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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - TotK really makes Switch feel dated

It's the only reason I'm not playing it.

I'll wait for the next Zelda game on the next Nintendo system.

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Ayla said:

It's the only reason I'm not playing it.

I'll wait for the next Zelda game on the next Nintendo system.

If you liked Breath of the Wild, there's no reason not to play this one. It is at least as good as BOTW.  

I could make a case for scoring it a little bit lower for many of the reasons mentioned in this thread, as we are 6 years removed from Breath of the Wild, and this game was not developed for an even older system.  Also, the reuse of the exact same world (though significantly expanded) could also be seen as a negative.  I don't think I see it as a negative at this point though.

Even if we just look at graphics, they are not worse than BOTW. In some respects they are better, and in many respects they are about the same.

I'll be interested to see if there are significant improvements when this game is inevitably released for the next Nintendo system near launch.  

VAMatt said:
Ayla said:

It's the only reason I'm not playing it.

I'll wait for the next Zelda game on the next Nintendo system.

If you liked Breath of the Wild, there's no reason not to play this one. It is at least as good as BOTW.  

I could make a case for scoring it a little bit lower for many of the reasons mentioned in this thread, as we are 6 years removed from Breath of the Wild, and this game was not developed for an even older system.  Also, the reuse of the exact same world (though significantly expanded) could also be seen as a negative.  I don't think I see it as a negative at this point though.

Even if we just look at graphics, they are not worse than BOTW. In some respects they are better, and in many respects they are about the same.

I'll be interested to see if there are significant improvements when this game is inevitably released for the next Nintendo system near launch.  

1080p/60fps is guaranteed thats gonna be massive. 

Ayla said:

It's the only reason I'm not playing it.

I'll wait for the next Zelda game on the next Nintendo system.

Do you mean like the next actual Zelda ... because that's probably 5 years off lol. 

Tears of the Kingdom will almost definitely get a re-release on Switch 2 with better graphics. 

Many people are expecting BC but I don't think Nintendo will do it.

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zeldaring said:
Doctor_MG said:

Right now you are complaining about gameplay aspects, not technical aspects. The comment that I originally responded to focused on your opinion of a lack of technical improvements from BotW to TotK. I'm saying there are technical improvements. Regardless of whether you wanted a bigger world or not, that's what TotK has. You cannot judge it's technical performance without considering the size and scope of the world in comparison to it's predecessor. 

That's not even considering the multitude of other technical aspects of the game, particularly the physics, which have been tweaked and expanded upon substantially. In BotW each item had it's own density, and moved based on it's form. In TotK each item still has that, and items can now be combined, so Nintendo had to account for how items might move when combined, what their density will be when combined, etc. Take shield surfing for example. You can easily surf on your shield, but if you combine your shield with, say, a rock you'll instantly fall off of the shield when trying to surf. But if you combine your shield with something that is flat and smooth, you can still shield surf and the surfing will be better or worse based on the traction you might have. That stuff isn't simple, and it takes a lot of playtesting to ensure that you aren't completely breaking the game in some way. 

If you don't like the gameplay, that's fine. But that's a separate discussion from whether TotK is more technically impressive than BotW on Switch. Which it absolutely is. 

Of course  Totk is doing more it coming 6 years later on more powerful hardware just saying it's not impressive after BOTW a game that came out on WiiU which was basically  slightly more powerful then 360. 

It's worth remembering that BOTW on Wii U ran at a much worse framerate than the Switch version and a lower resolution; 648p-720p on Wii U compared to 810-900p on Switch when docked.

That is where the extra power went for the most part. On TOTK they used what headroom they could gain through optimization to implement the extra physics calculations of Ultrahand, better draw distances, and better image quality.

zeldaring said:

Many people are expecting BC but I don't think Nintendo will do it.

That's a good way to lose yourself a lot of NSO subscriptions. 

zeldaring said:
Doctor_MG said:

I think what you are failing to factor in is the fact that this ISN'T just BotW on the Switch. The game is able to seamlessly transition between three (actually more like two and a half) huge worlds, not just the single world that is found on BotW. You can go from the sky all the way down to the depths without a single loading screen. They focused on increasing draw distance to help this transition feel more seamless. While they did create a more aggressive dynamic resolution and implement reconstruction techniques, what they've pulled off on the Switch is truly impressive. In addition to this, they've improved some aspects of the game (shadows, textures, albeit not to a significant extent) and they've even SHORTENED the load times. The game is 2.5 times larger than BotW and they managed to reduce load times...isn't that crazy?

When considering graphics it is important to think about the scope of the game. It's quite easy to suggest that linear game A is more graphically impressive than open world game B if you don't. 

I really don't care about the size of the world. None of the fans of the series actually asked for a bigger world. we mainly wanted more dungeons, better performance and  graphics, a Much more refined UI. 

People that thinks like this are not fans of the series. They are fans of the formula that was basically established from OoT an onwards. 

Also you don’t seem to realize that the entire game world of BotW and TotK is the dungeon. Before BotW 3D Zelda was basically designated areas for puzzles and large swats of nothing (except a few enemies to kill). 

Before OoT there really wasn’t the Zelda concept you think is Zelda. LoZ, AoL and aLttP all played very differently with only a loose overarching concept to tie them togheter as ”Zelda” games. 

Spindel said:
zeldaring said:

I really don't care about the size of the world. None of the fans of the series actually asked for a bigger world. we mainly wanted more dungeons, better performance and  graphics, a Much more refined UI. 

People that thinks like this are not fans of the series. They are fans of the formula that was basically established from OoT an onwards. 

Also you don’t seem to realize that the entire game world of BotW and TotK is the dungeon. Before BotW 3D Zelda was basically designated areas for puzzles and large swats of nothing (except a few enemies to kill). 

Before OoT there really wasn’t the Zelda concept you think is Zelda. LoZ, AoL and aLttP all played very differently with only a loose overarching concept to tie them togheter as ”Zelda” games. 

I have no problem with the series direction just saying BOTW world was already massive and all the improvements i was looking forward in the sequel didn't make it. The combat system was not updated at all.  in short this video in the bottom sums up how i felt about the game. granted my first 40-50 hours were so fun that i still would rate it a 9.

Fusion significantly altered the combat system.