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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last of Us Part II Wins Game of the Year!

Chrkeller said:

Why do people get so upset when somebody doesn't like Last 2 (or any other highly rated game)? I've never understand the passion to defend, given it is all personal opinion. Doesnt help there are a lot of "great" games i didn't care for; ocarina, gta (all of then), Witcher and bioshock jump to mind.

Nobody has a problem with people disliking the game here. People have problem with the reasons and intentions the same usual suspects have bringing their predictable negativity in a thread about the game  winning GOTY.

Just to put things into perspective, I don’t go in threads of games or whatever I don’t like just to put a negative spin on what is praised by others to stir shit among people who enjoy what I don’t.

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Hynad said:
Chrkeller said:

Why do people get so upset when somebody doesn't like Last 2 (or any other highly rated game)? I've never understand the passion to defend, given it is all personal opinion. Doesnt help there are a lot of "great" games i didn't care for; ocarina, gta (all of then), Witcher and bioshock jump to mind.

Nobody has a problem with people disliking the game here. People have problem with the reasons and intentions the same usual suspects have bringing their predictable negativity in a thread about the game  winning GOTY.

Just to put things into perspective, I don’t go in threads of games or whatever I don’t like just to put a negative spin on what is praised by others to stir shit among people who enjoy what I don’t.

Same reason I avoid giving my opinion on Zelda or Halo. I don't like them because of the type of game doesn't really attract me (and perhaps if I gave it a try I could end up liking) but I do know they are superb games and correctly loved by a big portion of gamers, so there really is no point in me entering a thread of either to say not everyone like the game or that I don't like the game. First because it is obvious not everyone will like something (and that is true for anything) and second because it could very well just poison the well. If it is a technical discussion or sales discussion sure I would enter to discuss those merits, now if it is celebration, appreciation or similar I have no point in going there.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:

So you already saw in the thread that some people hate it, and that no one was claiming everyone loves it, so you actually had 0 need to post anything, still you decided to do with someone that had a negative opinion that isn't yours. And if you have zero opinion on the subject what exactly are you doing in this thread?

When people label others for not liking something is an issue not an opinion. I have read countless posts of people saying those who don't like the game are either this or that nonsense. So yes, i posted to level out the playing field. I think its kind of sad that instead of you having an issue at those categorizing people for not liking the game, that you decide its necessary to have the issue with the one defending those people. Somethings never change Don. instead of posting valid points, you just continue to hold grudges on people regardless if they are right or wrong. That is incredibly clear. I don't need to be a fan to post an opinion but like i said, i came here because of the finger pointing. If people stop finger pointing than i wont need to be in here posting videos claiming they are wrong. 

Nothing wrong with liking the game, just like there is nothing wrong with hating the game. There is no need to call people names because their opinion isn't inline with there own. So you and Hynad need to either take lessons in communication and stop making these things personal and start looking at the reasoning. Its bloody video games, not WW3.

Given people do not care if somebody was less than impressed with Last 2, these threads certainly get a lot of responses anytime said opinion is expressed.

I've said my peace on the game. Now to finish Chapter 16 in FFVII Remake.  Then onto 13 Sentinels.



Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

DonFerrari said:
Hynad said:

Nobody has a problem with people disliking the game here. People have problem with the reasons and intentions the same usual suspects have bringing their predictable negativity in a thread about the game  winning GOTY.

Just to put things into perspective, I don’t go in threads of games or whatever I don’t like just to put a negative spin on what is praised by others to stir shit among people who enjoy what I don’t.

Same reason I avoid giving my opinion on Zelda or Halo. I don't like them because of the type of game doesn't really attract me (and perhaps if I gave it a try I could end up liking) but I do know they are superb games and correctly loved by a big portion of gamers, so there really is no point in me entering a thread of either to say not everyone like the game or that I don't like the game. First because it is obvious not everyone will like something (and that is true for anything) and second because it could very well just poison the well. If it is a technical discussion or sales discussion sure I would enter to discuss those merits, now if it is celebration, appreciation or similar I have no point in going there.

