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mhsillen said:

A child who is 5 needs gender affirming care?  A lot of people have gone through the surgery and have ended up worse off.  Its for everyone to see on one of those cable shows that has followed a boy who had is man parts chopped off and she is a mess. the mom will not listen to her and her suffering.  And their are alot of people who are the same way after getting this surgery.   They are ignored by all the media as it goes against the narrative.  Thats not gender affirming care.

Sorry, but these things are way blown out proportion. In many cases gender affirming care simply means accepting crossdressing or other pronouns. Not surgery. Are there bad examples of things going wrong or too far? Sure, we live in a world with 8 billion people, you'll find examples for everything. But are they common? I doubt that.

The reality is, that gender dysphoria leads to distress, that causes depression, and depression is a big cause for death, because of suicide. If some simple measures helps reduce the distress and therefore reduce deaths, then why should we not do it? And if medical intervention, be it hormone therapy or surgery is decided by medical professionals on a case by case base as more beneficial than harmful, then yes we should allow it and even pay for it with health insurance (as this is exactly the thing these insurances exist for, to reduce avoidable harm).

Thing is, I want this to be decided by medical professionals and the involved person, not politician, talk show hosts and twitter. And I also point out that each case may have individual differences, nuances that are usually brushed over in public discussion, which paints it as a black and white issue. So you citing some anecdotal examples may have some base in reality (I am not aware of the cases), but the real question: do we more harm by allowing or generally forbidding gender affirming care? I think simply rejecting all gender affirming care is harming more people, because it still leaves the reasons for personal distress through gender dysphoria. I think medical professionals should create a framework on how to use the methods - as they do in other cases as well.

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