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Forums - Politics Discussion - Non-Americans Stunned By American Health Care Costs

What annoys me about Canada is that an international student, I still have to deal with shitty private health insurance companies instead of being able to opt into government healthcare. I pay twice as much as any Canadian and don't get half the things every Canadian does. I can't go to my preferred doctor and I always have to think whether something is covered or not. It's super annoying. I would actually be fine paying a bit more than Canadians but being on the government program. Canada's private healthcare industry is run by international students and they love to rob us blind in every scenario. I guess human rights stop at the border for Canada. Plus Canada has a long way to go. It needs to cover prescription, hearing aids, dental and drugs as well. Way better than the US but a long ways to go and the path is clear on how to get there. Trudeau government lied about doing all those things. If only the people of Canada weren't so annoyingly convinced their country is a 1 party system when it's not. They only vote for liberals or Conservatives when they can vote NDP or the Green party.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

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Eagle367 said:

What annoys me about Canada is that an international student, I still have to deal with shitty private health insurance companies instead of being able to opt into government healthcare. I pay twice as much as any Canadian and don't get half the things every Canadian does. I can't go to my preferred doctor and I always have to think whether something is covered or not. It's super annoying. I would actually be fine paying a bit more than Canadians but being on the government program. Canada's private healthcare industry is run by international students and they love to rob us blind in every scenario. I guess human rights stop at the border for Canada. Plus Canada has a long way to go. It needs to cover prescription, hearing aids, dental and drugs as well. Way better than the US but a long ways to go and the path is clear on how to get there. Trudeau government lied about doing all those things. If only the people of Canada weren't so annoyingly convinced their country is a 1 party system when it's not. They only vote for liberals or Conservatives when they can vote NDP or the Green party.

It's the annoying first past the post voting system that's to blame for that. A lot of people vote for the 'opposition' instead of for the party they actually want to vote for, just so that the other guy doesn't get the most seats in parliament.

Canada has a long way to go indeed. It's practically norm here to go to the ER for first aid since an appointment with your regular doctor can take months. There aren't enough general practitioners. Our doctor should have retired long ago, pretty useless by now. But then what. I wouldn't mind paying if I could actually get an appointment with a doctor the next day or two. I never had these issues in the Netherlands, where it was also covered. Heck when I was young, the doctor still made house visits. Same morning, the doctor came by. Saved me from a nasty bacterial infection that could have cost me my leg if it hadn't been discovered as soon as it was.

I'm not impressed by Canadian healthcare. Emergency response is well organized, usually fast and efficient. Yet anything beyond ER is pretty bad.

Pemalite said:

Never paid for a single doctors visit, medical/physical checkup, vaccine, medication. etc' in my entire 35~ year life.

Universal healthcare is absolutely awesome, Americans are being conned... And it will *never* change while you have people screeching "socialism" left, right and center.

Dude, the people that talk about giving free heathcare or REALLY entertain lowering the costs are in power.

At some point you have to consider asking what's actually going on that prevents healthcare from changing in this country. Maybe its corruption, maybe the politicians have interests that aren't the people?

This is partly why I am a libertarian, there is little we can point to that our government actually does well. I certainly can't point to much where government plays a big role and it works well. If it does work fairly well, its often extremely inefficient/expensive. Our healthcare is not the free market people think it is either, its heavily regulated by government and that is a big reason prices stay high.

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Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Never paid for a single doctors visit, medical/physical checkup, vaccine, medication. etc' in my entire 35~ year life.

Universal healthcare is absolutely awesome, Americans are being conned... And it will *never* change while you have people screeching "socialism" left, right and center.

Dude, the people that talk about giving free heathcare or REALLY entertain lowering the costs are in power.

At some point you have to consider asking what's actually going on that prevents healthcare from changing in this country. Maybe its corruption, maybe the politicians have interests that aren't the people?

This is partly why I am a libertarian, there is little we can point to that our government actually does well. I certainly can't point to much where government plays a big role and it works well. If it does work fairly well, its often extremely inefficient/expensive. Our healthcare is not the free market people think it is either, its heavily regulated by government and that is a big reason prices stay high.

Rhetoric of "Government is shit at doing anything" is part of the reason why Universal healthcare can not and will never become "good" in the United States.

To many opponents rather than everyone putting their big-boy pants on and getting on with the job.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Never paid for a single doctors visit, medical/physical checkup, vaccine, medication. etc' in my entire 35~ year life.

Universal healthcare is absolutely awesome, Americans are being conned... And it will *never* change while you have people screeching "socialism" left, right and center.

Dude, the people that talk about giving free heathcare or REALLY entertain lowering the costs are in power.

At some point you have to consider asking what's actually going on that prevents healthcare from changing in this country. Maybe its corruption, maybe the politicians have interests that aren't the people?

This is partly why I am a libertarian, there is little we can point to that our government actually does well. I certainly can't point to much where government plays a big role and it works well. If it does work fairly well, its often extremely inefficient/expensive. Our healthcare is not the free market people think it is either, its heavily regulated by government and that is a big reason prices stay high.

