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Forums - Politics Discussion - Amy Coney Barrett to be Nominated to the Supreme Court

vivster said:
WolfpackN64 said:

Is being catholic = being a bigot? No judge is "neutral", bet they still all have to interpret the law, whatever their background.

No, being a bigot is being a bigot. Also being an asshole is being an asshole. She ticks both of those boxes. No judge is neutral, but being religious as opposed to irreligious is already a giant red flag.

I'd rather have judges who base their opinions on evidence than faith.

You mean you prefer judges who ground their opinion in non-religious ideology rather then faith? One always makes a desicion based on the evidence, with rational arguments founded on your ideological worldview. Being religious doesn't make you irrational, being irreligious doesn't make you rational.

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Another one with prehistoric thinking, just what america needs...

NightlyPoe said:
Hiku said:

Democrats are supporting riots? Can you provide a source to this claim?

Supporting protests is not supporting riots.
That would be like saying Republicans support police brutality if they support the police.

Which Democrats supported which criminal?
Which Democrats support violent revolutionary communists?

Not to mention all the Democrat politicians that have allowed the riots to expand by pulling back the police and not calling in the National Guard.  Not to mention all the Democrat DAs who have made a deliberate decision not to charge rioters for their crimes.  Not to mention the media reports that gaslight the nation calling the protests "mostly peaceful" even as scenes of arson, destruction, and violence are on the screen for all to see.

Y'know, that sort of supporting.

I don't understand how you can say "I see arson on the screen" and conclude that the protests can't possibly be mostly peaceful. If 1000 people protest and one person lights a building on fire is the protest mostly peaceful? This is even taking out the fact that the bulk of protests for George Floyd's murder did not have any recorded violence, but I'll be charitable and assume you mean describing a single protest as "mostly peaceful" rather than the overall protests which have obviously been mostly peaceful. 


Sometimes putting the national guard in to regulate situations isn't a good idea. Remember Kent State when they shot and killed a bunch of students? There are some riots but it has been over blown by republicans. Remember 2018 when supposed caravans of endless people coming to USA. Don't hear too much about that these days. It is always fear. Republicans love playing the fear card. Terrorist, immigrants and now riots. Let us see there was also communist threat, socialism, gays, religion and taking guns away. Pretty damn soon they will run out of boogeyman's but I'll give them credit they will think of something. Remember be afraid. Very very afraid.

They like to name call democrats snowflakes but the real snowflakes are republicans because they are always scared of something.

sethnintendo said:

Sometimes putting the national guard in to regulate situations isn't a good idea. Remember Kent State when they shot and killed a bunch of students? There are some riots but it has been over blown by republicans. Remember 2018 when supposed caravans of endless people coming to USA. Don't hear too much about that these days. It is always fear. Republicans love playing the fear card. Terrorist, immigrants and now riots. Let us see there was also communist threat, socialism, gays, religion and taking guns away. Pretty damn soon they will run out of boogeyman's but I'll give them credit they will think of something. Remember be afraid. Very very afraid.

They like to name call democrats snowflakes but the real snowflakes are republicans because they are always scared of something.

Remember that caravan that was supposed to invade and destroy the US a couple years ago that they were all freaking out over?

Remember that time that woman who made a free text game cheated on her boyfriend, and then they formed the Incel community to combat this Watergate level gaming controversy? :P

Remember when they got mad at the suggestion that black people's lives should matter and started threatening people with guns?

Or how about how their breathing is so weak that wearing a simple mask is dangerous to them specifically?

Are they snowflakes? I mean, they ARE the ones complaining about the war on Christmas. Sounds like something a snowflake would do. Don't forget to wish them a happy holidays this year, and watch those snowflakes melt down.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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I’m all for her nomination and appointment. I find it odd there is so much hypocrisy and ignorant remarks about her character or beliefs, yet others don’t see their own failings.