The thing is that a lot of people that dislike or were disappointed by the 2nd game were fans of the 1st. So it makes a lot of sense for them to talk about why. 

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Azzanation said:
DonFerrari said:

So you already saw in the thread that some people hate it, and that no one was claiming everyone loves it, so you actually had 0 need to post anything, still you decided to do with someone that had a negative opinion that isn't yours. And if you have zero opinion on the subject what exactly are you doing in this thread?

When people label others for not liking something is an issue not an opinion. I have read countless posts of people saying those who don't like the game are either this or that nonsense. So yes, i posted to level out the playing field. I think its kind of sad that instead of you having an issue at those categorizing people for not liking the game, that you decide its necessary to have the issue with the one defending those people. Somethings never change Don. instead of posting valid points, you just continue to hold grudges on people regardless if they are right or wrong. That is incredibly clear. I don't need to be a fan to post an opinion but like i said, i came here because of the finger pointing. If people stop finger pointing than i wont need to be in here posting videos claiming they are wrong. 

Nothing wrong with liking the game, just like there is nothing wrong with hating the game. There is no need to call people names because their opinion isn't inline with there own. So you and Hynad need to either take lessons in communication and stop making these things personal and start looking at the reasoning. Its bloody video games, not WW3.

There is plenty of reasons to be wrong on hating something. But please explain why do you think there was a need to level the field and bring negativity on a thread celebrating TLOU2 won GOTY? Would you bring a corpse to a Christmas party to level the field so people don't enjoy to much?

Neither me, nor Hynad or anyone else I saw in this thread labeled or gave name to pikashoe or chrk even though they brought points they dislike on the game, those were discussed with level headness. And Joe wasn't called an idiot, Hynad that countered him said he likes the guy but his opinions on the game were idiotic because of how he approached the game. The reason you got a label is more in line with why you felt a need to come and bring negativity.

pikashoe said:
DonFerrari said:

Same reason I avoid giving my opinion on Zelda or Halo. I don't like them because of the type of game doesn't really attract me (and perhaps if I gave it a try I could end up liking) but I do know they are superb games and correctly loved by a big portion of gamers, so there really is no point in me entering a thread of either to say not everyone like the game or that I don't like the game. First because it is obvious not everyone will like something (and that is true for anything) and second because it could very well just poison the well. If it is a technical discussion or sales discussion sure I would enter to discuss those merits, now if it is celebration, appreciation or similar I have no point in going there.

The thing is that a lot of people that dislike or were disappointed by the 2nd game were fans of the 1st. So it makes a lot of sense for them to talk about why. 

Certainly does make sense. But do you take Azza "leveling the filed" Nation someone that was fan of the 1st and is talking his dislikes for the game?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Azzanation said:

You clearly haven't watched Angry Joe's opinion on the game or the awards. It doesn't get much Gamer than him. 

He brings up some valid points that seem to be ignored by the industry and even got called a Basement dwelling virgin by other professionals due to him having a different opinion. "The industry circled the wagons" seems to have been one of the popular lines from him.

Ill link the video, if you are interested to see why his negative towards the game. This is coming from a guy who loved the first game too. 


Since everyone seems to be responding to this particular post, I guess I might as well add my two cents.

I endured Mr. Angry Joe's "review" but found myself so bored by the format that it took me two attempts to finish. There's far too much to dissect therein to properly respond to...which is the entire point. Mr. Joe favors the approach of throwing as much shit at the wall as possible as fast as possible for as long as possible in the hopes that something will stick and it drives me nuts. What this approach convinces me of is that the guy really doesn't have anything, he's just looking for ways to be disagreeable that might seem persuasive to persons like yourself who've never played the game before to know better.

