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So, for awhile when you searched for Visions of Mana Xbox on Bing, the description for the Visions of Mana page on the official Xbox website in the Bing results stated that the game was coming to Gamepass. The source code for the Visions of Mana Xbox page also shows it as Gamepass (click the code picture to enlarge). Could have just been an error, could have been an early leak for a Gamepass deal they haven't finalized yet. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 28 January 2024

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Personally I could care less about ownership of games, let alone needing them to be physical. 99% of games I beat once and never play again, and the 1% I do, I don't care if I have to subscribe to access them as I'm already subscribed playing all the *new* games anyway.

If Nintendo ever released a GP like subscription model, between that and GP I'd maybe never buy another video game again and be happy with that.

I went with a PC/Nintendo combo since 2018 when Xbox announced all their first party games would come to PC day one. And just recently got lucky and got a free PS5. I’m indifferent on physical media because I’ve been doing emulation for a looooooong time now lol.

Only physical media I ever feel nostalgic for to the point I would like to buy a copy of are cartridges and PC big box games. Which of course ended with the N64 and in the mid-2010s for PC big box copies.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

I went with a PC/Nintendo combo since 2018 when Xbox announced all their first party games would come to PC day one. And just recently got lucky and got a free PS5. I’m indifferent on physical media because I’ve been doing emulation for a looooooong time now lol.

Only physical media I ever feel nostalgic for to the point I would like to buy a copy of are cartridges and PC big box games. Which of course ended with the N64 and in the mid-2010s for PC big box copies.

I got all platforms but my most played platforms are also PC and Nintendo.

And yes, I did emulation a lot too (still do it but not as much due to having such a large library of games).

I dont really have nostalgia for physical media - you buy media to consume it, not to look at a pretty box lol.

Besides regardless of someone buys a physical or digital game - its not like physical games come with the full game anymore. Boot up the original disc for Final Fantasy XV and you'll end up playing through it with a bare bones version of what it is now.

b/c needs to be pushed more - like how Xbox is doing but it should be pushed out across all platforms.

coolbeans said:
Pemalite said:

If Microsoft abandons Physical... The Series X will be my last Xbox console... I have over 1,000 Physical OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series games, so I have a desire to bring them forwards with me.

Dropped the paid subscription once they canned Xbox live Gold after 20+ years.

I think I am more or less just transitioning purely to a PC+Nintendo platform holder going forwards if they drop the optical drive... Which I use for more than just games, but also 4k Blu-Rays, music CD's etc' to my home theatre system.

Yeah.  I leaning more and more towards that mindset as well.  To think of all the work they've done with BC (especially on the physical side) and still push further and further towards digital exclusivity seems insane.

shikamaru317 said:
Pemalite said:

If Microsoft abandons Physical... The Series X will be my last Xbox console... I have over 1,000 Physical OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series games, so I have a desire to bring them forwards with me.

Dropped the paid subscription once they canned Xbox live Gold after 20+ years.

I think I am more or less just transitioning purely to a PC+Nintendo platform holder going forwards if they drop the optical drive... Which I use for more than just games, but also 4k Blu-Rays, music CD's etc' to my home theatre system.

That seems to be what I am looking at for the future right now as well. Some of these recent Xbox moves I just haven't been a fan of, and these all digital and cloud integration rumors for the next gen Xbox console are very worrying to me. As it stands it is looking like I will go PC + Switch 2 for next gen, PC because both Xbox and Sony put most of their games onto it now (even if late in Sony's case), Switch 2 for the few Nintendo exclusives that interest me like Pokemon and Fire Emblem and Xenoblade. 

Yeah, their backwards compatibility is brilliant and brings with it tangible improvements to games.

I am actually buying *more* physical movies and tv shows these days.

I'm not going to subscribe to:
Disney+ for just the Mandalorian.
Amazon Prime just for Lord of the Rings.
Paramount+ just for Star Trek.
HBO for Game of Thrones.
AMC for The Walking Dead.

Gets to the point where you are better off having zero media streaming services... And just buy the boxset at the end of the season... Not only is it a higher quality version in terms of visuals and audio, but there are no adverts... And if you play your cards right, you save money. - Plus you have access to your copy forever.

Netflix consolidated the media industry for a time and that was great, but then everyone wanted to make their own exclusive walled garden of consumable media, which has made it a fragmented and difficult market.

And I fear video games are trending down that same path, where you only temporary "rent" the game and once the owner of the platform/media is done with it, they will take it away.

It's going to make game preservation hard as well.

Physical is still king while I can get it.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Yeah, that's why I've soured on streaming services greatly. At their inception it was great, now they're just getting worse and more expensive (strange, thought that was supposed to be the reverse). Introducing paid ad tiers and raising the price every other year. Plus the fact that you have to be subbed to several different services just to feel like you're able to watch everything you want to. Which by that point, you're paying hundreds of dollars per year so you aren't even saving any money compared to just having cable or something.