I just want to see meltdowns because it shows a person’s instability. And I’m speaking as a centrist with no affiliation to either party.

I game.  You game.  We game.

I'm a videogamer, not a fanboy, but have a special place for Nintendo.

Current Systems Owned: NSwitch/PS4/XONE/WiiU/3DS/2DS/PCGaming Rig-i7/ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop.

Previous Game Consoles:  PS3/Xbox360/Wii/DSL/Pretty much every one thats been released since the Atari 2600.

caz604 said:
I’m all for her nomination and appointment. I find it odd there is so much hypocrisy and ignorant remarks about her character or beliefs, yet others don’t see their own failings.

I just want to see meltdowns because it shows a person’s instability. And I’m speaking as a centrist with no affiliation to either party.

So as a centrist you are fine with ACA and roe v wade being struck down? 

coolbeans said:
sethnintendo said:

Sometimes putting the national guard in to regulate situations isn't a good idea. Remember Kent State when they shot and killed a bunch of students? There are some riots but it has been over blown by republicans. Remember 2018 when supposed caravans of endless people coming to USA. Don't hear too much about that these days. It is always fear. Republicans love playing the fear card. Terrorist, immigrants and now riots. Let us see there was also communist threat, socialism, gays, religion and taking guns away. Pretty damn soon they will run out of boogeyman's but I'll give them credit they will think of something. Remember be afraid. Very very afraid.

They like to name call democrats snowflakes but the real snowflakes are republicans because they are always scared of something.

That's such an inane way of thinking.  It's about the actual importance of the thing someone is scared of that matters, not the rate at which you're scared.  By this metric, an old-time republican whose fears constantly swing between brewing economic troubles & potential foreign-state aggression against allies is more of a 'snowflake' than some smooth-brained college student who periodically complains about offensive Halloween costumes.  Plus, your examples are kinda weird.  You have to be a special kind of coddled to not sympathize with someone's fear of the riots (and their potential).  For starters, the city of Minneapolis asked the federal government for $500 million.  Is the avg. taxpayer supposed to be this emotionless type of character to avoid being called a 'snowflake' in this scenario?  If you're a small business owner in a big city thinking about upcoming insurance hikes & property tax hikes, it's a normal human reaction to be fearful of that.

This is such a fascinating take to see in a thread where we're supposedly going to be in The Handmaid's Tale b/c this radical theocratic judge recited generic teachings of Jesus to a group of Catholic grads.

Let's see USA did just fine with high tax against rich during Eisenhower era.  People were actually able to clime the ladder with GI Bill and other government assistance.  Fast forward to today when college will put you in debt and average worker wage has barely moved since the 80s.   Trickle down doesn't work no matter how many times you try.

We are now running massive deficts and gave most tax breaks to rich which have done nothing.  Sure small businesses need help but who got most help during 08 and 20 crises?   Big business because they have lobbyist.

coolbeans said:
sethnintendo said:

Let's see USA did just fine with high tax against rich during Eisenhower era.  People were actually able to clime the ladder with GI Bill and other government assistance.  Fast forward to today when college will put you in debt and average worker wage has barely moved since the 80s.   Trickle down doesn't work no matter how many times you try.

We are now running massive deficts and gave most tax breaks to rich which have done nothing.  Sure small businesses need help but who got most help during 08 and 20 crises?   Big business because they have lobbyist.

You're pivoting away from the core of my response to give an incredibly reductive viewpoint about some things that occurred in the past.  We're already in the weeds.

Yea well least not a bitch ass wuss that needs ar15 to defend myself.  I'm 6'3 full of muscle and only needs a viking sledgehammer to show strength.

Edit- that was a slight to that dork that killed two people trying defend a city he wasn't even from. 

What did you want to debate about?  Republicans are on losing stick.   If I'm a lower wage manufacturer worker why would I vote republican?   They don't want to increase wages.    

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 27 September 2020

Try to conceal your excitement when millions of people lose their healthcare.