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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is so bad about Nintendo's online service vs. the others (PSN, Xbox Live)

IcaroRibeiro said:

This is easily the worst thread I've read this month, congrats

Oh really now? What makes it so bad?

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I'm with OP here, I never understood this either. Bad connection is not a Nintendo only thing, that happens on the other consoles as well, but this gets comfortably swept under the rug. That's a double standard that gets blindly repeated without any critical thinking.

Voice chat is insanely overrated and terribly unneccessary, I couldn't care less. However, like OP already mentioned, there are indeed many games that feature this, but let's ignore that for the sake of complaning.

Okay, some people love trophies, some people on the other hand look behind them and see no value at all. I am from the second group. To me, trophies are useless filler to stretch boring games that should rather stretch themselves naturally by good game design instead of obnoxious and out of bund tasks that no regular player would do otherwise. However, many games from Nintendo have some sort of in-game trophy system as well 'but, yeah, that's just not the same thing at all!'

Chats and communities were a thing with Miiverse, which was great and I loved it so much, but sadly it doesn't exist anymore. However, Nintendo didn't end it just because, they ended it because trolls kept posting inappropriate shit and thought they were funny. Congrats, trolls! Let's thank these idiots for all the laughs, they sure make up for the removal of Miiverse. Bratty behavior like this is why we can't have nice things.

Do family plans, people. Even if you're only two members, you already save money. It's also really super simple.

@ZyroXZ2: '...and the mobile app also pales in comparison to the Xbox mobile app which DIRECTLY allows me to save screenshots and video captures to my phone if I want to just send it to friends privately. Yea, that means Xbox's servers also host your screenshots and video captures...'

You CAN transfer screenshots to your phone with the Switch, this was implemented in an update. So that means Nintendo's servers also host your screenshots and video captures.

xPhenom08x said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

This is easily the worst thread I've read this month, congrats

Oh really now? What makes it so bad?

Your thread revolves into listing features Nintendo don't have and then proceed saying they are either bad, irrelevant or you simply don't like them. Your final conclusion is "I don't know why people are complaining"

So maybe, just maybe, they are complaining because they actually wants the features you are saying that don't matter? I personally find the lack of chat annoying and the experience of needing a phone terrible to say the least. I can't just directly join a friend in a game coming from SO like I do with Steam, or with PS4.

Cloud save is an awful experience, I got a new Switch and lost my saves from Splatoon and Animal Crossing, games I've spent over 300 and over 600 hours in, my progress puff, gone. I've tried to play them again, but it's not the same anymore, probably will just stop them, at least Splatoon have a new one coming next year, as for Animal Crossing, guess I will need to see people enjoying the new features and DLC and never enjoying it myself 

And yes, I used the save data cloud for Animal Crossing. It simply didn't worked, no new island was found when I tried to restore it, life sucks, but Nintendo saves sucks harder

Stardew Valley save also got corrupted, fortunately I play it mostly on PC, not even 10 hours spent on Switch was a life savior decision 


And connection IS bad. I should have documented the amount of time I've seen a Splatoon teamate leaving the party during a game. I've tried Smash for 3 days and then given up because the online sucks hard, I'm comparing it with Street Fighter 5 and... there is no comparison, really. Not that I've liked Smash in first place, so I'm not losing anything 

The only game I have no complaints about multi-player is MK8, never really dissapointed me. It has some lags but it does not happen often so I believe when it happens is just my connection 

And family plan? Here I agree it's an excellent payment model... for those who have a family. I think the difference between this and, let's say, Netflix is the potential numbers of devices you can make use of it. Anyone with a PC, Tablet, console (that's not a Switch), TV or Smartphone can make use of Netflix screens. Even my grandfather can make use of my Netflix account. For gaming it's a little bit more complicated, to make use of it you need to first buy a 300 USD dedicated hardware.

I also find the process of finding someone to share the bills tiresome and unnecessary.  With Spotify I use the family subscription, but it's because I have cousins to share it (I pay it for them as they are all minors), but keep it mind it's a liability, not an advantage as in fact I'm paying more not less. Only one of those cousins have a Switch and he's 7, his mom does not allow online play yet, not reason for me to subscribe for a family that I simply don't have 

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 20 October 2021

GoOnKid said:

You CAN transfer screenshots to your phone with the Switch, this was implemented in an update. So that means Nintendo's servers also host your screenshots and video captures.

