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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So GTA V never came to the Switch...

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IcaroRibeiro said:
Darwinianevolution said:

I mean... sure. But they like money. And they have proven they aren't above doing a quick rushed job if it gets them money *ehem* the trilogy *ehem*. So why wouldn't they just someone else to do even a quick single player only port?

Making the game working online (which is where their money truly is) is probably much harder and they do not want to spend their best developers integrating GTA in Switch network. GTA trilogy was just ports of single player games, so they released on Switch, minimum effort required 

GTA V being released on PS5 and Series XS is much more a matter of keep the current installbase buzzy when they upgrade their hardware, instead of letting them play another thing when waiting for GTA VI

This is almost certainly correct.  Their bread is buttered by GTA Online.  The Switch really isn't setup for that.

In any case, Take Two is a big company.  The decision not to port it to Switch was made purely by the numbers.  So, something tells them that the ROI isn't there.  

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Amnesia said:

And this is a good thing, sometimes there is a sign which shows that Nintendo is still on the Good side of the History.
GTA is the thing who destroyed SEGA, in 1999 people have chosen the brutality and vulgarity of a GTA III over the wisdom and beauty of a Shenmue.
This is the shame of the video games, one of the main garbage of our culture.

This is satire, right?

GoOnKid said:
Jumpin said:

This left a lot of bad blood, and while Nintendo was a very different company in the Iwata, Kimishima, and Furukawa eras, and its approaching three decades, there could still be a residual culture remembering that bad experience in Rockstar North.

Exactly, it is almost three decades ago. If these morons are still butthurt after almost thirty years, it says a lot.

Their two games Space Station Silicon Valley and Body Harvest are not known for making any impacts whatsoever, so why should Nintendo have rolled out the red carpet. Even Grand Theft Auto only got big with the third game and it wasn't possible to see the potential back then.

Actually, Nintendo DID see a lot of potential in them. That’s why DMA was made part of the Dream Team. I also wouldn’t call it a direct reason for them not wanting to work with them, but more the origin of the divide and bad blood between the two companies. Not the full reason, but potentially part of it.

I had an earlier post with a more thorough explanation of why I didn’t think the game was on the console. This one just went into a little more depth on one of the hurdles. Probably one of the smaller ones—the main reason would be the technical barriers

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

VAMatt said:
Amnesia said:

And this is a good thing, sometimes there is a sign which shows that Nintendo is still on the Good side of the History.
GTA is the thing who destroyed SEGA, in 1999 people have chosen the brutality and vulgarity of a GTA III over the wisdom and beauty of a Shenmue.
This is the shame of the video games, one of the main garbage of our culture.

This is satire, right?

 No but it should be. It's the same crap I have heard Shenmue fans as a Shenmue fan say for 20 years. It's stupid. Not even the same kind of game. Im not a fan of GTA minus Vice City. SEGA destroyed themselves. GTA II is on Dreamcast. So the series was not even a hit yet when DC launch lol.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

VAMatt said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Making the game working online (which is where their money truly is) is probably much harder and they do not want to spend their best developers integrating GTA in Switch network. GTA trilogy was just ports of single player games, so they released on Switch, minimum effort required 

GTA V being released on PS5 and Series XS is much more a matter of keep the current installbase buzzy when they upgrade their hardware, instead of letting them play another thing when waiting for GTA VI

This is almost certainly correct.  Their bread is buttered by GTA Online.  The Switch really isn't setup for that.

In any case, Take Two is a big company.  The decision not to port it to Switch was made purely by the numbers.  So, something tells them that the ROI isn't there.  

You'd be surprised how these things go sometimes. Mortal Kombat for example wasn't going to be on Switch until Ed Boon (the creator of the franchise) wanted it done because he liked the Switch system. And it sold reasonably well it seems. 

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Soundwave said:
VAMatt said:

This is almost certainly correct.  Their bread is buttered by GTA Online.  The Switch really isn't setup for that.

In any case, Take Two is a big company.  The decision not to port it to Switch was made purely by the numbers.  So, something tells them that the ROI isn't there.  

You'd be surprised how these things go sometimes. Mortal Kombat for example wasn't going to be on Switch until Ed Boon (the creator of the franchise) wanted it done because he liked the Switch system. And it sold reasonably well it seems. 

Yes, there are humans involved in companies, and it often takes agitation by a single human or a small group of humans within a big organization to make something happen.

But, when something that seems to be obvious doesn't happen, it's (almost) always because the numbers didn't support it happening. Porting the biggest game ever, that is still very popular, to the most popular system on the market seems like a no-brainer. It isn't like they didn't think of it. So, it is clear that it was a numbers based decision. 

They don't see enough demand for the campaign on Switch, but they should.
GTA Online is their bread and butter and it would probably be laughable with Switch's limitations.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

They realized they wouldn't be able to port Online portion of the game with just 3 GB of RAM and not the fastest CPU.

PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game already run at 15-20 fps in sessions with more than 10 people.

Though a $40 Single Player only release was possible they chose not to do it :(

A bit of an adjacent topic, but there could be some tie in. Are there any well ported games by Take 2 on the Switch?
Civilization 6, the GTA trilogy, and WWE 2K18 all had severe problems.

Civ 6 might be the worst of the three as the game is very slow when running through AI turns, bad in the early game and it only gets worse as it progresses. The thing is only playable if you’re multitasking, which is easy enough with Switch if you’re in handheld mode. Later in the game it will crash repeatedly - shutting down graphical features and auto saving will buy some more time, but it only postpones the inevitable, a 100% repeatable crash by saving, and a high chance of crashing on each turn. The game feels like mid-Beta with blocker level bugs.

It’s possible Take 2 doesn’t consider the Switch an important enough platform to put a proper budget into the software, and either they put insufficient QA resources on the projects or the much more likely situation where their QA caught all the bugs across the three games and the tripe-ass wannabe yuppie executives signed off on it anyway.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

They could have released a cell shaded version. I would have bought it.