JackHandy said:
The term affirming is a misnomer, anyway. Gender Dysphoria (DSM-5-TR) is a serious mental condition, so these sorts of procedures, if they affirm anything, would only affirm that the child or person suffers from it. They don't actually do anything, only damage their body. And studies have shown that it also doesn't improve their mental states. They still suffer from the same distress, same rates of depression and suicide... it really is tragic. In my opinion, we should have been developing ways for these poor people to live with their conditions, rather than playing into it out of misguided compassion. But politics got involved, and now... sigh. It's all very sad. |
Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition, transitioning has shown beneficial in alleviating the dysphoria, so you're wrong to say that these procedures don't do anything. Variations in the rate of success doesn't mean that these treatments are baseless. You should follow more trans people and hear their stories.
I don't disagree that work should continue to find ways alleviate gender dysphoria (and different types of dysmorphia) in other ways that don't involve bodily modifications, all means of support and options should be provided, you will find that people in the trans community will not disagree with this. In the meantime, no such treatments exist, and such is the case for many mental health conditions, so in a way, it's good that we have treatments and procedures that are proven to help alleviate the dysphoria that the trans community can choose to undertake.
I don't believe for a second that people like Ben Shapiro or Matt Walsh (and the rest of the American extreme right wing gang) care about any of this though, they don't want to help, they will not fund research or treatments for gender dysphoria, they are hateful people who will not stop even if they succeed at preventing people with gender dysphoria to seek treatments, they're out there bashing the LGB part of the community as well, the "concern" they put on display for the LGBT community is fake, laughable, and only the gullible or the hateful bunch fall for their narrative.
Again, I applaud the American right for their effective ways of diffusing the LGBT cause, FF16 will not have children with gender dysphoria, so why are we talking about this? would the Saudis or the American right be supportive of the game if it only has gay characters? Adult trans characters who chose to transition as adults?
This is the trend now, the only narrow angle LGBT people can be viewed from by the American right is "what about the children who transition?", as if this is the only point of contention they have, and as if in its absence, they would happily be supportive of everything else about the movement. They don't and they won't.