The whole rage thing is obviously a performance more than actual sentiment to judge by the fact that "angry" is his paid YouTube persona. I mean it's right there in the show title and the sponsor is announced right at the outset and again at the end in case you didn't remember. If there's an honest opinion to be found anywhere in this clearly feigned fit of rage, it's level of credibility, in my view, is captured in the simple fact that this is a game centrally about two young women that's being reviewed by a panel consisting entirely of middle-aged men whose favorite character is, shockingly, the older man who starred in the first game. Why are there no women on this panel? I was also annoyed by the inclusion of a fake fan of the game in this panel "review". Ya know, the guy who claims to like the game but actually spends the vast majority of his air time griping about it and gives a 6 out of 10 in the end? Same sorta role as like the MSNBC Republicans and the Fox News Democrats; that of providing obviously fake dissent in order to further legitimize and reinforce the pre-existing prejudices of the viewer. That kinda bullshit is transparent and the sheer dishonesty of it grates on my nerves. (Standard sample line from the so-called fan: "The game focuses on shock and surprise versus suspense and substance. ...and that's poor writing, and that's what this game is filled with." This is the "fan" Joe's invited to defend the game. Do you see the bad faith here?)

The sort of "points" Joe makes are like...

...that Ellie leaves an idyllic scenario that's pretty much my dream life at the farmhouse to pursue Abby even after being defeated by her, for example. Why would a rational person do that? It goes to show you only that he has no understanding of how post-traumatic stress disorder can impact one's psyche. It's not an easy task to always make the rational decision. With my PTSD, I'll tell you what, while I too was very strongly against Ellie's decision to leave and was very much rooting for Dina to succeed in talking her out of it, I feel like I can also understand why Ellie made the foolish decision she did to leave because unfortunately I can easily see myself doing something just as stupid. In real life, people don't always make the wise and healthy decisions, especially when they're struggling with severe mental illness. Other arguments Joe tries to make are like that the game's events should've been presented in strict chronological order or ordered chronologically by character in a strict way rather than ordered in a way that makes more aesthetic sense, which to me just exemplifies a very technical kind of mindset that's not well-suited to the evaluation of art. At other points, Joe gripes both that there are too many "walking parts" and that they're too long and boring, but ALSO that "there needed to be more moments of characterization". Well which is it? It seems like he wants it both ways: both more intimate moments between the characters and also less of them. How does that work? At a later point, he likewise complains that Part II is too similar to the original...right before ALSO complaining: "How many times does the game subvert our expectations? Too many. Minus a point." Well which is it: too similar or too different? At a certain point, you really do have to wish that "Angry Joe" possessed enough self-awareness to realize that he's contradicting himself left and right and not even trying to empathize with any of the characters.
Last edited by Jaicee - on 20 December 2020

Chrkeller said:

Why do people get so upset when somebody doesn't like Last 2 (or any other highly rated game)? I've never understand the passion to defend, given it is all personal opinion. Doesnt help there are a lot of "great" games i didn't care for; ocarina, gta (all of then), Witcher and bioshock jump to mind.

Speaking just for myself, I'm a very independent person who rarely enjoys AAA releases and overwhelmingly regards sequels as inferior corporate contrivances that exist purely to make money, but for me this game is a rare exception. I connect emotionally more to The Last of Us Part II than I do to just about any other game and feel like many, many people who have never played the game are constantly insisting that it's wrong for me to feel that way for what are transparently politically-motivated reasons. Why do so many people who don't even own the game, who have invested no money therein, have no dog in this fight, object so strenuously to its very existence?

It's all good with me if it's not your favorite game. Don't expect me never to defend it against criticisms that I feel are unmerited though.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 20 December 2020

DonFerrari said:

There is plenty of reasons to be wrong on hating something. But please explain why do you think there was a need to level the field and bring negativity on a thread celebrating TLOU2 won GOTY? Would you bring a corpse to a Christmas party to level the field so people don't enjoy to much?

Neither me, nor Hynad or anyone else I saw in this thread labeled or gave name to pikashoe or chrk even though they brought points they dislike on the game, those were discussed with level headness. And Joe wasn't called an idiot, Hynad that countered him said he likes the guy but his opinions on the game were idiotic because of how he approached the game. The reason you got a label is more in line with why you felt a need to come and bring negativity.

pikashoe said:

The thing is that a lot of people that dislike or were disappointed by the 2nd game were fans of the 1st. So it makes a lot of sense for them to talk about why. 

Certainly does make sense. But do you take Azza "leveling the filed" Nation someone that was fan of the 1st and is talking his dislikes for the game?

Because people are clearly being labeled for not liking the game, that is not a valid argument against the hate of this game, that comes under personally attacking others because they don't agree with them. Hynad claiming that Joe wasn't in the right head space is not debunking his argument also i highly doubt Hynad is a doctor to even make that claim. 

As for the last part of your post, this has nothing to do with me, this is to do with those hating others because they don't like the game. I am speaking up on those that stay quiet. As i said many times, nothing wrong with liking or hating the game but lets not label people because they don't agree.

Jaicee said:

Since everyone seems to be responding to this particular post, I guess I might as well add my two cents.

I endured Mr. Angry Joe's "review" but found myself so bored by the format that it took me two attempts to finish. There's far too much to dissect therein to properly respond to...which is the entire point. Mr. Joe favors the approach of throwing as much shit at the wall as possible as fast as possible for as long as possible in the hopes that something will stick and it drives me nuts. What this approach convinces me of is that the guy really doesn't have anything, he's just looking for ways to be disagreeable that might seem persuasive to persons like yourself who've never played the game before to know better.

The whole rage thing is obviously a performance more than actual sentiment to judge by the fact that "angry" is his paid YouTube persona. I mean it's right there in the show title and the sponsor is announced right at the outset and again at the end in case you didn't remember. If there's an honest opinion to be found anywhere in this clearly feigned fit of rage, it's level of credibility, in my view, is captured in the simple fact that this is a game centrally about two young women that's being reviewed by a panel consisting entirely of middle-aged men whose favorite character is, shockingly, the older man who starred in the first game. Why are there no women on this panel? I was also annoyed by the inclusion of a fake fan of the game in this panel "review". Ya know, the guy who claims to like the game but actually spends the vast majority of his air time griping about it and gives a 6 out of 10 in the end? Same sorta role as like the MSNBC Republicans and the Fox News Democrats; that of providing obviously fake dissent in order to further legitimize and reinforce the pre-existing prejudices of the viewer. That kinda bullshit is transparent and the sheer dishonesty of it grates on my nerves. (Standard sample line from the so-called fan: "The game focuses on shock and surprise versus suspense and substance. ...and that's poor writing, and that's what this game is filled with." This is the "fan" Joe's invited to defend the game. Do you see the bad faith here?)

The sort of "points" Joe makes are like...

...that Ellie leaves an idyllic scenario that's pretty much my dream life at the farmhouse to pursue Abby even after being defeated by her, for example. Why would a rational person do that? It goes to show you only that he has no understanding of how post-traumatic stress disorder can impact one's psyche. It's not an easy task to always make the rational decision. With my PTSD, I'll tell you what, while I too was very strongly against Ellie's decision to leave and was very much rooting for Dina to succeed in talking her out of it, I feel like I can also understand why Ellie made the foolish decision she did to leave because unfortunately I can easily see myself doing something just as stupid. In real life, people don't always make the wise and healthy decisions, especially when they're struggling with severe mental illness. Other arguments Joe tries to make are like that the game's events should've been presented in strict chronological order or ordered chronologically by character in a strict way rather than ordered in a way that makes more aesthetic sense, which to me just exemplifies a very technical kind of mindset that's not well-suited to the evaluation of art. At other points, Joe gripes both that there are too many "walking parts" and that they're too long and boring, but ALSO that "there needed to be more moments of characterization". Well which is it? It seems like he wants it both ways: both more intimate moments between the characters and also less of them. How does that work? At a later point, he likewise complains that Part II is too similar to the original...right before ALSO complaining: "How many times does the game subvert our expectations? Too many. Minus a point." Well which is it: too similar or too different? At a certain point, you really do have to wish that "Angry Joe" possessed enough self-awareness to realize that he's contradicting himself left and right and not even trying to empathize with any of the characters.

Jaicee i understand you like the game, that's perfectly fine, my sister loves the game too, but this entire issue is disliking others for not liking it. Some points of yours doesn't sit well. Angry Joe is a panel of men however that has nothing to do with the overall opinion of the game. Joe clearly stated that he doesn't care if Joel died, in fact he was expecting him to die, the issue is how he died in his eyes. To him it was character assassination to make room for a forced character. To him, he saw past the method of how they try to make you like Gabby etc. Its all in his review and it just didn't work for him. 

Joe gave the 1st game a 10/10 which for him is a rarity and slapped his Badass Seal of Approval on the game. He and the others loved the first game and you can watch his review or his live stream. So if what your saying is true about his persona, than Joe would have butchered the first game like he did with the second game, but this is not the case here. Again see how others label him because his not part of the industry circle? His quite a fan of the series. If you want to know why he gave TLOU2 a 6/10 he goes through the point system and explains why @31:38 in the video.

To Joe, an average game is a 5/10, anything above is considered above average etc. You don't have to agree which is fine, the industry and community needs to respect peoples opinions. You aren't getting called out for giving the game a 10/10 much like you shouldn't get called out if you gave a game a 4/10. Hence the debate. Angry Joe gives harsh reviews to my favorite games as well, however i respect it due to his reasoning's behind it. Do i agree on some of them? Not always, but its his opinion in the end, i don't need to call him names because of his opinions.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 20 December 2020

Azzanation said:
DonFerrari said:

There is plenty of reasons to be wrong on hating something. But please explain why do you think there was a need to level the field and bring negativity on a thread celebrating TLOU2 won GOTY? Would you bring a corpse to a Christmas party to level the field so people don't enjoy to much?

Neither me, nor Hynad or anyone else I saw in this thread labeled or gave name to pikashoe or chrk even though they brought points they dislike on the game, those were discussed with level headness. And Joe wasn't called an idiot, Hynad that countered him said he likes the guy but his opinions on the game were idiotic because of how he approached the game. The reason you got a label is more in line with why you felt a need to come and bring negativity.

Certainly does make sense. But do you take Azza "leveling the filed" Nation someone that was fan of the 1st and is talking his dislikes for the game?

Because people are clearly being labeled for not liking the game, that is not a valid argument against the hate of this game, that comes under personally attacking others because they don't agree with them. Hynad claiming that Joe wasn't in the right head space is not debunking his argument also i highly doubt Hynad is a doctor to even make that claim. 

As for the last part of your post, this has nothing to do with me, this is to do with those hating others because they don't like the game. I am speaking up on those that stay quiet. As i said many times, nothing wrong with liking or hating the game but lets not label people because they don't agree.

Jaicee said:

Since everyone seems to be responding to this particular post, I guess I might as well add my two cents.

I endured Mr. Angry Joe's "review" but found myself so bored by the format that it took me two attempts to finish. There's far too much to dissect therein to properly respond to...which is the entire point. Mr. Joe favors the approach of throwing as much shit at the wall as possible as fast as possible for as long as possible in the hopes that something will stick and it drives me nuts. What this approach convinces me of is that the guy really doesn't have anything, he's just looking for ways to be disagreeable that might seem persuasive to persons like yourself who've never played the game before to know better.

The whole rage thing is obviously a performance more than actual sentiment to judge by the fact that "angry" is his paid YouTube persona. I mean it's right there in the show title and the sponsor is announced right at the outset and again at the end in case you didn't remember. If there's an honest opinion to be found anywhere in this clearly feigned fit of rage, it's level of credibility, in my view, is captured in the simple fact that this is a game centrally about two young women that's being reviewed by a panel consisting entirely of middle-aged men whose favorite character is, shockingly, the older man who starred in the first game. Why are there no women on this panel? I was also annoyed by the inclusion of a fake fan of the game in this panel "review". Ya know, the guy who claims to like the game but actually spends the vast majority of his air time griping about it and gives a 6 out of 10 in the end? Same sorta role as like the MSNBC Republicans and the Fox News Democrats; that of providing obviously fake dissent in order to further legitimize and reinforce the pre-existing prejudices of the viewer. That kinda bullshit is transparent and the sheer dishonesty of it grates on my nerves. (Standard sample line from the so-called fan: "The game focuses on shock and surprise versus suspense and substance. ...and that's poor writing, and that's what this game is filled with." This is the "fan" Joe's invited to defend the game. Do you see the bad faith here?)

The sort of "points" Joe makes are like...

...that Ellie leaves an idyllic scenario that's pretty much my dream life at the farmhouse to pursue Abby even after being defeated by her, for example. Why would a rational person do that? It goes to show you only that he has no understanding of how post-traumatic stress disorder can impact one's psyche. It's not an easy task to always make the rational decision. With my PTSD, I'll tell you what, while I too was very strongly against Ellie's decision to leave and was very much rooting for Dina to succeed in talking her out of it, I feel like I can also understand why Ellie made the foolish decision she did to leave because unfortunately I can easily see myself doing something just as stupid. In real life, people don't always make the wise and healthy decisions, especially when they're struggling with severe mental illness. Other arguments Joe tries to make are like that the game's events should've been presented in strict chronological order or ordered chronologically by character in a strict way rather than ordered in a way that makes more aesthetic sense, which to me just exemplifies a very technical kind of mindset that's not well-suited to the evaluation of art. At other points, Joe gripes both that there are too many "walking parts" and that they're too long and boring, but ALSO that "there needed to be more moments of characterization". Well which is it? It seems like he wants it both ways: both more intimate moments between the characters and also less of them. How does that work? At a later point, he likewise complains that Part II is too similar to the original...right before ALSO complaining: "How many times does the game subvert our expectations? Too many. Minus a point." Well which is it: too similar or too different? At a certain point, you really do have to wish that "Angry Joe" possessed enough self-awareness to realize that he's contradicting himself left and right and not even trying to empathize with any of the characters.

Jaicee i understand you like the game, that's perfectly fine, my sister loves the game too, but this entire issue is disliking others for not liking it. Some points of yours doesn't sit well. Angry Joe is a panel of men however that has nothing to do with the overall opinion of the game. Joe clearly stated that he doesn't care if Joel died, in fact he was expecting him to die, the issue is how he died in his eyes. To him it was character assassination to make room for a forced character. To him, he saw past the method of how they try to make you like Gabby etc. Its all in his review and it just didn't work for him. 

Joe gave the 1st game a 10/10 which for him is a rarity and slapped his Badass Seal of Approval on the game. He and the others loved the first game and you can watch his review or his live stream. So if what your saying is true about his persona, than Joe would have butchered the first game like he did with the second game, but this is not the case here. Again see how others label him because his not part of the industry circle? His quite a fan of the series. If you want to know why he gave TLOU2 a 6/10 he goes through the point system and explains why @31:38 in the video.

To Joe, an average game is a 5/10, anything above is considered above average etc. You don't have to agree which is fine, the industry and community needs to respect peoples opinions. You aren't getting called out for giving the game a 10/10 much like you shouldn't get called out if you gave a game a 4/10. Hence the debate. Angry Joe gives harsh reviews to my favorite games as well, however i respect it due to his reasoning's behind it. Do i agree on some of them? Not always, but its his opinion in the end, i don't need to call him names because of his opinions.

Joe is the biggest idiot on youtube. Did you see him during the "sex scene"?, he clearly doesn't get it. He made it clear he hated abby's chapter, called it boring, which shows how dellusional he is. But we know the real reason here, he couldn't accept joel's death and move on, and have the rest of the game sink in, like others out there. Honestly trying to watch joe throughout that review, i couldn't help but wish i was abby smacking joe's head in with a golf club, that's how irritating and dumb he was. All that yelling, shouting and stupid look on his face, He ruined that game for himself intentionally. If only people really understood before playing the game who joel really is, what he did in the past, what to expect from a sequel realisitically and  what the theme and nature of world "tlou" truly represents.  It's obvious people went into the game with the wrong thought process or misconceptions. 

Last edited by KratosLives - on 20 December 2020