shikamaru317 said:
I hope you are right, but I was remembering the last game to be limited to 30 fps on consoles, Gotham Knights, and I went back and looked at it's reviews, and many of it's lowest reviews specifically cite the low framerate as one of the issues that deducted points from their scores. Admittedly Gotham Knights had some drops even below 30 fps, while Redfall will presumably be locked 30 fps on quality mode, but I definitely see technically oriented critics deducting points for having 30 fps only on release. |
That is a good point. Hopefully, knowing beforehand that 60fps is coming will help keep those kinds of reviewers at bay. Unlike Gotham Knights where the devs made it clear before launch that the game would always be at 30fps with no additional options down the road.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind