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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda Breath of the Wild is overrated.

Did you really make this entire thread because you 1% disagree with the score?

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Leynos said:

I award The Last of Us II a score of a FOUR!...out of 10.

User was banned for this post- JWeincom

lol, he got banned for this!? This is actually quite witty. Can't believe someone took offense at this light joke.

Hiku said:

This reminds me of when someone said they cancelled their pre-order for Halo Master Chief Collection, because it was sitting at a (at the time) Metacritic score of 90, instead of the 93 they expected.

90 is pretty damn good for a game mostly unplayable at launch.

I find it hilarious you are dead serious about the game not being a 97, but that it could be a 96.

Oh well..

Leynos said:

I award The Last of Us II a score of a FOUR!...out of 10.

User was banned for this post- JWeincom

So, if you make a joke in a joke thread you get banned?

The reasoning for the ban is faulty.

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Peh said:
Leynos said:

I award The Last of Us II a score of a FOUR!...out of 10.

User was banned for this post- JWeincom

So, if you make a joke in a joke thread you get banned?

The reasoning for the ban is faulty.

Agreed but what can you do. I have noticed online people get banned for making any jokes about that game in other places too. Not me other than this place but I guess making light jokes about TLOU series is a serious crime on the interwebs. Oh well lol

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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The biggest complaint I see from BOTW is the weapon durability system. While I understand people have frustrations with that, they also praise the exploration of the game. Well the durability system plays into that exploration. This is one of the reasons where Immortals Fenyx Rising fails to be like BOTW. Think about it, if you're worried about your inventory you're gonna want to explore more to get more and powerful weapons to add to your arsenal. In Immortals FR you don't feel compelled to really explore the world. Not just because you don't have to worry about inventory, but also it's a game where you go from Point A to B. BOTW let's you choose where to go and what to do. If Immortals FR was a linear game it would be almost no different than what it is now, but BOTW would be a completely different game.

People hate the durability system, but when you think about it and after playing Immortals FR you see that the durability system plays a part of exploration of the world.

Sogreblute said:

The biggest complaint I see from BOTW is the weapon durability system. While I understand people have frustrations with that, they also praise the exploration of the game. Well the durability system plays into that exploration. This is one of the reasons where Immortals Fenyx Rising fails to be like BOTW. Think about it, if you're worried about your inventory you're gonna want to explore more to get more and powerful weapons to add to your arsenal. In Immortals FR you don't feel compelled to really explore the world. Not just because you don't have to worry about inventory, but also it's a game where you go from Point A to B. BOTW let's you choose where to go and what to do. If Immortals FR was a linear game it would be almost no different than what it is now, but BOTW would be a completely different game.

People hate the durability system, but when you think about it and after playing Immortals FR you see that the durability system plays a part of exploration of the world.

I don't think the weapon durability system was needed for exploring. But it didn't bothered me, my inventory was always filled with weapons I picked up along the way.

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Sogreblute said:

The biggest complaint I see from BOTW is the weapon durability system. While I understand people have frustrations with that, they also praise the exploration of the game. Well the durability system plays into that exploration. 

I agree with this. While the weapon durability can get annoying, it's an integral part of the game.  

I don't like using the term overrated because usually is just people basically saying "other people like this too much, they should like it less". So while i wouldn't say that,i don't like it as other people do. There's plenty of very clear flaws that the game has that were tolerated because it had some impressive synergy between systems, but also if we're being honest because of brand prestige in some level too. It ultimately is boring to me because it doesn't solve the problem that every open world has, that is just the stretches of 20 minutes that you find yourself with nothing to cool to do sometimes. There's not enough meaningfull rewards and places to be interesting, even with how cool some of the mechanics are.

But i only replied seriously to this thread because the op made me laugh.

Sogreblute said:

The biggest complaint I see from BOTW is the weapon durability system. While I understand people have frustrations with that, they also praise the exploration of the game. Well the durability system plays into that exploration. This is one of the reasons where Immortals Fenyx Rising fails to be like BOTW. Think about it, if you're worried about your inventory you're gonna want to explore more to get more and powerful weapons to add to your arsenal. In Immortals FR you don't feel compelled to really explore the world. Not just because you don't have to worry about inventory, but also it's a game where you go from Point A to B. BOTW let's you choose where to go and what to do. If Immortals FR was a linear game it would be almost no different than what it is now, but BOTW would be a completely different game.

People hate the durability system, but when you think about it and after playing Immortals FR you see that the durability system plays a part of exploration of the world.

It was the opposite for me. The weapon durability hindered free exploration. The problem was the limited inventory I had until 70 hours in. (I didn't find the upgrade guy until them since I went the other way from the starter island). So setting out exploring the snow capped mountains, weapons breaking all the time meant less room for items helping exploration, less room for 'fun' weapons. Sometimes having to back track to farm better weapons when a difficult enemy was ahead.

It extends the game length, hinders exploration imo. Limited inventory always does, since it compels you to go back to sell / craft / upgrade, instead of keep going. Inventory management is just a chore, spreadsheet type fun. It's not realistic anyway, so why limit it. The only reason I can think of is to artificially increase the game length.

In the end, you never got attached to any weapon or tool in BotW. They were all disposable generic items, stocking up on multiples of the same thing just to get through a couple battles in a row. Having different weapons be more/less effective against different types of enemies is enough to get players to experiment and try different things. No need to brake their new 'toy' after 8 hits. I couldn't experiment as much as I liked since I needed to keep a buffer of tried and true weapons in my inventory at all times just in case. Some of the hard enemies could take 5 weapons and a couple shields to wear down.