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G2ThaUNiT said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'll be having minor surgery soonish, I'll be either inactive or very inactive for a week or so (maybe shorter), I hope to God they don't schedule it over fucking June showcase, Lmao. But that'll be why I dip out for the thread if I do, when it happens, I trust you all to behave and don't get too heated with each other! G2's time to shine! avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around the Network

I finished Fallout 4, and honestly, I enjoyed that a lot more than I did the first time. I think I'll give 3 and New Vegas another shot as well. Never thought I'd be in my Fallout era,

VersusEvil said:

50% userbase on previous gen, zero reason to upgrade. Solution? ….. release a pro model 😂 I know internet historians have distorted history to say Switch isn’t a gen 9 console (it is) but you could easily make the argument that it’s the only gen 9 console, at this point XS/PS5 are just X1 pro/PS4 pro pro.

This has been the case since Xbox One and Playstaion 4 generations. I’m not feeling “next generation” anymore. I’m not excited for what comes after Xbox Series and PS5. It is more of the same. We will just get noticeably better graphics. It is like playing your game after upgrading your PC. 

having lived through the jumbs from NES to SNES to PS1 to PS2 to X360, the games were different from one gen to another. We were getting and playing games we couldn’t play before. Not only the way they look but how they play. You could argue that this started with X360/PS3 gen but the booming of online play changed the games and what is being played in a gaming console. Even controller are not advancing in a meaningful ways the last few generations. “New Generation” used to be an experience to live through. Now the only thing that give you the feeling of “new” is the unboxing of the console. The moment you turn it on is the moment you realize nothing has changed. 

The list of best selling games or kost played games in the last 15 years just proves my point. GTA and Fortnight living this long is a proof that no new experiences have been introduced to move players from there. 

Ryuu96 said:

I'll be having minor surgery soonish, I'll be either inactive or very inactive for a week or so (maybe shorter), I hope to God they don't schedule it over fucking June showcase, Lmao. But that'll be why I dip out for the thread if I do, when it happens, I trust you all to behave and don't get too heated with each other! G2's time to shine!

Hope everything goes well and rest well.

Leynos said:
Machiavellian said:

I am rewarding the devs by playing their game on the service they put their game on.  If they did not want people to play their game on the service they put their game on then they should not support the service.  MS has many different revenue tiers for developers, and they are definitely getting paid.  I purchased my sub for exactly this situation.  I do not play enough games, nor do I care to play a game on release as I have way to much going on between work, family, touching grass and friends.  So, if the model doesn't work for the developer, they should not use it because people like me are not going to purchase their game, but we definitely will give it a go at some point in time if it's on the service we are paying for.  While I am more than happy to give any developer my money for a game I really want to play, as stated, since I never played the series the only way I would be interested is to have a chance to play the game on a service I subscribe to.

Game pass undercuts sales. No no it's an indirect rental.  If rentals counted for games than man Hagane from Blockbuster would have been a break out hit on SNES.

Sorry, this view is too simplistic. I only agree insofar, that each dev studio has to think hard, if a Gamepass deal is advantageous to them.

First of all: Gamepass isn't for the hardcore player who is informed about all upcoming games, and buys and plays them day one. But even among them, many wait for a sale, which already makes the calculation not as simple as a comparison to 70€. But Gamepass is used by many who are only superficially involved with gaming, they want to come home from work and relax, and pick something from the catalog without big thinking if it is the best game or whatever and want to *instantly* play without big payment and considering if they want the gold edition or basic or whatever.

How does it make sense for studios? First of all, on Gamepass they get their game played by many people, who wouldn't have considered it in the first place, if they had to buy it. This is true for smaller games and indies that fly under the radar, older games and also games that people got the wrong impression from advertisement. Gamepass works wonders for all the games that would profit from a demo, but in difference to a demo they get already money beforehand.

And here is the next advantage. Gamepass money is safer and more stable. You get money earlier and it is easier to calculate. Normal releases are riskier. If your game is an instant success, sure you get a lot of money. But what if it isn't? And not everything can be successful. Even a later success with word of mouth can be difficult for income, as the game sells on sales and doesn't make as much money.

But are there situations in which Gamepass does not work? Sure! If your game is a turd, then you might have made more money before people found out. Also if your game is a guaranteed success. So FIFA or GTA will not profit from Gamepass.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Around the Network avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone here utilized xemu or xblai kai to play the classic original xbox games on xbox live?


hellobion2 said:

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone here utilized xemu or xblai kai to play the classic original xbox games on xbox live?

I utilized xemu just this past week for exactly that purpose. Installed the truhexen homebrew on top of xemu for that original Xbox UI, then registered with Insignia to have that original Xbox Live experience. 

Played a good chunk of Halo 2 like it was 2004 again! I tried playing some Unreal Championship, Project Gotham Racing 2, and Crimson Skies, but there were either not enough players online or the games just had fundamental issues running on xemu.

Xemu still has a long ways to go, but the foundations are there alongside Insignia. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

That announced Astrobot game really got me thinking. How amazing would it be to have a Conker game, where Conker visits all kinds of Xbox worlds. From gardening in Viva Pinata to wielding a lancer in Gears of War 😅😅

Inactive. Bye!