Pemalite said:

Amazon Prime just for Lord of the Rings.

Well, you shouldn't get Prime for LOTR, that is crap. You may get Prime for great stuff like The Boys, Carnival Row, The Expanse or The Man in the High Castle. If I would recommend only one, it would be The Man in the High Castle, based on a 1962 novel of the same name by Philiip K. Dick (who might be the best american SciFi-author).

The Man in the High Castle Season 1 - Official Comic-Con Trailer | Prime Video (

The novel: The Man in the High Castle - Wikipedia

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

NobleTeam360 said:

 Plus the fact that you have to be subbed to several different services just to feel like you're able to watch everything you want to. Which by that point, you're paying hundreds of dollars per year so you aren't even saving any money compared to just having cable or something.

Nobody's forcing anyone to sub to everything.

There's a reason why every streaming service has no cancellation fee or no binding contract that is forced upon when you sign up for a service.

You aren't suppose to sub everything to begin with, only with what you want to sub that you know you will watch and then go to the next one to watch whatever you want. Its like going to a restaurant, you are suppose to order what you are going to be eating at the moment, not the whole entire menu.

That is what I am doing too , I cancelled (HBO) Max and got Netflix last year.

If something interesting comes around like Game of Thrones House of Dragon Season 2 which I am waiting for - I'm gonna wait for the whole series to come out - sub to Max for 1 month and watch the show along with anything else for that one month - once I'm done with it, gonna cancel it and wait again for the next interesting thing to come around.

Too many people sub to something, keep paying but never use it as much as they should be using it.


My two most used streaming services personally is Netflix and Disney+

My family uses Hulu (for the indian content) but Hulu is gonna get merged into Disney+ soon.

Prime video my family uses as well for the indian movies that come out (plus its part of our Amazon Prime package which we use multiple services to begin with - we practically order everything through Amazon nowadays for shipping, we use Amazon music that comes with it for our echo devices at home (for Indian podcasts and music) and I use the Amazon photos for my photos and videos).

Apple+ is like the only one I rarely use but it comes with my Apple One package which I use for my iphone storage and Music. I would have cancelled it but I have family members on the plan for the music access.

Last edited by BasilZero - on 28 January 2024

Dulfite said:

Personally I could care less about ownership of games, let alone needing them to be physical. 99% of games I beat once and never play again, and the 1% I do, I don't care if I have to subscribe to access them as I'm already subscribed playing all the *new* games anyway.

If Nintendo ever released a GP like subscription model, between that and GP I'd maybe never buy another video game again and be happy with that.

Honestly even if I like collecting physical.... I still am the same. Beat them once, and hardly ever pick them up to play again.
So it shouldn't really bother me either, I'm just some horder when it comes to these types of thing, for apparently no reason.

BasilZero said:
NobleTeam360 said:

 Plus the fact that you have to be subbed to several different services just to feel like you're able to watch everything you want to. Which by that point, you're paying hundreds of dollars per year so you aren't even saving any money compared to just having cable or something.

Nobody's forcing anyone to sub to everything.

There's a reason why every streaming service has no cancellation fee or no binding contract that is forced upon when you sign up for a service.

You aren't suppose to sub everything to begin with, only with what you want to sub that you know you will watch and then go to the next one to watch whatever you want. Its like going to a restaurant, you are suppose to order what you are going to be eating at the moment, not the whole entire menu.

That is what I am doing too , I cancelled (HBO) Max and got Netflix last year.

If something interesting comes around like Game of Thrones House of Dragon Season 2 which I am waiting for - I'm gonna wait for the whole series to come out - sub to Max for 1 month and watch the show along with anything else for that one month - once I'm done with it, gonna cancel it and wait again for the next interesting thing to come around.

Too many people sub to something, keep paying but never use it as much as they should be using it.


My two most used streaming services personally is Netflix and Disney+

My family uses Hulu (for the indian content) but Hulu is gonna get merged into Disney+ soon.

Prime video my family uses as well for the indian movies that come out (plus its part of our Amazon Prime package which we use multiple services to begin with - we practically order everything through Amazon nowadays for shipping, we use Amazon music that comes with it for our echo devices at home (for Indian podcasts and music) and I use the Amazon photos for my photos and videos).

Apple+ is like the only one I rarely use but it comes with my Apple One package which I use for my iphone storage and Music. I would have cancelled it but I have family members on the plan for the music access.

Yeah, obviously nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Just pointing out how if you want to watch a wide breadth of content you have to sub to multiple services (which you point out in your own post as well). I like watching older content as well, not just what's new and hot so why would I cancel my subs over and over? Great if that works for you but it doesn't for me and many others.