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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rumour: Naughty Dog Remaking TLOU1

Flood of news

-ND was Working on 3 Projects (TLOU Remake, Uncharted (supervisory), unspecified multiplayer experience)
-Bend working on new IP after abandoning Uncharted
-Overall  bad management across sonys side has caused some upset amongst developers

Last edited by Otter - on 09 April 2021

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For me this really quite sad news. Sony going in the big direction didn't bother me if they were going to deliver a stream of new blockbuster experiences, but the fact that their premiere team is now stuck doing a remake of a perfectly pristine 2014 game (PS4 version) and dragging Uncharted along for another entry is quite depressing. Fully understand the business decision to capitalise on these franchises but ND should be pushing the industry forward and not acting as a cash cow for sony.


The last of us is a 7 years old game with a 2014 remaster that still working very well in both PS4 and PS5, I see no reason to play a remake for a game that don't need any significant graphics improvement. Surely are making this trying to capitalize the popularity of the upcoming series

They should be working in a sequel, this story still needs a conclusion

Bloomberg, the same ones that said that Sony would release about a million less PS5 units compared to PS4.

And that the price of PS5 would around $549.

And that they were having yield issues with the chips.

And the production was about 10 million units fiscal year, then 15, then backed to 11 million units.

Are we talking about the same Bloomberg??

Reminds me of the rumour about Resident Evil Village having serious problems trying to run at 1080p and 30fps on PS5, and then suddenly Capcom added PS4 and Xbone versions.

If true, I feel like Sony's reason to remake this is to be in lined with the new TLoU tv show that's coming out. If there was any time to remake it now would be it.

Anybody that's feeling negative about this, would you prefer that Sony just ports the PS3/PS4 version over to the PS5? I'm more happy that they're remaking this rather than to get another remaster. I'm sure Sony will utilize the power of the PS5 for this so lets see what they can do.

Also, forget Days Gone, give me The Order 1886 sequel! lol

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kazuyamishima said:

Bloomberg, the same ones that said that Sony would release about a million less PS5 units compared to PS4.

And that the price of PS5 would around $549.

And that they were having yield issues with the chips.

And the production was about 10 million units fiscal year, then 15, then backed to 11 million units.

Are we talking about the same Bloomberg??

Reminds me of the rumour about Resident Evil Village having serious problems trying to run at 1080p and 30fps on PS5, and then suddenly Capcom added PS4 and Xbone versions.

Added rumour to it just for caution. More specifically than Bloomberg its coming from Jason Schreier. Regardless of how someone might feel about him, his investigative journalism is second to none in the industry. There is not really a more reliable source for "rumour". Also prior to any console launch 1000 things are up in the air especially with the pandemic they were launched in. Wouldn't put too much weight in reports in changing production and certainly not anything relating to price which can change the day before a reveal. For example sony doubled the PS4's ram last minute

V-r0cK said:

If true, I feel like Sony's reason to remake this is to be in lined with the new TLoU tv show that's coming out. If there was any time to remake it now would be it.

Anybody that's feeling negative about this, would you prefer that Sony just ports the PS3/PS4 version over to the PS5? I'm more happy that they're remaking this rather than to get another remaster. I'm sure Sony will utilize the power of the PS5 for this so lets see what they can do.

Also, forget Days Gone, give me The Order 1886 sequel! lol

Yes of course lol. You're essentially asking whether you would rather have a remake of a perfectly modern game or have a brand new  title (including an optional TLOU3 conclusion).

Last edited by Otter - on 09 April 2021

A TLoU remake would be totally pointless. The PS4 Remaster is just fine as it is.

Signature goes here!

V-r0cK said:

Anybody that's feeling negative about this, would you prefer that Sony just ports the PS3/PS4 version over to the PS5? 

Of course yes 

And allocate their resources to work in a sequel with the team instead of recreating a game that is already awesome to play in PS4. They are a great team, why spend them doing remakes ? 

If they don't intend to release a sequel I don't know, maybe a new IP? 

I'm taking everything except a remake for a game that absolutely don't need a remake. Indeed, what exactly they need to remade about The last of Us? 

The only thing that could change my feelings on this is if it includes part 3 (ala Miles Morales/Lost Legacy)