Have you ever tried that? I did. It's bad, inconvenient, counterintuive and very often don't connect to the phone, conflicts with Android versions and SOs that blocks the wifi connection 

There is no reason to be that complicated and slow. I simply given up uploading my video captures of Metroid Dread

xPhenom08x said:

I have Nintendo Online and Playstation Network, I seriously don't understand what I am being offered with Playstation Network that I should be taking advantage of. The usual complaints I see are bad connection/quality, the voice chat app, missing party chat, and bad value.

Bad Connection/Quality I guess must depend on the game. I have always used ethernet so I just don't see any difference when playing Overwatch on Switch and PS4. Visually yes but connection no. Paladins and Rogue Company also have great connection for me. Smash Bros I have experienced some lag. Sounds more like a Smash problem since other Nintendo games run great online like Splatoon. So I just don't see the issue here.

Missing party chat is legit, I personally am no longer a fan because I hate getting into lobbies of games and everyone is in party chat with friends. Kind of hard to cooperate with teammates when no one is talking. Miss the good old days of toxic talk in lobbies of Call of duty. The game starts and we go at it. So yes I don't care for it but Ninty should probably add it one day.

Bad value, I don't agree with this either. Alot of you ignore the family plan because you can't admit that would be an awesome feature if Sony added it. Ninty knows it exist so they have to keep it in mind when deciding what to offer in it. Everyone gets the same benefits so I seriously pay Ninty $5 a year(7 people on my plan) I'll take that over 60 a year with games I don't care for. They are usually old so if I wanted I would not have waited. Nintendo knows up to 8 different systems could pay less than 5 dollars a year for their service without discounts or finding it cheaper. Whom ever gets the closes to zero for online multiplayer is the best value to me. 

The voice app? Who even uses that? Some of the posters truly believe you can't even voice chat on Switch lmao. News flash, only Nintendo games and a select few third parties use that app. It's completely up to the developer on whether to use that app. Fortnite, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Paladins, Rogue Company, Warface, Rocket League and nearly every other online multiplayer game on Switch supports just plugging in a headset and talk like every other system. 

In closing, I can understand someone that truly takes advantage of those free games could love Sony/Micro's value but I seriously doubt if both companies offered a lower multiplayer only plan people wouldn't jump for it. When PS3 had free online, Sonys subscribers for PSN was far lower. Online multiplayer is all the majority wants and Nintendo offers the closes to zero. So I personally don't see how they are better. 

I agree with you for the most part. Which is why I had NSO from day 1.

Also, I don't understand why Nintendo got bashed for bad connection. I never experienced any problems whatsoever on this front on a Nintendo device, not even on the Wii U - just a long delay before downloads started here, but no bad ping or anything like that.

What is bad was the steep price increase compared to the original plan when ordering the expansion pack. There's just too little in it so far to make up for the steep price increase. That's why I keep a waiting approach so far for that plan. But the original NSO is still great imo.

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For 20 bucks a year it serves my purposes. The only thing I want is voice chat, and I don’t need it that badly. I didn’t really use it much on PSN. I haven’t cared about achievements in over a decade.

IcaroRibeiro said:
GoOnKid said:

You CAN transfer screenshots to your phone with the Switch, this was implemented in an update. So that means Nintendo's servers also host your screenshots and video captures.

Have you ever tried that? I did. It's bad, inconvenient, counterintuive and very often don't connect to the phone, conflicts with Android versions and SOs that blocks the wifi connection 

There is no reason to be that complicated and slow. I simply given up uploading my video captures of Metroid Dread

I just did it, it took me a minute to figure out how to scan the qr-code properly but once you've connected the Switch to the phone then it's super easy. Here's a screenshot I took in Neo The World Ends With You. It looks like the Cactuar farted. Actually it's supposed to be running away. I thought it was hilarious. 

Putting the image into this reply is far more complicated, however.

Online for all systems should be free, especially for low volume players. I play maybe 30 hours of online a year, Souls with my brother, paying for it is BS from all companies. But alas millions willingly gave their money, so it will never go away.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

I don't really have a use for online on PSN when it comes to social functions. But it's nice for my kid to be able to play Fortnite and Rocket League and some other games for free and chat away with his mates through the controller jack. That much at least should be possible on Nintendo as well.

Dante9 said:

I don't really have a use for online on PSN when it comes to social functions. But it's nice for my kid to be able to play Fortnite and Rocket League and some other games for free and chat away with his mates through the controller jack. That much at least should be possible on Nintendo as well.

Controller jack in controller is annoying as well but the jack is on the console. Handheld mode is a simple plug and play. Docked mode would need USB headset, I use playstation golds.