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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: Characters to Remove and Replace in The Next Smash Bros.

Sounds like you have something against SE since you cut all of their characters. Well if we're going the controversial route then I would replace a large portion of Nintendo characters with either a Square Enix or other third party character, because I already play Cloud, Sephy, and Sora a LOT more than them :). It would be nice to play as characters in the uncanny valley section more than the pure mascot section: 2B, A2, Kaine, Lara Croft, Crono, Elly, Fei Fong Wong, Noctis, Lightning, Zidane, Squall, Tifa, Aerith, Barret(not the Mii versions of them lol) would end up replacing a lot of them.

Lube Me Up

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Wouldn't make much sense with most of them for Nintendo. Who's Black Shadow?

Fuck this topic. Waluigi DESERVES DEATH! Fucking the worst thing to ever come from Nintendo. Keep Bayonetta and Joker FOREVER! How do I downvote topics and when can I be a mod to ban this person for this topic? I will have the Government ban their internet for life.

Last edited by Leynos - on 27 November 2021

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Waluigi? We need less Mario characters not more. Why not cut some Fire Emblem Reps while we're at it.

Your list is bad, and you should feel bad.

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I actually hope Ultimate is the final Smash of Phase 1, if you will, and that the next Smash is a long way away and revolutionizes the genre with many new features, modes, better online, story, etc. Because of this, and to make it really feel like a phase 2 rather than just another Smash sequel, I hope that they eliminate all characters from games not available on Switch (Nintendo or third party) or the next device. I want the roster to feel next gen just as much as the features. Cut everything pre-Switch unless they are making a game for it in Switch 2, then freely release said character around launch of their new game to hype it up alongside Smash. Let Ultimate be the end of Super Smash Bros. Let the next game be the beginning of Ultra Instinct Smash Bros.

"Cut Bayonetta" - Not gonna happen. She's damn near 1st party at this point. As close as you could get without Nintendo outright owning the IP. She and Sonic are the only two 3rd party characters I think are completely safe. 

"Replace with Shantae" - This is even less likely. I would love to see Shantae get a spot on the roster, but if she's gonna take someone's spot, it ain't gonna be Bayonetta's.


"Cut Hero" - Japan would like a word with you.

"Replace with Zero" - They're not gonna do that when we already have Mega Man as the ideal rep. They're just going to keep him as an Assist Trophy and a Mii Fighter costume.


"Cut Steve" - Oh good luck with that one. Given how big Minecraft is and how big of a deal his inclusion was, I think there's a bigger chance he stays than goes.

"Replace with Waluigi" - FUCK NO! FFS, what is people's infatuation with Waluigi?!? He's a useless sack of crap! I'd rather see Captain Toad get in over Waluigi, at least he does something!


"Cut Sora" - This is one of the few I agree with. Nothing against Sora as a fighter or character, I like him just fine. But given the shit Nintendo and Sakurai had to go through with Disney just to get him in, I'm thinking that this is a "one and done" type deal. Sorry, Sora fans.

"Replace with Isaac" - Only way I see that happening is if they are making a new GoldenSun game, which I highly doubt. If anything, this would be the spot that Shantae would take in order to get into Smash. 


"Cut Terry"

"Replace with Dixie Kong"

Sure why not.


"Cut Kazuya"

"Replace with Black Shadow"

Who? OH YEAH, that dude from F-Zero. Yeah, much like GoldenSun, the only way that happens is if they make a new F-Zero game, which the chances of that happening are next to none.


"Cut Cloud"

"Replace with Urbosa"



"Cut Sephiroth"

"Replace with Ghirahim"

You got something against Square Enix or something?



"Replace with Dr. Eggman" - Give him Waluigi's invitation if you want him in that bad! But you leave Joker ALONE!!!!

I agree with most of those cuts. I think Smash 6 should cut most of the third-party characters, some of the Fire Emblem characters, some Pokemon plus characters that are obscure or jokes like Duck Hunt, ROB, Wii Fit Trainer, and Pirahna Plant.
Basically, I want the next Smash to have about 90 or more characters by cutting about 15-20 characters (at least), but adding about that much as well. There are some fighters that you could probably turn into echoes as well, like perhaps combining the younger Links.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

We're going to get A LOT of cuts in Smash 6, and not nearly enough new fighters.

For those thinking that we're going to get 70-80-90 fighters and basically Ultimate 2.0...
It's not gonna happen.
Ultimate was a once in a lifetime experience that we will likely never see again.

Most of the 3rd parties, a lot of older and obscure fighters are going to get cut and each Smash Bros. game moving forward is going to be a screenshot of what is relevant and big in video gaming AT THAT SPECIFIC point in time.

For example: A lot of Fire Emblem reps are going to get cut and all we're going to get for that franchise will be Marth (face of the franchise), Lucina (Marth's echo), Ike (most popular character), and whoever the main character for the next FE game is. Same deal with Pokemon. Reps like Greninja, Incineroar, and Lucario will be long gone and we're most likely going to have Pikachu, Jigglypuff, maybe Mewtwo, and the evolved form of one of the starters for that console's Pokemon game.

The only characters that are going to be safe and stay in Smash no matter what are the original 12 fighters.

Outside of that, you'll have some very popular staple characters in the franchises that will most likely stick around like Mario - Peach and Bowser; Zelda - Zelda and Ganondorf; And then, some of the popular, more Nintendo-associated 3rd party reps like Sonic, Bayonetta, and Mega Man.

After that, it's pretty much a guessing game as to who will be on a potential Smash 6 roster. But I can tell you right now, in terms of roster size, it's going to be a HUGE downgrade from Ultimate.

If it were up to me, it would go back to only having Nintendo characters, as that was the original intention. Same with Mario Kart. I think it was way cooler when Mario Kart was this little fantasy where all the good and bad people in the Mushroom Kingdom forget their quarrels for a little while and take up racing. But when they started adding Link in there and a Mercedes? No. Just no. I mean, the game is great still. Everything about it is legit. But when you start branching out into the fourth-wall, or adding third party characters, the immersion is lost for me.

On a related note, Mortal Kombat is guilty of this as well. I mean, Freddy in the Outworld, trying to kill Sub-Zero? Come on.