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Mandalore76 said:
Hiku said:

I know some people struggle with reading comprehension, but it blows my mind that you think discussion about Trump's supporters and how they'll react to this is criticism towards Trump.

Normally I'd give a polite correction, but since you're also confidently dishing out insults to boot with pejorative terms like "Trump Derangement Syndrome", how about we add another Trump supporter reaction to the list, inpired by your post?

- They won't read.

Yeah, sure attack my reading comprehension while ignoring any points I made regarding the very specific expected indictment that formed the basis of the very first post that initiated the discussion.  But, I'm the one who can't read.  Sure.  And again, let's be clear, it wasn't just "Trump supporters" that were being maligned in the posts that followed.  It was all Republicans and conservatives in general, as stated in the quoted posts.  Despite the fact that the most recent polling conducted shows that less than half of Republicans even want Trump to run again, and that only 30% would back him over DeSantis if they were the candidates for Republican nomination.  But, sure, they're still all ignorant Trump apologists I guess.

Donald Trump's Support Among Republicans Falls to Lowest Point Ever

Why would you expect me to adress the points you made about how strong or weak of a case they have against Trump here when I have no interest in that discussion, and I haven't said a single word about it?
You labeled my post under "Trump Derangement Syndrome" even though it wasn't aimed towards Trump at all, so I will call that out.

You may have made some great points about how weak of a case it is. I wouldn't know, because I haven't followed the story.
The primary reason for that is because I'm extremely fatigued of waking up to insane Trump headlines every other weak for 4 years straight, (such as replacing half the scientists on the EPA Scientific Review Board with representatives of the very companies they are supposed to regulate... Basically letting the fossil fuel industry regulate itself) that now when Trump is gone and largely irrelevant (at least to me), if I don't have to read about his bullshit, I probably won't.

Also, in my original post that you first quoted I referred to them as "the "lock her up!" and "due process/accountability" people."
Which can include people who supported Trump before, but support DeSantis over him today.

Although if Trump wins the primary over DeSantis, I have no doubt that the vast majority of those who prefer DeSantis will still vote for Trump. Similar to how Bernie Sanders supporters still voted for Biden this time arround.

So I don't think it's wildly incorrect to refer to them as Trump supporters for simplicity. Although again, I didn't even do that until after you replied to my comment and made it about Trump himself.

Last edited by Hiku - on 29 March 2023

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Mandalore76 said:

Yep, attack and completely disregard the source regardless of whether the points made in the article, or the fact that cite recent historical precedent, have any merit to the discussion.  

Others addressed what I wanted to say already in regards to the content of the article (that is to say: not much). I just find it to be an interesting exercise to read about these opinion piece writers, especially when they are drawing from their expertise in a subject.

If you don't care, cool. 

If you care, cool.

My opinion on the case itself is similarly muted to many of the others here. I don't know what the charges are, and I don't know what the evidence is, but if they go to trial with nothing but what is publicly known, it will likely be a tough case for the prosecution. I'm largely waiting on more information or an indictment before I actually judge anything though. 

Machiavellian said:
RolStoppable said:

Reminds me of a documentary about American satanists that I watched sometime last year. Contrary to initial assumption, they don't worship satan, but are merely anti-religious. They pulled all kinds of stunts where they used the law to make Christians look incredibly stupid. It was totally hilarious.

“Get this PORN out of our schools,” they continued. “If the books that have been banned so far are any indication for way lesser offenses, this should be a slam dunk.”

This has the making of a gift that can keep on giving, because hardly any Christians have actually read the Bible, so they wouldn't even know what kind of drivel they are defending if they are against this book ban.

I disagree with this, most Christian do know what's in the bible and they do read it.  The difference is that they do not view those aspect of the bible that talks about sex and other subjects as being unacceptable.  The thing is with the bans that are going on is that the Bible can be placed among the same books they are banning but we already know the spin that would be used to exempt the Bible.  Its not about morals, its about their morals they want to push on everyone else.  Its only freedom if you accept their definition of freedom.

