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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Game Awards Thread (2020)


What cringe are you excited about?

Confusing game trailers 4 15.38%
A game you like winning t... 1 3.85%
Josef Fares going insane once again 4 15.38%
Geoff Keighley looking uncomfortable 9 34.62%
Hydrobot’s Revenge 1 3.85%
Awkward backstage attendee interviews 0 0%
Cliff Bleszinski insulting PC gamers 0 0%
Hideo Kojima barred entry once again 1 3.85%
Watching someone use a VR and actin’ a fool 0 0%
The unknown cringe 6 23.08%
Dulfite said:
PAOerfulone said:

You left out the biggest option of all:

All the salty tears and bitching online when Last of Us 2 wins Game of the Year.

I don't know if it will. I don't thing TGA is woke-leaning politically speaking, I could be wrong and maybe they are. There have been a enough Nintendo nominations and awards that I feel like they are fairly center, politically speaking, considering Nintendo games are about as anti woke as games can get.

Nintendo games aren't anti-woke, they are rather just the least political game you can make. Any political instance in the game would be nothing more than an incident created by the devs personal bias, not a clear and intentional  reflection of political instance

In this sense, any Nintendo games can be either slightly right wing or slightly left wing, depending on who made it but also who is playing. Most Nintendo games are made in Japan, so the conservative bias is indeed more common, but saying it is "about as anti woke a game can get" is quite a stretch 

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 10 December 2020

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I'll try to catch some of it but I most probably will just search for a summary of winners and trailers tomorrow instead.

Signature goes here!

Mar1217 said:

Watch the stream peak on the Smash announcement and then the massive exodus following said announce :P

I feel like I have a disconnect with these people lol. This game came out in 2018 and yet people treat character reveals for it like it is a hardware announcement, let alone a new game. I would much prefer they came out with Subspace Emissary DLC announcement, personally, though I do find the reveal videos for the new characters amusing. I just don't get why so many people get so excited about new Smash characters.

Let's GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tlou2 won't win because of all the backlash geoff and game trailers will get on twitter from the toxic haters. Watch it go to animal crossing or tsushima. It will win some awards but won't get game of year unfortunately, just like how death stranding didn't get it.

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Dulfite said:
Mar1217 said:

Watch the stream peak on the Smash announcement and then the massive exodus following said announce :P

I feel like I have a disconnect with these people lol. This game came out in 2018 and yet people treat character reveals for it like it is a hardware announcement, let alone a new game. I would much prefer they came out with Subspace Emissary DLC announcement, personally, though I do find the reveal videos for the new characters amusing. I just don't get why so many people get so excited about new Smash characters.

Counterpoint: the new Smash character is literally the only thing in this show that will ever have even a minute impact on my life.

It's in like 20 minutes, right?

noname2200 said:
Dulfite said:

I feel like I have a disconnect with these people lol. This game came out in 2018 and yet people treat character reveals for it like it is a hardware announcement, let alone a new game. I would much prefer they came out with Subspace Emissary DLC announcement, personally, though I do find the reveal videos for the new characters amusing. I just don't get why so many people get so excited about new Smash characters.

Counterpoint: the new Smash character is literally the only thing in this show that will ever have even a minute impact on my life.

It's in like 20 minutes, right?

Preshow has already had awards and announcements of games.

Trigger Warning

Stephen A. Smith?!?

What the fuck are you doing here?!?!? O.o

Whoa, that dragon game actually looks pretty promising. My feed is annoyingly choppy even with a buffer, though.