Signalstar said: Just Finished: Astro's Playroom (PS5) Yes, that means I have managed to acquire a PS5 at last. Say what!? A friend of mine helped me buy it (bundled with Horizon Forbidden West) online at retail price. Astro's Playroom is a wonderful introduction to the PS5. The game is a sneaky piece of PlayStation propaganda and product placement. I enjoyed finding all the references to PlayStation 1st and 3rd party characters. The visuals are charming and the game runs as smooth as butter. The traditional controls are tight and responsive but the game goes above and beyond to make the most out of the Dualsense's unique features. There are many things to collect and a bit of replay value. This is one of the most charming and outright fun games Sony Japan has produced in a long time. The only problem of course is that the game is too short because it really more like a fleshed out tech demo. I can't wait to see what Team Asobi does next. Score: 8/10 Full Completed 2022 List:
I know it was a big deal when the PS5 first came out but I'm kinda surprised more people aren't talking about Astro's Playroom. It's still one of the best uses of the Dualshock, an ode to nostalgia on multiple levels, and a simple but fun platformer in its own right. and it's free. Seriously so good. It deserved all its love.
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