systems or Good-Feel.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
curl-6 said:

I like the concept of different costumes giving different forms of gameplay, there's a lot of potential there. Hopefully each one is fleshed out and fun rather than gimmicky.

Also interested in who is behind this one, apparently it's not confirmed as yet. Is it EPD themselves, or have they allocated it to someone else?

I could see it being Next Level Games, Intelligent Systems or Good-Feel.

Yeah all three have either released a game in the last year and a half or are just about to, but that doesn't rule them out as they could have had multiple projects in the works simultaneously.

I kinda doubt Next Level as it doesn't look quite visually advanced enough to be them, plus I suspect they're probably working on Luigi's Mansion 4 for the next system instead.

If I had to bet I'd say EPD, but I am intrigued to find out.

curl-6 said:
zorg1000 said:

I could see it being Next Level Games, Intelligent Systems or Good-Feel.

Yeah all three have either released a game in the last year and a half or are just about to, but that doesn't rule them out as they could have had multiple projects in the works simultaneously.

I kinda doubt Next Level as it doesn't look quite visually advanced enough to be them, plus I suspect they're probably working on Luigi's Mansion 4 for the next system instead.

If I had to bet I'd say EPD, but I am intrigued to find out.

I personally think Good-Feel, it will be 5 years since Crafted World released and I doubt the Japan exclusive Otogi game is the only thing they’ve been working on since then as they have always released a couple small things between bigger releases.

Good-Feel has worked on Wario Land: Shake It, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Yoshi’s Woolly/Crafted World so this seems right up their ally.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.