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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much units will the PS5 sell next year?


How much will the PS5 sell in 2021?

< 5M 3 $1,050.02 6.52%
5-7.5M 1 $5.00 2.17%
7.5M-10M 3 $161.00 6.52%
10M-12.5M 3 $1,220.00 6.52%
12.5M-15M 7 $1,102.00 15.22%
15M-17.5M 17 $6,386.00 36.96%
17.5M-20M 8 $1,962.00 17.39%
20M-22.5M 1 $1,000.00 2.17%
22.5M-25M 2 $550.00 4.35%
> 25M 1 $1.00 2.17%
Totals: 46 $13,437.02  
Game closed: 12/31/2020

More than twice as much as XBOX SX.

Around the Network
VideoGameAccountant said:
archbrix said:

Although I generally agree with you about launches, using the WiiU as an example actually works against your point:  It shipped 3 million in its first quarter but it only sold through about 2 million of those units during that time (EDIT: actually 2.5m if you count its first 3 months), but by the end of December it was clear to retailers that WiiU was not going to hold any kind of launch momentum and it took Nintendo months to sell through the rest of that initial shipment.  Certainly nothing like the current demand for the PS5.

Considering that was one of the Wii U's best quarters, I think the point still holds true. It sold less than following fiscal year than it did in this one quarter. So here, the launch period was far better than the rest of the console's life. The Wii U is one of the worst selling home consoles so it's never going to compare to 1:1 with either Gen 9 console. I guess what I'm getting at is, early on, your sales are going to be good because you are getting the folks most dedicated to your platform.

EDIT:Sales are from Nintendo's Earning Releases by the by. Just thought I should clarify.

EDIT- Forgot that this was already addressed in another post earlier. Sorry. :/

Last edited by archbrix - on 21 March 2022

According to VGC it sold 12,585,953, which means it barely made it into the 12.5M-15M category. Which wasn't exactly the top option.

I don't think payouts for this were triggered yet, can someone do that @axumblade @TruckOSaurus 

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

I would've lost if I had taken part.

12 million Maximum, as there will be no stock.

Around the Network
victor83fernandes said:

12 million Maximum, as there will be no stock.

At this point below 10 million seems much more likely.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Qwark said:
victor83fernandes said:

12 million Maximum, as there will be no stock.

At this point below 10 million seems much more likely.

I'm gonna go with 1 million, maybe less.

RolStoppable said:
Mnementh said:

According to VGC it sold 12,585,953, which means it barely made it into the 12.5M-15M category. Which wasn't exactly the top option.

It's the option I picked.

But I guess I wasn't particularly confident about it. Apparently I merely placed a dollar here.

$50, seems I was pretty confident about that outcome.