On saying this, just so people know, I was born and raised as a Christian and yes we read the Bible all the time, had classes every Sunday that went other text and subjects and or course the sermon that covers section of the Bible etc.  Most Christian go to Bible Study one day every week.  Depending on which Christian denomination reading the Bible is pushed more like Non denominations, Baptist etc.

It never ceases to amaze me how weird the USA is. Well, at least the rest is the same across continents and countries, refering to the part about morals.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

What the heck happened here? Only 9 pages? Needed a fresh start or something?

Donald Trump indicted; 1st ex-president charged with crime

"A Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump on charges involving payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to silence claims of an extramarital sexual encounter, the first ever criminal case against a former U.S. president and a jolt to Trump’s bid to retake the White House in 2024."

I still doubt he'll ever see the inside of a prison cell, but I wasn't sure we'd even get this far. Hopefully this finally breaks the dam and is just the first of many indictments to come. Again, not holding my breath, so I'll enjoy my popcorn while I can.

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On one hand I can't believe this is real, but on the other, we do live in that time, unfortunately.

Popcorn is most certainly in order. Can't wait to see what this leads to. Can't wait to see who spills theirs.

TallSilhouette said:

Donald Trump indicted; 1st ex-president charged with crime

"A Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump on charges involving payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to silence claims of an extramarital sexual encounter, the first ever criminal case against a former U.S. president and a jolt to Trump’s bid to retake the White House in 2024."

I still doubt he'll ever see the inside of a prison cell, but I wasn't sure we'd even get this far. Hopefully this finally breaks the dam and is just the first of many indictments to come. Again, not holding my breath, so I'll enjoy my popcorn while I can.

Is this just the preliminary 'we're taking him to court' thing? IF so, it's too early to celebrate. Fucker will get off scot free because one political party cares more about winning and image than they care about actual law. 

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Runa216 said:

Is this just the preliminary 'we're taking him to court' thing? IF so, it's too early to celebrate. Fucker will get off scot free because one political party cares more about winning and image than they care about actual law. 

Yes, this is just the booking phase. I'll worry about the verdict and sentencing later. Right now I'm just glad that he'll likely have this court case (and potentially others soon) hanging over his entire '24 campaign. It was starting to feel like prosecutors would be too cowardly or corrupt to even bring charges forth for any of his obvious crimes.

TallSilhouette said:

Donald Trump indicted; 1st ex-president charged with crime

"A Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump on charges involving payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to silence claims of an extramarital sexual encounter, the first ever criminal case against a former U.S. president and a jolt to Trump’s bid to retake the White House in 2024."

I still doubt he'll ever see the inside of a prison cell, but I wasn't sure we'd even get this far. Hopefully this finally breaks the dam and is just the first of many indictments to come. Again, not holding my breath, so I'll enjoy my popcorn while I can.

Yeah, even if he is convicted I doubt he will see any jail time that will not happen but then again isn't this what put his lawyer behind bars. I wonder what old Mikey is ready to tell on the subject.  When Trump kicked him to the curve, I thought it was a bad move.  The one guy who knows all your secrets can come back to haunt you.

There seems to be a very good chance he is convicted.

They have leaked that the indictment includes 34 counts.

When people talk about this investigation they hardly talk about the investigation itself.

In reality we don't even have a copy of the indictment so we don't know what's being charged.

What we do know is that falsification of business records is likely to be one of them. In NYC two misdemeanor convictions equal a felony charge.

We know that he had multiple business record falsifications just for the Stormy payments alone. Each record will likely become its own count.

So full stop we know he will be convicted and we know he is probably going to jail.

It's important to keep in mind that the hush money payments in and of themselves have nothing to do with his crime of business record falsification. He did not HAVE to break the law and use Trump Org to reimburse Cohen by claiming a payment for a non existent legal retainer. These are all self inflicted wounds and he is going to have to pay.

Mind you this is just the first of several civil and criminal proceedings he brought upon himself.