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Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints:

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.

6.  This game can feel both old school and Western, but it's a PS3 game made by a Japanese developer.  First in the series.

5.  Some people call this the best game in a very old and popular series, even though it's actually a spinoff game.

4.  The main thing I liked about Master of Magic is creating a powerful party of heroes and elite troops to go around conquering cities.  Then this game released and made Master of Magic obsolete for me.  Second in the series.

#6: Probably Dark Souls

#4: Well, there are a lot of games that took elements of MoMa, but I think that might be Heroes of Might and Magic II.

both correct!

I played through HoMM2 again in the past year.  I now realize what I like so much about it.  It's the main campaign.  They did an awesome job on both the good and evil path in the main campaign.  I enjoy playing the expansion campaigns too, but they are not nearly as good as the main campaign.

I say this because, I think HoMM3 really does have better mechanics overall.  However, I like the main campaign so much in HoMM2, that I end up preferring that game, even though both are very good.

coolbeans said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints:

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.

6.  This game can feel both old school and Western, but it's a PS3 game made by a Japanese developer.  First in the series.

5.  Some people call this the best game in a very old and popular series, even though it's actually a spinoff game.

4.  The main thing I liked about Master of Magic is creating a powerful party of heroes and elite troops to go around conquering cities.  Then this game released and made Master of Magic obsolete for me.  Second in the series.

6 - Folklore?

Nope.  Mnementh already got it.

UnderwaterFunktown said:

Entering the top 10.

13) The one game in this series that has a lot of cutscenes

Hint 2: It's a series that's usually mostly about multiplayer

Hint 3: Particularly local multiplayer, this was the first game to introduce online.

12) Ended on a heartfelt note

Hint 2: I'm not referring to the ending of the game's story

Hint 3: The word heart is the key.

10) From Amaterasu to Sif to Zamazenta, blade wielding dogs seems to repeat.

9) When you wish upon a star...

Both 12 and 9 sound like Kingdom Hearts to me.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 20 December 2021

Around the Network
The_Liquid_Laser said:

5.  Some people call this the best game in a very old and popular series, even though it's actually a spinoff game.

Yoshi's Island? Not sure if people may think of it as a spin off or a part of the main series, but I'm throwing it out there.

The_Liquid_Laser said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Entering the top 10.

13) The one game in this series that has a lot of cutscenes

Hint 2: It's a series that's usually mostly about multiplayer

Hint 3: Particularly local multiplayer, this was the first game to introduce online.

12) Ended on a heartfelt note

Hint 2: I'm not referring to the ending of the game's story

Hint 3: The word heart is the key.

10) From Amaterasu to Sif to Zamazenta, blade wielding dogs seems to repeat.

9) When you wish upon a star...

Both 12 and 9 sound like Kingdom Hearts to me.

Well, not correct for either one, but don't disregard it completely.

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More hints:


  • Greater understanding of the world allows for the truth to be revealed.
  • Dream, or a nightmare. Maybe both.
  • At the end, will you accept the offer to wake up, refuse and take up the mantle, or defy even the nightmare itself?
  • Blood of the old ones.


  • The English script for this game is longer than the entire Lord of the Rings-trilogy (455,125 words) by over 260,000 words.
  • Picks up immediately after the first game, after a surprise reveal at the end of the first game leading one of the two main characters to leave and disappear.
  • A proper Bracer now.
  • Ouroboros


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16
  • As you complete your tasks one by one, the corruption begins to change your appearance.
Last edited by Darashiva - on 20 December 2021

Darashiva said:


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16
  • As you complete your tasks one by one, the corruption begins to change your appearance.

Shadow of Collossus

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Around the Network
Mnementh said:
Darashiva said:


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16
  • As you complete your tasks one by one, the corruption begins to change your appearance.

Shadow of Collossus


drbunnig said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

5.  Some people call this the best game in a very old and popular series, even though it's actually a spinoff game.

Yoshi's Island? Not sure if people may think of it as a spin off or a part of the main series, but I'm throwing it out there.


Darashiva said:

More hints:


  • Greater understanding of the world allows for the truth to be revealed.
  • Dream, or a nightmare. Maybe both.
  • At the end, will you accept the offer to wake up, refuse and take up the mantle, or defy even the nightmare itself?
  • Blood of the old ones.


  • The English script for this game is longer than the entire Lord of the Rings-trilogy (455,125 words) by over 260,000 words.
  • Picks up immediately after the first game, after a surprise reveal at the end of the first game leading one of the two main characters to leave and disappear.
  • A proper Bracer now.
  • Ouroboros


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16
  • As you complete your tasks one by one, the corruption begins to change your appearance.

8.  Dark Souls 2

7.  Trails of Cold Steel 2

The_Liquid_Laser said:
Darashiva said:

More hints:


  • Greater understanding of the world allows for the truth to be revealed.
  • Dream, or a nightmare. Maybe both.
  • At the end, will you accept the offer to wake up, refuse and take up the mantle, or defy even the nightmare itself?
  • Blood of the old ones.


  • The English script for this game is longer than the entire Lord of the Rings-trilogy (455,125 words) by over 260,000 words.
  • Picks up immediately after the first game, after a surprise reveal at the end of the first game leading one of the two main characters to leave and disappear.
  • A proper Bracer now.
  • Ouroboros


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16
  • As you complete your tasks one by one, the corruption begins to change your appearance.

8.  Dark Souls 2

7.  Trails of Cold Steel 2

No. They were both on my list earlier, and you are somewhat close, but neither is correct.

Guessed by Darashiva

'MediEvil' has just the right kind of whimsical, lighthearted story and humour I'm looking for in a video game. It also has a fantasy medieval setting, which is always nice, obviously to make the pun of the game's name. It is a level-based adventure game, where you can play some out of order, some have to be visited multiple times and some are optional. They are all selectable on a nicely decorated map that shows miniature versions of the layout of the levels imbedded in a landscape. I like detail like that. The "Kingdom of Gallowmere". The level design is very varied, and I particularly look back fondly on two of them.

One is a level that is completed by solving various riddles. A statue tells you a riddle, and you have to figure out what to do at some point in the level to open up a new path, and a new riddle. The other is an insane level that is an onslaught of hundreds of enemies in an insane asylum. This level is actually not easy, even though nearly all the enemies are one hit kills, you'll get overwhelmed at some point. The whimsicalness and humour lasts right up to the end culminating in a particularly original final boss fight. And because you don't want to miss all this, you remain hooked until the end.

New day, new game, new hints.

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

Hint 2: At least this time it's just the actual number and not one with a few zeroes added to it.

#8: Halfway through one part right after you jump you can turn right and visit a location from another game.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 20 December 2021