Nope! The big reason it's inefficient and expensive is because of private healthcare and convoluted systems that are only made for profit and not for healthcare and thus cause a lot in administrative costs. The other developed countries with more streamlined systems are cheaper and the ones with single payer are the cheapest and the ones with nationalized healthcare are even cheaper. The government does do them well. When the NHS was only public and properly funded (Before the Tories), it was the best system in the world. M4A would cost less than the current US system. Look at Cuba's system currently. Netherlands, Finland, etc. The government does healthcare well and "free market" is just an illusion it's just who is regulated and how. 

The private healthcare system is the most inefficient way to deliver healthcare in the history of humanity because profit is primary and healthcare is secondary and that bloats up cost. It's also why no country that has gone single payer has ever come back nor has any party tried to run a campaign on bringing it back to an archaic system. It just works. It's been proven in many countries in many situations and it just works. It's cheaper, better and more efficient. Of course a corrupt government can ruin anything like how Tories are ruining the NHS. But man, libertarianism(The US one, not the capital L one) is so stupid in my opinion. It just doesn't work in a village with thousands of people let alone a country with millions. Government isn't bad, it's who the government works for that determines whether government is good or bad. US government works for it's oligarchs and that's what makes it bad. Government by it's nature is necessary to manage huge groups of people.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

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Pemalite said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Dude, the people that talk about giving free heathcare or REALLY entertain lowering the costs are in power.

At some point you have to consider asking what's actually going on that prevents healthcare from changing in this country. Maybe its corruption, maybe the politicians have interests that aren't the people?

This is partly why I am a libertarian, there is little we can point to that our government actually does well. I certainly can't point to much where government plays a big role and it works well. If it does work fairly well, its often extremely inefficient/expensive. Our healthcare is not the free market people think it is either, its heavily regulated by government and that is a big reason prices stay high.

Rhetoric of "Government is shit at doing anything" is part of the reason why Universal healthcare can not and will never become "good" in the United States.

To many opponents rather than everyone putting their big-boy pants on and getting on with the job.

Again, look who is in power and their rhetoric. But when they got power, their attitudes towards a lot of things changed.

What more would you like people to do? Would you like to see citizens burning down cities to get free healthcare? Well I got news for you, people are already doing that to end racism.

What I'm trying to tell you is the people deemed opponents of socializing healthcare or lowering costs are not in power. Part of the reason many voted for liberals is to "fix" healthcare. But now even our liberal media is admitting the people in power are full of shit because clearly they cater to others. Trillions of dollars being thrown around and I am not seeing anything that really benefits me or will lower my bills. Cost of living is going up though, so great!

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Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Rhetoric of "Government is shit at doing anything" is part of the reason why Universal healthcare can not and will never become "good" in the United States.

To many opponents rather than everyone putting their big-boy pants on and getting on with the job.

Again, look who is in power and their rhetoric. But when they got power, their attitudes towards a lot of things changed.

What more would you like people to do? Would you like to see citizens burning down cities to get free healthcare? Well I got news for you, people are already doing that to end racism.

What I'm trying to tell you is the people deemed opponents of socializing healthcare or lowering costs are not in power. Part of the reason many voted for liberals is to "fix" healthcare. But now even our liberal media is admitting the people in power are full of shit because clearly they cater to others. Trillions of dollars being thrown around and I am not seeing anything that really benefits me or will lower my bills. Cost of living is going up though, so great!

How many people in power have been vocally supportive of Universal Healthcare? 1%? 2%? What are you on about? 

Eagle367 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Dude, the people that talk about giving free heathcare or REALLY entertain lowering the costs are in power.

At some point you have to consider asking what's actually going on that prevents healthcare from changing in this country. Maybe its corruption, maybe the politicians have interests that aren't the people?

This is partly why I am a libertarian, there is little we can point to that our government actually does well. I certainly can't point to much where government plays a big role and it works well. If it does work fairly well, its often extremely inefficient/expensive. Our healthcare is not the free market people think it is either, its heavily regulated by government and that is a big reason prices stay high.

Nope! The big reason it's inefficient and expensive is because of private healthcare and convoluted systems that are only made for profit and not for healthcare and thus cause a lot in administrative costs. The other developed countries with more streamlined systems are cheaper and the ones with single payer are the cheapest and the ones with nationalized healthcare are even cheaper. The government does do them well. When the NHS was only public and properly funded (Before the Tories), it was the best system in the world. M4A would cost less than the current US system. Look at Cuba's system currently. Netherlands, Finland, etc. The government does healthcare well and "free market" is just an illusion it's just who is regulated and how. 

The private healthcare system is the most inefficient way to deliver healthcare in the history of humanity because profit is primary and healthcare is secondary and that bloats up cost. It's also why no country that has gone single payer has ever come back nor has any party tried to run a campaign on bringing it back to an archaic system. It just works. It's been proven in many countries in many situations and it just works. It's cheaper, better and more efficient. Of course a corrupt government can ruin anything like how Tories are ruining the NHS. But man, libertarianism(The US one, not the capital L one) is so stupid in my opinion. It just doesn't work in a village with thousands of people let alone a country with millions. Government isn't bad, it's who the government works for that determines whether government is good or bad. US government works for it's oligarchs and that's what makes it bad. Government by it's nature is necessary to manage huge groups of people.

Healthcare can be profitable without being so expensive. I mean its why a procedure can vary wildly simply depending where you go. Insurance is also a big reason healthcare costs can be so high, they will charge thousands to your insurance for a simple procedure. I think the entire country at the very least agrees healthcare should be more affordable, but we don't even move in that direction.

You know literally nothing about libertarianism. I am not an anarchist. Also, never believe anything Cuba wants you to believe.

You are needlessly defending socialized healthcare. I am not attacking socialized healthcare. However, its not a perfect system given many people still opt for private healthcare in many countries even when the social option is available. At least if they can afford the better healthcare option.

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sundin13 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Again, look who is in power and their rhetoric. But when they got power, their attitudes towards a lot of things changed.

What more would you like people to do? Would you like to see citizens burning down cities to get free healthcare? Well I got news for you, people are already doing that to end racism.

What I'm trying to tell you is the people deemed opponents of socializing healthcare or lowering costs are not in power. Part of the reason many voted for liberals is to "fix" healthcare. But now even our liberal media is admitting the people in power are full of shit because clearly they cater to others. Trillions of dollars being thrown around and I am not seeing anything that really benefits me or will lower my bills. Cost of living is going up though, so great!

How many people in power have been vocally supportive of Universal Healthcare? 1%? 2%? What are you on about? 

Many have talked about as healthcare as right (i.e. socializing healthcare) or lowering the costs. I think it especially matters when the current president has said these things.

Remember, even Obama's big promise was lowering the costs of healthcare. Instead his big changes increased prices for your normal working person.

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Mr Puggsly said:
Eagle367 said:

Nope! The big reason it's inefficient and expensive is because of private healthcare and convoluted systems that are only made for profit and not for healthcare and thus cause a lot in administrative costs. The other developed countries with more streamlined systems are cheaper and the ones with single payer are the cheapest and the ones with nationalized healthcare are even cheaper. The government does do them well. When the NHS was only public and properly funded (Before the Tories), it was the best system in the world. M4A would cost less than the current US system. Look at Cuba's system currently. Netherlands, Finland, etc. The government does healthcare well and "free market" is just an illusion it's just who is regulated and how. 

The private healthcare system is the most inefficient way to deliver healthcare in the history of humanity because profit is primary and healthcare is secondary and that bloats up cost. It's also why no country that has gone single payer has ever come back nor has any party tried to run a campaign on bringing it back to an archaic system. It just works. It's been proven in many countries in many situations and it just works. It's cheaper, better and more efficient. Of course a corrupt government can ruin anything like how Tories are ruining the NHS. But man, libertarianism(The US one, not the capital L one) is so stupid in my opinion. It just doesn't work in a village with thousands of people let alone a country with millions. Government isn't bad, it's who the government works for that determines whether government is good or bad. US government works for it's oligarchs and that's what makes it bad. Government by it's nature is necessary to manage huge groups of people.

Healthcare can be profitable without being so expensive. I mean its why a procedure can vary wildly simply depending where you go. Insurance is also a big reason healthcare costs can be so high, they will charge thousands to your insurance for a simple procedure. I think the entire country at the very least agrees healthcare should be more affordable, but we don't even move in that direction.

You know literally nothing about libertarianism. I am not an anarchist. Also, never believe anything Cuba wants you to believe.

You are needlessly defending socialized healthcare. I am not attacking socialized healthcare. However, its not a perfect system given many people still opt for private healthcare in many countries even when the social option is available. At least if they can afford the better healthcare option.

Oh wow, propaganda against Cuba. Shows you really are an American. Also, there should be no profit motive when it comes to human rights and healthcare is a human right. You shouldn't even be asking "Can I make a profit off of healthcare?" Because even asking that question leads you down the wrong path. And it's not "the better option" it's just rich people who don't care how much money they can throw at a problem to get special treatment. Sorry but government itself isn't bad, taxation on it's own isn't bad either,

Also you are saying the people in power support universal healthcare when that is a lie. Biden said he would veto it, Harris pretended to support it by backed down and a lot of Democrats don't support it and many of them get donations from health insurance companies. Bernie Sanders isn't in power mate, so your initial assumption is wrong to begin with. But any healthcare system where the primary motive is profit will fail. It will make profits for sure, but it'll fail at actual healthcare. The people in power don't want universal healthcare and want to keep making profits for the healthcare industry. That's the issue. The issue is the oligarchy, not the government. The government serving the oligarchy is certainly an issue but the root cause of that is a system that treats wealthy people like the aristocrats of old and thinks having money means your opinion is more valid. 

The issue is listening to idiots like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc instead of actual experts. For example bill Gates ruined the vaccine distribution of the world by throwing his force behind the pharmaceutical companies and protecting their patents. Stuff like that is the issue. I guarantee you once US gets universal healthcare, the people will never wanna go back. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also